Microwave, or EMF (electro-magnetic frequency) radiation CAN BE DEADLY in high doses
- simply imagine putting a small animal in a microwave oven! -
- and even lower doses over prolonged periods can injure, harm or otherwise destroy your internal organs - up to and including your heart and brain. The fact that "YOUR" GOVERNMENT and corporate WHORE media are NOT addressing this issue of MASSIVE HUMAN EXPOSURE
(to HARMFUL levels of EMF radiation) 24/7, 365.... is simply more proof, if any was needed, that YOUR GOVERNMENT, YOUR society, and YOUR WORLD are RULED by SATANIC PIGS whose FIRST and ONLY MOTIVATION (having already amassed "more money than god") in all things is to accumulate or aggregate unto themselves THE POWER to KILL YOU and everyone around you - both swiftly and in slow motion....
Several decades ago, we learned from a military ordinance / radar technician who worked on military jet fighters
that when they put a repaired fighter jet's powerful tracking & fire-control radar under testing... rabbits and other small animals in the field in front of where the fighter-jet's nose was pointed WOULD BE KILLED, as the fighter aircraft's radar of course emits or produces as much focused "radar" or microwave energy into the airspace in front of the aircraft, as military designers can pack into the system -
...PLENTY of focused energy, it turns out, to "fry"or "cook" or otherwise destroy the internal organs of any rabbit or other small animal in the path of the powerful radar beam from the inside out.
Today with MASSIVE cell phone towers emitting GOBS of radiation 24/7 in all directions....
we humans are getting a SLO-BURN dose of the same,
ORGANS COOKING radiation, microwave, or EMF exposure... at lower doses, but constantly, over much, much longer time spans... with similar ORGAN DAMAGE and life threatening results...
- simply imagine putting a small animal in a microwave oven! -
- and even lower doses over prolonged periods can injure, harm or otherwise destroy your internal organs - up to and including your heart and brain. The fact that "YOUR" GOVERNMENT and corporate WHORE media are NOT addressing this issue of MASSIVE HUMAN EXPOSURE
(to HARMFUL levels of EMF radiation) 24/7, 365.... is simply more proof, if any was needed, that YOUR GOVERNMENT, YOUR society, and YOUR WORLD are RULED by SATANIC PIGS whose FIRST and ONLY MOTIVATION (having already amassed "more money than god") in all things is to accumulate or aggregate unto themselves THE POWER to KILL YOU and everyone around you - both swiftly and in slow motion....
Several decades ago, we learned from a military ordinance / radar technician who worked on military jet fighters
that when they put a repaired fighter jet's powerful tracking & fire-control radar under testing... rabbits and other small animals in the field in front of where the fighter-jet's nose was pointed WOULD BE KILLED, as the fighter aircraft's radar of course emits or produces as much focused "radar" or microwave energy into the airspace in front of the aircraft, as military designers can pack into the system -
...PLENTY of focused energy, it turns out, to "fry"or "cook" or otherwise destroy the internal organs of any rabbit or other small animal in the path of the powerful radar beam from the inside out.
Today with MASSIVE cell phone towers emitting GOBS of radiation 24/7 in all directions....
we humans are getting a SLO-BURN dose of the same,
ORGANS COOKING radiation, microwave, or EMF exposure... at lower doses, but constantly, over much, much longer time spans... with similar ORGAN DAMAGE and life threatening results...