the below is an excellent commentary by Jon Rappaport about his own personal experience working for the multi-billion dollar industry of the American corp. media' 'news' reporting & infotainment industry...
but Mr. Rappaport's commentary has a FATAL FLAW... he suffers a major DELUSION because he FAILS to understand the CRIMINAL TREACHERY behind those who own & control the corporate "mainstream" media... It's actually a "perfectly normal" delusion that tens upon hundreds of millions of us Americans have been brought up with, indoctrinated with, inculcated in: we have been led, taught, socialized and propagandized to BELIEVE that a certain prominent segment within our society is "normal" and does not harbor MALICE & HATRED against us, the peaceful, cooperative, and positive, hopeful majority: we simply can not believe that the POWERFUL "ELITES" who OWN the corp. media - backed up by millions of "their fellow tribesmen" of that distinct and self-declared minority - HATE & LOATH us with a passion, and are at all times SCHEMING for our demise and destruction.... in the most violent, miserable, horrible, terrifying, and torturous ways they can imagine and scheme to perpetrate.
Mr. Rappaport violates the "FIRST COMMANDMENT of WAR" in that he FAILS to understand, know, and appreciate his enemy. that "the enemy' REGARDS us loyal, peaceful, positive, and altruistic Americans AS THE ENEMY, and even as they TALK about egalitarianism, even as they TALK about helping the poor and downtrodden, even as they TALK about the rights of women and poor men and women around the world... "they" are actually not only "in bed" with the SAUDI WAHABBISTS whose brand of fanatic "divine right of g-o-d" Islam ALLOWS FOR THE LEGALIZED MURDER of WOMEN - "HONOR KILLINGS" make it LEGAL for husbands, fathers, brothers, and cousins to KILL their WIVES, SISTERS, DAUGHTERS, nieces, and female cousins for ANY EXCUSE AT ALL, as long as the killing is framed as "defending the family's honor from an adulterous woman bringing a stain upon family honor" - which results in the SAUDI GOVERNMENT ACTUALLY EXECUTING WOMEN FOR BEING RAPE VICTIMS -
but it is NOT the SAUDIS (nor the CHINESE, as Alex Jones maintains) who CONTROLS the AMERICAN CORP. MEDIA: it is JEWISH BILLIONAIRES, and they are NOT interested in "MAKING MONEY" - their FIRST MOTIVATION is DESTROYING the HOST CULTURE and nation that we Americans have created, the JEWISH BILLIONAIRE MEDIA MOGULS are the lead element, the spear-point, the most active & energetic perpetrators of the JEWISH WAR AGAINST AMERICA, which is just the latest in a 25+ centuries Judeo Supremacist war to EXTERMINATE all the tribes, cities, nations, kingdoms and empires around them
The Jewish bible's "EXODUS" story GLOATS about the alleged (mythical - the Moses story related in the bible's "Exodus" chapter never actually happened) KILLINGS of EGYPTIAN CHILDREN; the Jewish bible's ESTHER chapter GLOATS about the (also alleged, mythical) killings of 75,000 people in the Persian empire; and of course the bible's MYTHICAL "Conquest of the holy land" narrative GLOATS about the KILLINGS of every man, woman AND CHILD in JERICHO - and, allegedly, of every other city, town, and village in the Canaan Valley "promised land" -
what is important is that all these stories are ALLEGORIES, these MYTHICAL stories are METAPHORS TELLING Jewish readers HOW THEY SHOULD CONSTANTLY REGARD the NON-JEWS that they live amongst and around: AS THE ENEMY !!
EVEN AS the writers & editors of the HYPOCRITE NEW YORK TIMES LECTURES US Americans about "white supremacy" RACISM.... they,
megaphone on the Hudson,
Watching Major Media commit suicide
Notes on the end of the news business as we know it
It’s personal
by Jon Rappoport
This article goes to many places. I think you’ll find a place that works for you.
I’ve been investigating and reporting on deep medical fraud for 29 years. I’ve been around the block a few hundred times. I’ve spoken with scientists who work for the government and universities, and the media operatives who support them. I know the game.
If Robert F Kennedy Jr is, indeed, given the green light by President Trump to investigate vaccine safety, he’s going to need a truck and a chain and DOJ threats of prosecution to drag key CDC scientists into the light and elicit specific statements from them.
Even then, the odds are these scientists will keep repeating the party line: vaccines are overwhelmingly safe; they have no connection to autism or other neurological damage; the science is settled.
Kennedy could run up against an organized wall of silence—scientists refusing to speak with him, on the basis that he isn’t qualified to make judgements in their “field.”
In that case, he will need subpoena power, for starters.
Many years ago, I interviewed Jim Warner, a White House policy analyst in the Reagan administration. He had been trying to obtain medical-research information from the federal National Institutes of Health. He told me he was given the absolute cold shoulder: “If ever I’ve been tempted to believe in socialism, science has disabused me of that. These guys [at NIH] assume that it’s their show. They just assume it.”
Arrogance par excellence. Scientists rebuff the White House with a yawn.
Fortunately, Kennedy is a relentless investigator. He understands how science is corrupted and paid for. And the ace in the deck is this: there is already enough evidence in the open record to refute the CDC’s claim of vaccine safety.
Trump has blazed a trail of rejecting major media. As a result of his merciless attacks, press outlets are going mad pushing numerous outlandish fake stories. They’re ripe for further incursions on their territory.
In the past, this was the pattern: an outsider enters the scene and accuses the government of vast fraud; media operators assemble their usual cast of sordid characters, who dismiss the charges; everybody goes home and the story dies.
But that’s not working anymore. Media pomposity is exposed as fakery. Millions of people see through the ruse.
The media emperor is naked. He can prance around and around, but his fundamental nakedness keeps compounding the joke.
Truth be told, as their financial positions sink into dire red ink, press operations are trapped. Why?
Because they are partners with the high-level criminals whose activities are the very stories the public wants to know about.
Reporting on these crimes in great depth, day after day, would resuscitate the newspapers and broadcast networks. But that will never happen.
For example, these crimes:
* The Federal Reserve/a clandestine private corporation.
* Medically caused death.
* Toxic vaccines.
* Trillions of dollars of missing US government money.
* The power of the Trilateral Commission over US government policy.
* The covert implementation of the UN agenda of destruction in US communities.
And a hundred more issues.
Expose these down to the core, and people would buy newspapers off the rack like they buy coffee and beer and video games and cell phones and gasoline and underwear and toilet paper and lipstick and fast food. The Times would have to schedule extra press runs just to keep up with the demand. Its financial bottom line would soon look like Christmas.
You could talk to the publisher of the New York Times and present him with an ironclad plan for pulling his paper out of its deep financial hole, based on covering true stories like those above, and you would find no joy, because he would rather go down with the ship than go up against The Matrix.
The Times and other hoary media outlets live by the rule of limited hangout. In intelligence parlance, that means admitting a small piece of the truth in order to hide the rest.
“We’ll show you a tree in the forest, but not the forest.”
I know how it works, because as a reporter I’ve been there. I’ve approached editors of various media outlets with stories that crack the trance, and I’ve had those stories tossed back at me.
“We’re just not interested,” they say. “This isn’t our kind of piece.” Or: “Well, we already covered that.” But they didn’t cover it. They did a limited hangout on it. They ran a story that exposed one tiny corner of a whole bloody mess.
I say this—as simple fact—if any intelligent, aggressive, truly independent investigator were the managing editor of the New York Times, and if he were given free rein, he would have that paper back in the black in a year. He would have it roaring on all cylinders. He would have people fighting each other in the streets to grab the last copy off the newsstand. Journalism schools all over the country would close down in shame. Because he would be running stories that would crack the whole rotting edifice of cartel-control along many fronts, and he would be filling up a planned vacuum of truth with fire.
A decade ago, here is what a working reporter for a major paper told me: “We know what stories we can’t cover. Nobody needs to prep us. Our editors know, too. Otherwise, they’d never get to be editors.”
A player in a non-profit group once told me I could have a job with a paper on the east coast. In a roundabout way, he hinted at what they were looking for. In five minutes, I saw the handwriting on the wall. Essentially, the editor was searching for a reporter who would cover politics in Central America. The stories would have to favor the repressive governments in power. The basic cover was: these leaders were fighting the good fight against Communism. The death squads they were sending out, in cooperation with the CIA, were freedom fighters. And of course, any mention of cocaine trafficking as a means for obtaining weapons was off-limits.
None of this was spelled out. But the message was clear. They wanted a propaganda specialist. If I, as an up and coming reporter, decided to play ball, I could advance up the ladder.
Apparently, some travel was necessary. But I knew I could turn out reams of copy without ever leaving my apartment, because I grasped the fundamental angle I was supposed to pursue. Needless to say, I turned down the offer.
It was the first time I fully realized how easy the job of reporting could be. Assemble a list of reliable sources (who would support the mandatory point of view), walk right into a prepared group of corporate and think-tank allies, pull down copy from wire services, and re-write stories in a way that bolstered the idea that American Empire was really “spreading democracy” to the less fortunate. A walk in the park.
Twenty years later, I saw the same overall pattern in hundreds of major-media stories—but the point of view and the mandate had changed. Now it was all about Globalism. The covert op was the takedown of America, in order to squash the last vestige of political freedom and integrate the nation in “a new economic order.”
However, over the mountains, a new dawn was rising: the Internet. Independent media outlets. The resistance.
It was immediately obvious that, unless someone could shut this new creature down, major media would have no way to challenge the invasion. Independent news sources would gradually wreck MSM financial bottom lines.
Fronting for Globalist princes, Big News would see their bias exposed time and time again. The blowback on them would be enormous.
Trapped and corned like rats, they would attack, but their efforts would only compound their problem.
Then a populist named Donald Trump strolled on to the scene. He knew major media were suffering great losses. He knew online media were in the ascendance. He had people like Steve Bannon (Breitbart) who were bringing him up to speed. He saw how Matt Drudge was obliterating traditional news sources, even while (selectively) linking to them. A revolution was in progress.
Trump had the right stuff for this situation, because he didn’t care about offending people. He was mercurial, reckless; an opportunist. He could fly by the seat of his pants. He realized where and how, in America, the Globalists were causing great damage.
Trump accelerated the fall of major media from their thrones.
People around the world, untold millions, thought to themselves, “Trump is finally giving major media what they deserve.”
Giving the major media what they deserve is a force to be reckoned with, because there is no effective response to it. Nothing works. Who can lead the fight to preserve mainstream news? Answer: mainstream news. That isn’t going to go anywhere, because more and more people are rejecting the mainstream wholesale.
Think of major media as a ship. In full view of the passengers, the captain has just steered it into a shore of high rocks. The craft is beginning to tilt, and it’s taking on water. As the passengers scramble to safety on the beach, the captain is yelling, “Don’t leave, come back, everything is all right, I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s your fault, you’re too stupid to understand the correct principles of navigation!”
Translation: “I’m committing suicide. Go down with me.”
As a reporter starting out in the 1980s, one of my first glimpses of trouble involved a few of the papers I was writing for: they were definitely on the political Left, but at the same time they were businesses. You only had to look at the ads choking the pages to see that. They were capitalist enterprises. But they would never fully admit that. They were operating under a self-induced, self-serving delusion about fundamental economics. Eventually, larger publishers bought them out, and a few of the old guard made significant dollars on the deals. It was an old story about socialists getting rich.
This contradiction plagues every major media outlet today. They claim to serve the public interest, but they want to be rich. Their reporters want very nice salaries. And this is all in the service of Globalism, which aims to bankrupt economies and drive populations into the arms of technocrat planners of societies. It doesn’t add up. It doesn’t work.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich and working hard to achieve it. But claiming, at the same time, that you want the government to run the economy is a sick joke. A transparently sick joke, on the order of wealthy celebrities stumping for socialism, while they hire more armed security and dig bunkers on their walled properties.
Suppose you could approach a well-known and well-paid reporter for the New York Times. And suppose you said this: “For years, you’ve been writing about the less fortunate and giving back and more government support for the downtrodden and humanitarianism and so on—so I want to know, would you be willing to donate two-thirds of your salary, for the sake of equality, to those who need the money? Would you be willing to sell your co-op and give the money to the poor and move into a small apartment?”
The duplicitous and slimy major media are obviously engaged in a long con. They want their cake, they want to eat it, and they also want to appear as architects of “a more humane planet.”
They care about a more humane order in the same way an ant cares about space travel.
They care about serving their bosses, and those bosses have other bosses who are engineering a future of poverty for all, as a mechanism of control. That’s who’s paying reporters their salaries.
Do you know what a tired rich media liberal (fake socialist) looks like? Of course you do. You can see one every night anchoring the national news. Over the years, I’ve spoken with a few of these types. In every case, I’ve gotten the impression they’re sitting on a keg of dynamite. They know how precarious their position is. They’re surprised they’ve lasted as long as they have. Their spouting of liberal homilies is transparent. Where did they go wrong? Answer: the first day they accepted their first job as a reporter. That’s when they sold out. They knew it then, and under cheesy layers of vast pretensions, they still know it now. But they can’t turn around. They’ve made a commitment.
They tell themselves: “It’s business. It’s not personal. This is the business I’m in.”
But of course, it is personal. Everything is personal. We’re talking about lives and minds and souls.
That’s what these reporters traded, in the perverse corner of the marketplace. They chose the rackets, the information mafia, the law of omerta, the dishonorable underground that lives in the highest penthouses.
Whatever gloss they lay on, the trap they’re in stays in place.
And now, they’re sinking and sinking.
I could try to work up pity for them, buy why bother?
Damage is damage, and they’ve done a great deal of it.
A full confession would make a start, but that’s not going to happen.
They’re in a race with themselves. How long can they keep erecting delusions about their work, vs. their growing realization about those delusions?
It’s inescapably personal.
It always was.
The night is falling on them, and the rain is coming down, too. Their mandate is to be on the Inside, but they’re on the Outside now.
They’re the walking dead. They’ll keep walking, but things will never be the same.