AMERICAN TRAITORS Senator John McCain and (former Senator) John Kerry: at instigation of their evil jew war lobby paymasters, KERRY & McCAIN are HANDING AL QAEDA TERRORISTS in Syria HEAVY WEAPONS, POISON GAS, and ANTI-AIRCRAFT MISSILES - to be used against AMERICAN targets in the not-so-distant future
(NEW terror attacks against Americans in the near future will, of course, insure NEW, UNTOLD BILLIONS in "defense" and "war on terror" spending... = pure, mass-murderous extortion by the very "experts" RUNNING the "war on terror" who claim to be "defending America"... but who are actually ARMING TERRORISTS who are KNOWN to WANT TO ATTACK America... again!!!)
Senator JOHN McCAIN(left) and former Senator JOHN KERRY - BOTH TRAITORS, both whores to the evil jew war lobby - BOTH SUPPORT GENOCIDAL AL QAEDA TERRORISTS massacring entire villages - perpetrating GENOCIDE against Syrian CHRISTIAN villagers - in the evil judeo war-state's insane lust to complete the U.S. & evil jew war state funded & supported TERRORIST INVASION OF SYRIA, before Americans and the world wake up to the evil judeo war state's ORCHESTRATED TERROR ATTACKS against any and all nations... not just the Mideast, but throughout the entire world,
including the Wolfowitz-Perle-Feith-Libby-Wurmser-Podhoretz-Zackheim-Netanyahu-Shamir-Sharon green-lighted, unimpeded by jewish "national security 'experts'" AL QAEDA 9-11-2001 terror attacks on NEW YORK and Washington D.C. - the evil jew traitors have ALREADY been IN BED WITH AL QAEDA TERRORISTmass-murder ATTACKS, IN America, killing Americans !
(note the date in the below illustration: May 30, 2013... today! the MASSACRE of ENTIRE VILLAGES, of Christian Syrians, has the TREASONOUS WET-KISS blessings of SENATE TRAITOR John McCain, and SECRETARY OF STATE john "TRAITOR" kerry !! )
In our previous post, we wrote how SLAVISH TOADY pimp/whore to the JEW WAR LOBBY, 'United' States Senator John McCain, has
(undoubtedly at the frantic instigation of his jew paymasters)
TRAVELED DIRECTLY TO SYRIA, to PIMP FURTHER SUPPORT for "the rebels" there fighting to overthrow the Syrian Assad regime -
below - McCain is getting to be pretty regular at PIMPING AL QAEDA TAKEOVERS of Mideast or N. African nations at the behest of his genocidal jewish puppet-masters: the NATO/Al QAEDA LIBYA conquest was the full-dress rehearsal for the Syria/IRAN war the insane judeo warmongers are fervently lusting for, today...
The Assad regime is another in a long list of SECULAR, NON- religious-fanatic regimes in the Mideast and Arab world - including Saddam & Qaddafi - that have been on the evil judeo "HIT LIST" since the treasonous Jews in the U.S. military, White House, and government ALLOWED the same brand of Al Qaeda terrorists UNIMPEDED access to American airliners in the weeks leading up to 9-11-2001, which TERRORIST HIJACKINGS and TERRORIST airliners as-flying-bombs attacks in New York & D.C. allowed the same Judeo dominated "Neo-Cons" to push their U.S. MILITARY INVASION OF IRAQ plans to mass-murderous completion - plans which the treasonous Neo-Cons had been filing and polishing in their government posts and judeo war state (israel) supported "think tanks" for the entire decade before 9-11.
WHY would israel's JEWS be IN BED with AL QAEDA TERRORISTS??
answer: the judeo war-tribe has a 35 centuries history of dealing with some of the most horrific regimes in the Mideast, including King Solomon marrying one of the Egyptian Pharaoh's daughters, and jew "prophet" Jeremiah collaborating with the Babylonian invaders under Nebuchadnezzar
(yes, that would be 'treason' if the bible didn't twist like a pretzel and portray the Babylonian invasion as "god's punishment" on"unfaithful Jerusalem")
and as the horrific Moses attempted extermination of the Midianites demonstrates, the insane Jews feel they are ENTITLED to use any and all allies they want at any given time - including Al Qaeda terrorists on 9-11-2001 and today! - - - they believe they can always EXTERMINATE THEM = EXTERMINATE THEIR OWN ALLIES - once they have amassed enough power to do so.
On a more prosaic level, the judeo war lobby (which is a subdivision of the judeo "money power")
is ALREADY in TOTAL CONTROL of the Gulf ARAB Sunni dictator regimes: these ruthless, mass-murderous THEOCRATIC REGIMES are the despicable jews' FAVORITE ALLIES.
The jews, via their control of the U.S. Congress, White House, State Department, Treasury, and the entire U.S. military, hold a constant "Sword of Damocles" over the Saudi & Gulf Arab royals' heads... the judeo state Mossad (military intel/Secret Police) and High Command will ASSIST the Saudis (Kuwaitis UAE, Bahrain, etc.) in DISPOSING OF THEIR OPPONENTS and regime enemies... the jews secure in the knowledge that the more civilians those theocratic, despot regimes kill, the more they become reviled and detested... and the more vulnerable they become to any opposition groups with the proper Judeo/Neo-Con (U.S. gov't) funding & support.
(Here, InfoWars contributor Saman Mohammadi makes a substantive "conspiracy theory" analysis that Washington - which is to say the Neo-Con judeo war-lobby puppet-masters running the entire U.S. government - was behind Saudi Prince Bandar ("Bandar Bush" as he was known in happier times) assassination in July of 2012...)
below - the evil jew "money power" rothschilds owned "The Economist" magazine... PIMPS GENOCIDAL TERRORIST Al QAEDA proxy INVASION of Syria over the past 2 dozen months!
and here !!
John KERRY & John McCAIN - TWO TRAITOROUS high-ranking "U.S. Government" officials - BOTH LOYAL to the JEW WAR LOBBY - both will perpetrate TREASON, the ARMING OF AL QAEDA mass-murderous TERRORISTS, at their jew handler's frenetic insistence !!
America is now a DIVIDED, CONQUERED, and RULED nation: they pretend we have "a choice" between "Republicans" and "Democrats," but the sad, evil truth as evidenced in these photos (and in the 1,000+ pages of this blog) is that BOTH political parties are WHOLLY OWNED WHORES to the evil jew war lobby....
THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT: The israeli jews, WHO HATE CHRISTIANS AS MUCH or MORE than they HATE Arabs & Muslims,** are IN BED WITH AL QAEDA to MASSACRE, WIPE-OUT, and EXTERMINATE Christians in every nation they can get away with wiping out in the Mideast...
** (note: hard-core "Orthodox", 'Talmudic', or fundamentalist jews REGARD JESUS CHRIST as a TRAITOR to his/their faith... so they regard ALL CHRISTIANS as IDOLATERS to be despised, scorned, and, if at all possible, DISPOSED OFF.)
(NEW terror attacks against Americans in the near future will, of course, insure NEW, UNTOLD BILLIONS in "defense" and "war on terror" spending... = pure, mass-murderous extortion by the very "experts" RUNNING the "war on terror" who claim to be "defending America"... but who are actually ARMING TERRORISTS who are KNOWN to WANT TO ATTACK America... again!!!)
Senator JOHN McCAIN(left) and former Senator JOHN KERRY - BOTH TRAITORS, both whores to the evil jew war lobby - BOTH SUPPORT GENOCIDAL AL QAEDA TERRORISTS massacring entire villages - perpetrating GENOCIDE against Syrian CHRISTIAN villagers - in the evil judeo war-state's insane lust to complete the U.S. & evil jew war state funded & supported TERRORIST INVASION OF SYRIA, before Americans and the world wake up to the evil judeo war state's ORCHESTRATED TERROR ATTACKS against any and all nations... not just the Mideast, but throughout the entire world,
including the Wolfowitz-Perle-Feith-Libby-Wurmser-Podhoretz-Zackheim-Netanyahu-Shamir-Sharon green-lighted, unimpeded by jewish "national security 'experts'" AL QAEDA 9-11-2001 terror attacks on NEW YORK and Washington D.C. - the evil jew traitors have ALREADY been IN BED WITH AL QAEDA TERRORISTmass-murder ATTACKS, IN America, killing Americans !
(note the date in the below illustration: May 30, 2013... today! the MASSACRE of ENTIRE VILLAGES, of Christian Syrians, has the TREASONOUS WET-KISS blessings of SENATE TRAITOR John McCain, and SECRETARY OF STATE john "TRAITOR" kerry !! )
In our previous post, we wrote how SLAVISH TOADY pimp/whore to the JEW WAR LOBBY, 'United' States Senator John McCain, has
(undoubtedly at the frantic instigation of his jew paymasters)
TRAVELED DIRECTLY TO SYRIA, to PIMP FURTHER SUPPORT for "the rebels" there fighting to overthrow the Syrian Assad regime -
below - McCain is getting to be pretty regular at PIMPING AL QAEDA TAKEOVERS of Mideast or N. African nations at the behest of his genocidal jewish puppet-masters: the NATO/Al QAEDA LIBYA conquest was the full-dress rehearsal for the Syria/IRAN war the insane judeo warmongers are fervently lusting for, today...
The Assad regime is another in a long list of SECULAR, NON- religious-fanatic regimes in the Mideast and Arab world - including Saddam & Qaddafi - that have been on the evil judeo "HIT LIST" since the treasonous Jews in the U.S. military, White House, and government ALLOWED the same brand of Al Qaeda terrorists UNIMPEDED access to American airliners in the weeks leading up to 9-11-2001, which TERRORIST HIJACKINGS and TERRORIST airliners as-flying-bombs attacks in New York & D.C. allowed the same Judeo dominated "Neo-Cons" to push their U.S. MILITARY INVASION OF IRAQ plans to mass-murderous completion - plans which the treasonous Neo-Cons had been filing and polishing in their government posts and judeo war state (israel) supported "think tanks" for the entire decade before 9-11.
WHY would israel's JEWS be IN BED with AL QAEDA TERRORISTS??
answer: the judeo war-tribe has a 35 centuries history of dealing with some of the most horrific regimes in the Mideast, including King Solomon marrying one of the Egyptian Pharaoh's daughters, and jew "prophet" Jeremiah collaborating with the Babylonian invaders under Nebuchadnezzar
(yes, that would be 'treason' if the bible didn't twist like a pretzel and portray the Babylonian invasion as "god's punishment" on"unfaithful Jerusalem")
and as the horrific Moses attempted extermination of the Midianites demonstrates, the insane Jews feel they are ENTITLED to use any and all allies they want at any given time - including Al Qaeda terrorists on 9-11-2001 and today! - - - they believe they can always EXTERMINATE THEM = EXTERMINATE THEIR OWN ALLIES - once they have amassed enough power to do so.
On a more prosaic level, the judeo war lobby (which is a subdivision of the judeo "money power")
is ALREADY in TOTAL CONTROL of the Gulf ARAB Sunni dictator regimes: these ruthless, mass-murderous THEOCRATIC REGIMES are the despicable jews' FAVORITE ALLIES.
The jews, via their control of the U.S. Congress, White House, State Department, Treasury, and the entire U.S. military, hold a constant "Sword of Damocles" over the Saudi & Gulf Arab royals' heads... the judeo state Mossad (military intel/Secret Police) and High Command will ASSIST the Saudis (Kuwaitis UAE, Bahrain, etc.) in DISPOSING OF THEIR OPPONENTS and regime enemies... the jews secure in the knowledge that the more civilians those theocratic, despot regimes kill, the more they become reviled and detested... and the more vulnerable they become to any opposition groups with the proper Judeo/Neo-Con (U.S. gov't) funding & support.
(Here, InfoWars contributor Saman Mohammadi makes a substantive "conspiracy theory" analysis that Washington - which is to say the Neo-Con judeo war-lobby puppet-masters running the entire U.S. government - was behind Saudi Prince Bandar ("Bandar Bush" as he was known in happier times) assassination in July of 2012...)
below - the evil jew "money power" rothschilds owned "The Economist" magazine... PIMPS GENOCIDAL TERRORIST Al QAEDA proxy INVASION of Syria over the past 2 dozen months! |
John KERRY & John McCAIN - TWO TRAITOROUS high-ranking "U.S. Government" officials - BOTH LOYAL to the JEW WAR LOBBY - both will perpetrate TREASON, the ARMING OF AL QAEDA mass-murderous TERRORISTS, at their jew handler's frenetic insistence !!
America is now a DIVIDED, CONQUERED, and RULED nation: they pretend we have "a choice" between "Republicans" and "Democrats," but the sad, evil truth as evidenced in these photos (and in the 1,000+ pages of this blog) is that BOTH political parties are WHOLLY OWNED WHORES to the evil jew war lobby....
U.S. Supplied AL QAEDA 'Rebels' MASSACRE Christian Village in Syria this week...
Written by James Heiser
Thursday, 30 May 2013 12:35 President Obama’s administration weighs overt military aid to Syrian rebels [AL QAEDA TERORISTS!], the true character of the revolution underway in that country is becoming horrifically clear. Numerous press reports are providing details of a massacre perpetrated by the Free Syrian Army that annihilated the entire population of a Christian village.
As the [jewish war-lobby propaganda mouthpiece Sulzberger] New York Timesreported last December, anti-American sentiment has grown among the 'rebel' organizations even as the American government has played a key role in propping up the ' rebellion'.
[note: Assyrians have long been associated with Christianity in the region. The Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, Richard Perle, Netanyahu (et al) written & overseen 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, WIPED OUT MUCH of the ASSYRIAN _Christian_ population in Iraq, as well...]A crucial step in that support was the administration’s decision to give formal recognition to rebel organizations — a step just short of recognizing them as the legitimate government of Syria. [BARACK OBAMA is a MASS-MURDER facilitating PUPPET TO the JEW WAR LOBBY.] But now, those rebels Obama has vehemently supported are now proving that in Syria — as in Egypt several years ago — the rebels may prove worse than the tyrants they struggle to overthrow.
According to the Assyrian International News Agency (AINA), forces of the Free Syrian Army massacred the village on May 27: “The armed rebels affiliated to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) raided the Christian-populated al-Duvair village in Reef (outskirts of) Homs near the border with Lebanon today and massacred all its civilian residents, including women and children. The Syrian army, however, intervened and killed tens of terrorists during heavy clashes which are still going on in al-Duvair village.”
Although the United States had opposed the involvement of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front in the rebel coalition, it did not express such reservations in December when OBAMA LAVISHED PRAISE on the coalition.As the New York Times reported at that time:But Mr. Obama praised the opposition, known formally as the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, for what he said was its inclusiveness, its openness to various ethnic and religious groups, and its ties to local councils involved in the fighting against Mr. Assad’s security forces.“At this point we have a well-organized-enough coalition — opposition coalition that is representative — that we can recognize them as the legitimate representative of Syrian people,” he said.…The United States has played an active role behind the scenes in shaping the opposition, insisting that it be broadened and made more inclusive. But until Mr. Obama’s announcement, the United States had held off on formally recognizing the opposition, asserting that it wanted to use the lure of recognition to encourage the rebel leaders to flesh out their political structure and fill important posts.
Now Obama’s "inclusive" opposition has allegedly slaughtered the entire population of al-Duvair, which is the type of crime that the U.S. president has previously purported was sufficient reason for the people of Syria to rise up and overthrow their government.
And the massacre is hardly an isolated incident;
for example, only several weeks ago, rebels attacked the St. Elijah Orthodoxy monastery. As Voice of Russia reported on May 12: “The militants ransacked the cloister, destroyed the sanctuary, blew up the belfry and tore down the statue of St. Prophet Elijah who is equally revered in Syria by both Christians and Muslims, Syria’s SANA news agency reports, quoting the head of the monastery, hegumen Gadir Ibrahim. The hegumen believes the attack to be the work of foreign mercenaries.”
Reports of foreign mercenaries are nothing new in the war against the Assad regime, and the “Syrian” character of the rebellion has been in doubt for some time. As the Independent reported on December 20:Fighters from as many as 29 countries have filtered into Syria
[so much for the EVIL American/judeo PROPAGANDA LIE that the Syrian war is strictly a "freedom-seeking rebellion"]
to join a civil war that has split along SECTARIAN [ = religious fanatic!] lines, increasingly pitting the ruling Alawite community against the majority Sunni Muslims, UN human rights investigators** said today... (cont'd)
** note:(U.N. "human rights investigators" who are COMPLICIT with - bribed by Rothschilds/Fed/israel/U.S. govt. "judenfetzen" money to IGNORE the mass-murderous, atrocities perpetrating AL QAEDA INVASION mentioned in the preceding paragraphs!)
THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT: The israeli jews, WHO HATE CHRISTIANS AS MUCH or MORE than they HATE Arabs & Muslims,** are IN BED WITH AL QAEDA to MASSACRE, WIPE-OUT, and EXTERMINATE Christians in every nation they can get away with wiping out in the Mideast...
** (note: hard-core "Orthodox", 'Talmudic', or fundamentalist jews REGARD JESUS CHRIST as a TRAITOR to his/their faith... so they regard ALL CHRISTIANS as IDOLATERS to be despised, scorned, and, if at all possible, DISPOSED OFF.)