President Donald Trump - EXTORTED by HIS JEW CREDITORS when his Casino empire was on the verge of collapse, forced to RAPE & MURDER a young 12-13 year old girl ON VIDEO as the only means to either "restructure" his billions of dollars of loans from JEW FINANCIERS - OR GO BANKRUPT - now GROVELS before the very people who planned & perpetrated 9/11...
turning not only President Trump; but turning the SMARTEST, MOST BRILLIANT people in the U.S. government, industry, military, academia - even brilliant nuclear weapons designers, even brilliant Cold War era counter-espionage & intel experts - in to nothing but GROVELING HOUSE SLAVES
to the vile, demonic, Satanic, reality inverting Jew parasites
We certainly live in interesting times: the SYRIAN ARMY, Russian airforce, Iranian militia, and China economic powerhouse are the ONLY things KEEPING AMERICANS with even the PRETENSE of "freedom" - should the evil Jews "crack" any of those opposition forces, it will be an OVERT MASS-MURDEROUS JUDEO DICTATORSHIP here in America - under TALMUDIC "chabad" TRAITOR JARED KUSHNER (and his IN BED WITH SATANIC NY SOCIETY wife Ivanka), under "I GOT MY BAILOUTS when CITI 'bank' nearly went BUST - AUSTERITY for the 'GOYIM'!" whether in GREECE, CYPRUS... SPAIN, PORTUGAL, ICELAND, FRANCE, BRITAIN, Canada.. or HERE IN AMERICA... SABOTAGE & SATANIC MASS-MURDER is what these VILE JEW TRAITORS who try to RAM THEIR GOD-DAMNED RELIGION down OUR throats do....
turning not only President Trump; but turning the SMARTEST, MOST BRILLIANT people in the U.S. government, industry, military, academia - even brilliant nuclear weapons designers, even brilliant Cold War era counter-espionage & intel experts - in to nothing but GROVELING HOUSE SLAVES
to the vile, demonic, Satanic, reality inverting Jew parasites
We certainly live in interesting times: the SYRIAN ARMY, Russian airforce, Iranian militia, and China economic powerhouse are the ONLY things KEEPING AMERICANS with even the PRETENSE of "freedom" - should the evil Jews "crack" any of those opposition forces, it will be an OVERT MASS-MURDEROUS JUDEO DICTATORSHIP here in America - under TALMUDIC "chabad" TRAITOR JARED KUSHNER (and his IN BED WITH SATANIC NY SOCIETY wife Ivanka), under "I GOT MY BAILOUTS when CITI 'bank' nearly went BUST - AUSTERITY for the 'GOYIM'!" whether in GREECE, CYPRUS... SPAIN, PORTUGAL, ICELAND, FRANCE, BRITAIN, Canada.. or HERE IN AMERICA... SABOTAGE & SATANIC MASS-MURDER is what these VILE JEW TRAITORS who try to RAM THEIR GOD-DAMNED RELIGION down OUR throats do....