by the SAME treasonous, MASS-MURDEROUS 'Neo-Con' WARMONGERS who were the puppet-masters BEHIND the Bush-Cheney WH - "wolfowitz THE ARCHITECT of Iraq war" aays the jewish owned Bloomberg 'news'!
We Americans voted for *CHANGE* in 2006 and 2008, but instead we got... MORE GEITHNER, more BERNANKE, more Fed, jpm, Lehman & Goddamn-Sachs debt rape, wage slavery, titanic FRAUD, & massive monopoly extortion ECONOMIC SABOTAGE...
more Chertoff/mukasey/(holder/Napolitano) DHS GESTAPO POLICE STATE prison gulags...
....and MORE GOD-DAMNED mass-murderous, treasury depleting, economy killing, "we can kill anyone we want to" demonic, blood-thirsty JEWISH WARS !!
America - MEET THE FACE OF YOUR new mass-murderous TERRORIST'ALLIES' in the evil NETANYAHU / AIPAC jewish INSTIGATED Syrian WAR:
note the headlines next to the photo of the AL QAEDA gun-waving killer - the TREASONOUS satanic "skull & bones" WAR PIG JOHN KERRY WANTS TO SEND IN THE U.S. ARMY to HELP THESE TERRORISTS KILL SYRIANS !!!
Kerry, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Hillary, Panetta, Reid, - they ALL ANSWER TO the mass-murderous, genocidal JEWISH WAR LOBBY, "AIPAC", UJA, AJC, and Netanyahu's blatantly insane judeo Supremacist Likudniks -
THE TREASONOUS "Democrats" are HELPING A FOREIGN POWER - Israel - IMPOSE JUDAISM and JEWISH SUPREMACY in particular, on 350 million Americans.... and the entire Mideast and world...
The chaos, mass-murder and social disintegration the evil jews and their treasonous U.S. political puppets have visited on SYRIA... will be soon COMING HERE TO AMERICA...
...just as soon as the TRAITORS WHIP UP THEIR NEXT 9-11/Boston Marathon Bombing FALSE FLAG TERROR ATTACKS HERE IN AMERICA, which will give them the cover they need to CRASH our critical financial markets (as they did in 1929)
and treat us now unemployed, dispossessed, savings-wiped-out AMERICANS the same way they are treating SYRIAN REFUGEES - as DISPOSABLE ANIMALS, as VERMIN to be rounded up in the Chertoff DHS gulag, left to starve in cordoned off urban ghettos, or marched off to the desert to die...
"AIPAC is the 800 lb. DEMONIC, mass-murderous, child-killing, blood-drinking, body-parts eating savage GORILLA BEHIND THE SYRIAN WAR"
- notices the very JEWISH OWNED Sulzberger "we love new wars and profiteering from MASS-MURDER, TERRORISM... and GENOCIDE!" NY Times!
They even mention the real atrocity:THE MASS MURDEROUS al QAEDA TERRORST INVASION and PROXY WAR the Netanyahu + 'American' AIPAC JEWS have UNLEASHED ON SYRIA, is but a prelude... an APPETIZER for"the real deal" - GETTING THE UNITED STATES people and their military to ATTACK and KILL MILLIONS OF IRANIANS!!
Administration officials said the influential pro-Israel lobby group Aipac was already at work pressing for military action against the government of Mr. Assad, fearing that if Syria escapes American retribution for its use of chemical weapons, Iran might be emboldened in the future to attack Israel. In the House, the majority leader, Eric Cantor of Virginia, the only Jewish Republican in Congress, has long worked to challenge Democrats’ traditional base among Jews.
One administration official, who, like others, declined to be identified discussing White House strategy, called Aipac “the 800-pound gorilla in the room,” and said its allies in Congress had to be saying, “If the White House is not capable of enforcing this red line” against the catastrophic use of chemical weapons, “we’re in trouble.”
below cartoon: "How treasonous Vice President DICK CHENEY STOLE THE CONSTITUTION - and STARTED mass-murderous WARS and ran dictatorship GESTAPO POLICE STATE POWERS at the goading of his JEWISH WAR LOBBY puppet masters...
below cartoon: THE DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN IN BED WITH the AIPAC treasonous, genocidal, mass-murderous, dictatorial JEWISH WAR LOBBY ALL ALONG - the Jane Harman "AIPAC SLUSH-FUND, BRIBES, influence-peddling, and KICKBACKS SCANDAL" broke in October of 2006 - mere weeks before the critical 2006 election which.
Had the Bush-Cheney Republicans won (retained) the majority in Congress in the critical 2006 elections we would have seen them IMMEDIATELY START the IRAN WAR... the Pelosi-HARMAN-EMANUEL "Democrats" WERE already IN BED WITH the JEWISH WAR LOBBY
(hell, Harman, Emanuel, Schumer, Levinm Feinstein, Lautenberg and Lie-berman, etc., ad naseum.. WERE the evil jewish war lobby!)
that was THE POWERbehind the Bush-Cheney administration,
even as AMERICANS DEMANDED "CHANGE" from the despised Bush, Cheney, WOLFOWITZ, LIBBY, and AIPAC's grotesque wars...
...way back in 2006!
THE jewish WAR-PIG THINK THEY ARE "so smart" - AMERICANS WANTED "CHANGE" back in _2006_ but here it is - SEVEN YEARS later - and they, the DESPICABLE LYING, BRIBING, MASS-MURDEROUS FIENDS, have MANEUVERED our "Democrat" elected officials to SOUND JUST LIKE the DESPISED Bush & Cheney back in 2006 !!
note how our above 'wikipedia' link for their "JANE HARMAN KICKBACKS & BRIBES from israel JEWISH WAR LOBBY " (AIPAC) SCANDAL" article DOESN'T EVEN USE THE WORD "scandal" -
- THAT'S HOW EFFECTIVE the TREASONOUS JEWS are at WHITEWASHING their CRIMES, TREASON, SPYING, and GENOCIDAL WAR-MONGERING from what the American public sees and hears every day
below 3 illustrations: WE Americans VOTED FOR *change* FROM the AIPAC/jew-war-lobby goaded BUSH-Cheney-WOLFOWITZ (perle, faith, libby, wurmser, zackheim, podhoretz, kristol, kagan,kaganovich, et al) WARS back in *2006* and AGAIN in 2008...
but, INSTEAD - empowered by all the money they have STOLEN from the American economy by the treasonous Bernanke Fed, Goddamn-Sachs, & JPM banksters (and "military industrial complex" WAR PROFITEERING) -
and more MASS-MURDEROUS, TERROR INCITING, genocidal humanity 'cleansing' evil JEWISH WARS !!
by the SAME treasonous, MASS-MURDEROUS 'Neo-Con' WARMONGERS who were the puppet-masters BEHIND the Bush-Cheney WH - "wolfowitz THE ARCHITECT of Iraq war" aays the jewish owned Bloomberg 'news'!
We Americans voted for *CHANGE* in 2006 and 2008, but instead we got... MORE GEITHNER, more BERNANKE, more Fed, jpm, Lehman & Goddamn-Sachs debt rape, wage slavery, titanic FRAUD, & massive monopoly extortion ECONOMIC SABOTAGE...
more Chertoff/mukasey/(holder/Napolitano) DHS GESTAPO POLICE STATE prison gulags...
....and MORE GOD-DAMNED mass-murderous, treasury depleting, economy killing, "we can kill anyone we want to" demonic, blood-thirsty JEWISH WARS !!
America - MEET THE FACE OF YOUR new mass-murderous TERRORIST'ALLIES' in the evil NETANYAHU / AIPAC jewish INSTIGATED Syrian WAR:
note the headlines next to the photo of the AL QAEDA gun-waving killer - the TREASONOUS satanic "skull & bones" WAR PIG JOHN KERRY WANTS TO SEND IN THE U.S. ARMY to HELP THESE TERRORISTS KILL SYRIANS !!!
Kerry, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Hillary, Panetta, Reid, - they ALL ANSWER TO the mass-murderous, genocidal JEWISH WAR LOBBY, "AIPAC", UJA, AJC, and Netanyahu's blatantly insane judeo Supremacist Likudniks -
THE TREASONOUS "Democrats" are HELPING A FOREIGN POWER - Israel - IMPOSE JUDAISM and JEWISH SUPREMACY in particular, on 350 million Americans.... and the entire Mideast and world...
The chaos, mass-murder and social disintegration the evil jews and their treasonous U.S. political puppets have visited on SYRIA... will be soon COMING HERE TO AMERICA...
...just as soon as the TRAITORS WHIP UP THEIR NEXT 9-11/Boston Marathon Bombing FALSE FLAG TERROR ATTACKS HERE IN AMERICA, which will give them the cover they need to CRASH our critical financial markets (as they did in 1929)
and treat us now unemployed, dispossessed, savings-wiped-out AMERICANS the same way they are treating SYRIAN REFUGEES - as DISPOSABLE ANIMALS, as VERMIN to be rounded up in the Chertoff DHS gulag, left to starve in cordoned off urban ghettos, or marched off to the desert to die...
"AIPAC is the 800 lb. DEMONIC, mass-murderous, child-killing, blood-drinking, body-parts eating savage GORILLA BEHIND THE SYRIAN WAR"
- notices the very JEWISH OWNED Sulzberger "we love new wars and profiteering from MASS-MURDER, TERRORISM... and GENOCIDE!" NY Times!
They even mention the real atrocity:THE MASS MURDEROUS al QAEDA TERRORST INVASION and PROXY WAR the Netanyahu + 'American' AIPAC JEWS have UNLEASHED ON SYRIA, is but a prelude... an APPETIZER for"the real deal" - GETTING THE UNITED STATES people and their military to ATTACK and KILL MILLIONS OF IRANIANS!!
Administration officials said the influential pro-Israel lobby group Aipac was already at work pressing for military action against the government of Mr. Assad, fearing that if Syria escapes American retribution for its use of chemical weapons, Iran might be emboldened in the future to attack Israel. In the House, the majority leader, Eric Cantor of Virginia, the only Jewish Republican in Congress, has long worked to challenge Democrats’ traditional base among Jews.
One administration official, who, like others, declined to be identified discussing White House strategy, called Aipac “the 800-pound gorilla in the room,” and said its allies in Congress had to be saying, “If the White House is not capable of enforcing this red line” against the catastrophic use of chemical weapons, “we’re in trouble.”
below cartoon: "How treasonous Vice President DICK CHENEY STOLE THE CONSTITUTION - and STARTED mass-murderous WARS and ran dictatorship GESTAPO POLICE STATE POWERS at the goading of his JEWISH WAR LOBBY puppet masters...
below cartoon: THE DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN IN BED WITH the AIPAC treasonous, genocidal, mass-murderous, dictatorial JEWISH WAR LOBBY ALL ALONG - the Jane Harman "AIPAC SLUSH-FUND, BRIBES, influence-peddling, and KICKBACKS SCANDAL" broke in October of 2006 - mere weeks before the critical 2006 election which.
Had the Bush-Cheney Republicans won (retained) the majority in Congress in the critical 2006 elections we would have seen them IMMEDIATELY START the IRAN WAR... the Pelosi-HARMAN-EMANUEL "Democrats" WERE already IN BED WITH the JEWISH WAR LOBBY
(hell, Harman, Emanuel, Schumer, Levinm Feinstein, Lautenberg and Lie-berman, etc., ad naseum.. WERE the evil jewish war lobby!)
that was THE POWERbehind the Bush-Cheney administration,
even as AMERICANS DEMANDED "CHANGE" from the despised Bush, Cheney, WOLFOWITZ, LIBBY, and AIPAC's grotesque wars...
...way back in 2006!
THE jewish WAR-PIG THINK THEY ARE "so smart" - AMERICANS WANTED "CHANGE" back in _2006_ but here it is - SEVEN YEARS later - and they, the DESPICABLE LYING, BRIBING, MASS-MURDEROUS FIENDS, have MANEUVERED our "Democrat" elected officials to SOUND JUST LIKE the DESPISED Bush & Cheney back in 2006 !!
note how our above 'wikipedia' link for their "JANE HARMAN KICKBACKS & BRIBES from israel JEWISH WAR LOBBY " (AIPAC) SCANDAL" article DOESN'T EVEN USE THE WORD "scandal" -
- THAT'S HOW EFFECTIVE the TREASONOUS JEWS are at WHITEWASHING their CRIMES, TREASON, SPYING, and GENOCIDAL WAR-MONGERING from what the American public sees and hears every day
below 3 illustrations: WE Americans VOTED FOR *change* FROM the AIPAC/jew-war-lobby goaded BUSH-Cheney-WOLFOWITZ (perle, faith, libby, wurmser, zackheim, podhoretz, kristol, kagan,kaganovich, et al) WARS back in *2006* and AGAIN in 2008...
but, INSTEAD - empowered by all the money they have STOLEN from the American economy by the treasonous Bernanke Fed, Goddamn-Sachs, & JPM banksters (and "military industrial complex" WAR PROFITEERING) -
and more MASS-MURDEROUS, TERROR INCITING, genocidal humanity 'cleansing' evil JEWISH WARS !!