NOT ONE FBI investigation in to GHASTLY comments, and GROTESQUE images - PUBLICLY POSTED on "Comet Ping Pong" or "Jimmy Comet's OPEN "Instagram" page?
There is a lot of excellent information in David Seaman's videos - about (our words) how the use of CHILD RAPE and/or MURDER and "SACRIFICE" rituals - both of which, all of which DEMAND the KIDNAPPING and "TRAFFICKING" of victims - are a well-honed, centuries old method by WELL FUNDED "cults" to COMPROMISE, seduce, corrupt, BLACKMAIL, & EXTORT political leaders, politicians, educators, press/media editors, writers, publishers, producers, academics, religious leaders, and all other cultural leaders - an EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE method for those CRIMINAL & TREASONOUS "elites" to EXERT THEIR WILL on an unsuspecting - and victimized - public, population, & nation. For example, there is a well sourced story that states that a powerful LABOR UNION LEADER was on the verge of obtaining, after months of strikes, sacrifice, and turmoil - a new contract for his members... but was SEDUCED by an attractive (high-priced!) woman... and, in the glow of pending victory he gave in to temptation and slept with her - only to wake in the morning to a CORPSE - with a barrage of photographers standing over him in bed with the now deceased woman - he of course capitulated to the industrialists (financiers'!) demands, the contract was torn-up.
THAT WAS A ONE-NIGHT breach of morality - JUST IMAGING the power BLACKMAILERS HAVE if they entice powerful politicians to engage in CHILD RAPE and/or sacrifice orgies!
IF the NETWORKS of "pedophilia" CHILD RAPE, KIDNAPPING, & MURDER networks are ANYWHERE NEAR as big as the increasing MOUNTAINS of circumstantial evidence suggest they are - EVERY SINGLE CORP. MEDIA outlet, ALL of the billions-of dollars "MAINSTREAM" media corporations - EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM - ALL of them INSIST & DEMAND that NOT ONE FBI INVESTIGATION BE MADE into the SUSPICIOUS if not GRUESOME if not GHASTLY PUBLICLY POSTED COMMENTS & IMAGES relating to "Comet Ping Pong,' the clearly pedophile-oriented band "HEAVY BREATHING" - and other PUBLICLY POSTED IMAGES & COMMENTS warrant NOT ONE PROFESSIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT investigation - then, clearly, "THE 'ELITES'" are DEEPLY TERRIFIED that their ENTIRE HOUSE of CRIMINAL, SADISTIC, and murderous if not SATANIC corruption will come crashing down!!