soros, ROTSCHILDS, Chabad et al
GENOCIDAL insane traitor Jews:
TRILLIONS $$ of dollars in "BAILOUTS" for the not merely criminally FRAUDULENT, but INTENTIONALLY ECONOMY SABOTAGING JEW FINANCIERS and their despised "goyim" COLLABORATORS in High Crimes, Treason, & economic SABOTAGE...
as American Veterans kill themselves by the hundreds, NEGLECTED and TOSSED ASIDE by their OWN STUPID, TREASON, WARS, & ECONOMIC SABOTAGE tolerating fellow citizens:
and TRILLIONS MORE in FRAUDULENT "Fed" central bak "interest on the debt" payments to those same Goddamn-Sachs, 'Fed' TREASONOUS JEW financiers... (in a BALANCED system, their "PROFITS" would be TAXED at a rate commensurate with "the national debt" which they have been given a MONOPOLY LICENSE to create - "fiat money" = "DEBT" or "credit money" - out of THIN AIR. The VILE, INSANE JEWS are like a CRIMINAL MOB: DREAMING of ways to DISPOSSESS AMERICANS - while STEALING an every larger slice of the American economic pie. In no time at all you are where we are today: the "AMERICAN" economy SERVES JEWS FINANCIERS - who are DETERMINED to EXTERMINATE as many millions of Americans as they can get away with. This financial DEBT EXTORTION & SABOTAGE model is ONLY possible - because the evil Jews use those ill-gotten billions & trillions of dollars to buy up all successful MEDIA CORPORATIONS to thus exert a JEWISH MEDIA MONOPOLY. WE ARE REAPING the whirlwind of AMERICANS TOO STUPID & INTELLECTUALLY COWARDLY to CALL OUT their jewish "friends"& neighbors on the JEWISH MEDIA MONOPOLY - which now extends to JEW BILLIONAIRES OWNED Fakebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, & etc. INFORMATION MONOPOLIES & DEMOCRACY are INCOMPATIBLE: the STINKING, EVIL, TRAITOR JEWS do NOT BELIEVE in DEMOCRACY, they do NOT believe in HUMAN RIGHTS, they do NOT believe in FREEDOM OF RELIGION, they do NOT believe in "a stable geo-political world" - they DO EMBRACE an AGENDA FAR MORE GENOCIDAL & MASS-MURDEROUS than Adolf Hitler - as Americans will soon find out to all of our horror
+ WAR PROFITS from the DIANNE FEINSTEIN, PENNY PRITZKER, Rotschilds et al Jew millionaires, billionaires, & trillionaires....
meanwhile, pink-slips, LOOTED PENSIONS, outsourced industry, minimum-wage bugger-flipping jobs; , the GUTTER, the fema/DHS SURVEILLANCE STATE, the CHERTOFF-FEINSTEIN GULAGS administered by the TRAITOR JEW JUDGES & prosecutors and their foul armies of CHILD RAPING blackmailed collaborators on the bench - all this tragedy, TREASON, domestic economic SABOTAGE, + GLOBAL GENOCIDE & DESTRUCTION by JEWS
as TRUMPS WARS are set to EXPLODE ALL OVER THE WORLD SIMULTANEOUSLY - SYRIA, UKRAINE, CHINA, millions of Americans are going to die, because Trump had sex with teenage girls on JEW TRAITOR EPSTEIN's MOSSAD CHILD SEX SLAVE blackmail operations
DONALD TRUMP - BLACKMAILED by the EVIL, TREASONOUS JEWS' never-ending CHILD SEX SLAVERY rings - seduction, corruption, & DEGENERATION operations -
SELLS OUT AMERICA, EMBRACES the hillary, SOROS, ROTSCHILDS, GODDAMN-SACHS JEW NAZI AGENDA: USE BILLIONS of U.S. govt. dollars to KILL MILLIONS of Middle East victims - in SYRIA, in Libya, in Somalia, in Sudan, in Egypt, in Pakistan, in Afghanistan, now extending to CHRISTIANS in RUSSIA, UKRAINE, and across the globe....
...while AMERICAN & EUROPEAN CHRISTIANS are ATTACKED by the Evil Rotschild led Jews ARMIES of IMMIGRANTS and terrorized Refugees displaced from the evil Rotschilds' ever metastasizing wars -