below video: SGT report documents - not merely the WIDESPREAD CORRUPTION, but the MURDEROUS, babies killing, CHILDREN RAPING, kidnapping, murders and blackmail DEPRAVITY that are ROUTINELY COVERED UP, whitewashed, censored by the UK "elites" or Powers That Be - and that an exact identical system of DEGENERATE, "satanic" DEPRAVITY and HORRORS runs, rules the highest corridors of power HERE IN AMERICA - and HAS for the past century.
But first, before we get to the SGT Report video, we ask a simple question: "IS IT TRUE that the BRITISH EMPIRE is RULED BY JEWS?"
- ruled by JEW BILLIONAIRES, not just Jew billionaires in Britain, backed up by not just Jew billionaires in the Commonwealth dominions (Canada, Australia, NZ, and others) - but that the "RULING POWER" in Britain, the UK, is composed of hyper-wealthy and established JEWISH families - and that their "leaders" are backed up by the ENTIRE Jewish diaspora in whatever other countries in the world - in France, in the Netherlands, in Brussels, Germany, Switzerland, Ukraine, Russia, America, South America, AND of course IN ISRAEL - IF at any time "the money power" in Britain FEELS THREATENED, can they not CALL ON SUPPORT from BILLIONAIRES "of the tribe" from all over the world - DOES THIS TREMENDOUS AVALANCHE of wealth & power (influence) - money funneled from within & without Britain to PROP UP a DECADENT if not GHASTLY social structure - DOES THIS POWER STRUCTURE have the ability to INVERT REALITY, and BLAME VICTIMS for not only PAST CRIMES... but ENABLE the SERIAL perpetrating of NEW, SIMILAR CRIMES & ATROCITIES.... AS WE SPEAK?!
the problem writing this blog is that EACH of the issues, outrages, atrocities, and scandals we discuss on this blog are far bigger and far worse than the "Watergate" scandal that brought down President Nixon's presidency - and there were volumes of books, articles, and news written about that... the American people, of both parties, "Right" and "Left" are just WILLFULLY IGNORANT, they REFUSE to CONNECT some VERY SIMPLE DOTS - for the simple reason that humans are SOCIAL ANIMALS, in a world full of predators the safest place to be is at the center of the herd - since being an "outlier" exposes far more to predators lurking on the fringes of the herd; and especially since, especially with humans, standing out against the crowd is the most likely way to get yourself killed - the URGE to GO WITH THE FLOW, to NOT stand out - is so strong, that even "land of the free, home of the brave" Americans today will WILLFULLY BE ILLOGICAL, IRRATIONAL, and take the EASY, SUBSERVIENT WAY OUT - rather than CONFRONT the grim reality that American, Britain, France, & Europe are run by.... RULED by very evil people...
The below SGT video report courageously compiles video witness statements and recent history to make the case the Britain, England, the UK is RUN BY VERY EVIL PEOPLE - and that a similar, nay exact copy of this system of pure, distilled evil also runs the United States of America - a system where POWERFUL PEOPLE ROUTINELY PERPETRATE HEINOUS CRIMES - with the expectation and full knowledge that those CRIMES will be WHITEWASHED, SCRUBBED, CENSORED OUT of the news and stories people would need to hear to hold those perpetaters accountable; that those stories of HEINOUS CRIMES & ATROCITIES will be PURGED OUT of "the narrative" and public discourse that the public sees, hears, and talks about, vitiating the concept of democracy, because the figures presented to the people as "leaders" are actually depraved, soulless, and murderous persons who, by any normal standard of justice and jurisprudence, belong in prison... or on death row.
But first - before we get to SGT's most impassioned plea & call for action and outrage yet - over many dozens of similar videos documenting serial High Crimes, atrocities, and treasons perpetrated by powerful govt. and private officials over the past few years - we feel compelled to ask "JUST WHO are the people REALLY running, ruling Britain, England, and the United Kingdom?" Is it really the Queen, the royals and house of lords, and Parliament acting behind one of their own, the Prime Minister? Or is there ANOTHER even more powerful force behind the throne... behind the curtain... behind the Parliament and legislators... BEHIND, over, and ABOVE the courts, prosecutors, police, detectives, and corporate, "mainstream" media in Britain?!
Well, over the years of our research in to the topic, we have heard many rumors which - while at first glance may appear "conspiracy theory" - find a way of popping up with such recurring frequency, over so many different widely spread subjects and entirely different topics, that those rumors, stories and anecdotes must be dealt with on their own merits, and not dismissed out of hand as "too extreme" to even bear a passing glance, much less closer scrutiny. And - after the above 5 paragraphs of long-winded introduction, we will cut to the chase, and ask,
well - THEY ARE TRYING!! And as of right now, Americans on BOTH sides of the "Left-Right" POLITICAL divide PRETEND NOT to notice that - left or right - IT'S ALWAYS "the Tribe" RUNNING... RUINING things - including FREE SPEECH & FREEDOM OF RELIGION - we now - under these 2+ decades of INSTIGATED 9/11, anthrax, & hired terrorists armies JEW WARS - are OBLIGATED, FORCED, EXTORTED to SPEND OUR NATIONAL BLOOD & TREASURE on behalf of FIVE MILLION lousy souls ghouls who keep TELLING US that THEY are "chosen by g-o-d" - but that HE is TOO LAZY to DEFEND THEM without OUR taxpayer dollars & weapons !!!
horrific "bonus" - the land-mark SGT report exposing - in our estimation entirely credible reporting - that EVERY SINGLE DAY as a mark of "religious dedication" (sic) - A CHILD IS MURDERED in sacrificial rituals at a ghastly castle in Belgium - EVERY SINGLE DAY at least one victim is brought to be murdered, killed, tortured & drained of blood and possibly consumed....
BELIEVE US, WE WISH WE HAD BETTER THINGS TO DO these past 5 months than try to get to the bottom of the HORRIFIC DEPRAVITIES of the ruling "elites" and their vile, disgusting LIES - and their hired ARMIES of PAID PROFESSIONAL LIARS and ghastly police, govt. courts, judges, media, and CHURCH & temple ACCOMPLICES & ENABLERS - IF CHILDREN are being MURDERED, "sacrificed" IN CHURCHES - then SOME CHURCH OFFICIALS know, they are scheduling the rituals when "normal" church-goers are not there
But first, before we get to the SGT Report video, we ask a simple question: "IS IT TRUE that the BRITISH EMPIRE is RULED BY JEWS?"
- ruled by JEW BILLIONAIRES, not just Jew billionaires in Britain, backed up by not just Jew billionaires in the Commonwealth dominions (Canada, Australia, NZ, and others) - but that the "RULING POWER" in Britain, the UK, is composed of hyper-wealthy and established JEWISH families - and that their "leaders" are backed up by the ENTIRE Jewish diaspora in whatever other countries in the world - in France, in the Netherlands, in Brussels, Germany, Switzerland, Ukraine, Russia, America, South America, AND of course IN ISRAEL - IF at any time "the money power" in Britain FEELS THREATENED, can they not CALL ON SUPPORT from BILLIONAIRES "of the tribe" from all over the world - DOES THIS TREMENDOUS AVALANCHE of wealth & power (influence) - money funneled from within & without Britain to PROP UP a DECADENT if not GHASTLY social structure - DOES THIS POWER STRUCTURE have the ability to INVERT REALITY, and BLAME VICTIMS for not only PAST CRIMES... but ENABLE the SERIAL perpetrating of NEW, SIMILAR CRIMES & ATROCITIES.... AS WE SPEAK?!
the problem writing this blog is that EACH of the issues, outrages, atrocities, and scandals we discuss on this blog are far bigger and far worse than the "Watergate" scandal that brought down President Nixon's presidency - and there were volumes of books, articles, and news written about that... the American people, of both parties, "Right" and "Left" are just WILLFULLY IGNORANT, they REFUSE to CONNECT some VERY SIMPLE DOTS - for the simple reason that humans are SOCIAL ANIMALS, in a world full of predators the safest place to be is at the center of the herd - since being an "outlier" exposes far more to predators lurking on the fringes of the herd; and especially since, especially with humans, standing out against the crowd is the most likely way to get yourself killed - the URGE to GO WITH THE FLOW, to NOT stand out - is so strong, that even "land of the free, home of the brave" Americans today will WILLFULLY BE ILLOGICAL, IRRATIONAL, and take the EASY, SUBSERVIENT WAY OUT - rather than CONFRONT the grim reality that American, Britain, France, & Europe are run by.... RULED by very evil people...
The below SGT video report courageously compiles video witness statements and recent history to make the case the Britain, England, the UK is RUN BY VERY EVIL PEOPLE - and that a similar, nay exact copy of this system of pure, distilled evil also runs the United States of America - a system where POWERFUL PEOPLE ROUTINELY PERPETRATE HEINOUS CRIMES - with the expectation and full knowledge that those CRIMES will be WHITEWASHED, SCRUBBED, CENSORED OUT of the news and stories people would need to hear to hold those perpetaters accountable; that those stories of HEINOUS CRIMES & ATROCITIES will be PURGED OUT of "the narrative" and public discourse that the public sees, hears, and talks about, vitiating the concept of democracy, because the figures presented to the people as "leaders" are actually depraved, soulless, and murderous persons who, by any normal standard of justice and jurisprudence, belong in prison... or on death row.
But first - before we get to SGT's most impassioned plea & call for action and outrage yet - over many dozens of similar videos documenting serial High Crimes, atrocities, and treasons perpetrated by powerful govt. and private officials over the past few years - we feel compelled to ask "JUST WHO are the people REALLY running, ruling Britain, England, and the United Kingdom?" Is it really the Queen, the royals and house of lords, and Parliament acting behind one of their own, the Prime Minister? Or is there ANOTHER even more powerful force behind the throne... behind the curtain... behind the Parliament and legislators... BEHIND, over, and ABOVE the courts, prosecutors, police, detectives, and corporate, "mainstream" media in Britain?!
Well, over the years of our research in to the topic, we have heard many rumors which - while at first glance may appear "conspiracy theory" - find a way of popping up with such recurring frequency, over so many different widely spread subjects and entirely different topics, that those rumors, stories and anecdotes must be dealt with on their own merits, and not dismissed out of hand as "too extreme" to even bear a passing glance, much less closer scrutiny. And - after the above 5 paragraphs of long-winded introduction, we will cut to the chase, and ask,
well - THEY ARE TRYING!! And as of right now, Americans on BOTH sides of the "Left-Right" POLITICAL divide PRETEND NOT to notice that - left or right - IT'S ALWAYS "the Tribe" RUNNING... RUINING things - including FREE SPEECH & FREEDOM OF RELIGION - we now - under these 2+ decades of INSTIGATED 9/11, anthrax, & hired terrorists armies JEW WARS - are OBLIGATED, FORCED, EXTORTED to SPEND OUR NATIONAL BLOOD & TREASURE on behalf of FIVE MILLION lousy souls ghouls who keep TELLING US that THEY are "chosen by g-o-d" - but that HE is TOO LAZY to DEFEND THEM without OUR taxpayer dollars & weapons !!!
horrific "bonus" - the land-mark SGT report exposing - in our estimation entirely credible reporting - that EVERY SINGLE DAY as a mark of "religious dedication" (sic) - A CHILD IS MURDERED in sacrificial rituals at a ghastly castle in Belgium - EVERY SINGLE DAY at least one victim is brought to be murdered, killed, tortured & drained of blood and possibly consumed....
BELIEVE US, WE WISH WE HAD BETTER THINGS TO DO these past 5 months than try to get to the bottom of the HORRIFIC DEPRAVITIES of the ruling "elites" and their vile, disgusting LIES - and their hired ARMIES of PAID PROFESSIONAL LIARS and ghastly police, govt. courts, judges, media, and CHURCH & temple ACCOMPLICES & ENABLERS - IF CHILDREN are being MURDERED, "sacrificed" IN CHURCHES - then SOME CHURCH OFFICIALS know, they are scheduling the rituals when "normal" church-goers are not there