MASS-MURDEROUS genocidal 9/11 coordinator & current Jew-state Prime Minister "king bibi" Netanyahu meets Jared Kushner - the "JUNIOR PRESIDENT" behind the increasingly hog-tied, embattled, & "LAME DUCK"President Trump...
"Make America Great Again" is becoming a forgotten mockery of a presidential goal as the Americans-hating Jews who SURROUND Trump increasingly ratchet & tighten down their control of their puppet politicians who surround Trump
netanyahu meets kushner - the "JUNIOR PRESIDENT" behind the increasingly "LAME DUCK" President Trump...
NETANYAHU was not the BRAINS nor ORIGINATOR behind the MOSSAD PLACED HIGH-EXPLOSIVES that BLASTED the NY World Trade Center towers, and buildings 6 & 7 to concrete PULVERIZED DUST on 9/11 2001...
he was just the RINGLEADER, the MASTER of CEREMONIES, the COORDINATOR of all the various segments of the vast, complicated, massive operation coming together under Israeli technology companies
(HIJACKING U.S. radar, early warning, & command & control networks)
and under the COLLABORATORS and TRAITORS in the AMERICAN govt. under Dick Cheney + generals Meyer & Eberherdt, including agents in the FAA, Dept. of Transportation, and other civilian govt. agencies as well) TERRORIZE & MURDER AMERICANS,
and 5 million lousy, stinking, evil jews in israhell
(many of whom, like Begin, had almost CERTAINLY been CHRISTIANS MURDERING COMMISSARS under Lenin, Trotsky, Dzerskinski, Kaganovich, & Stalin
(in the "Soviet Union" blood-drenched, Jew Bolshevik Commissars "Communist" run former Russian empire.)
"DEEP STATE": the CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, ONI, & etc.!!-
about their FAKE "Russia Hacking" story
in order to FORCE President TRUMP in to the ARMS of DEEP STATE... RETHUGLICAN
NEO-CON, blatant side of the
genocidal mass-murderers
& 9/11 TRAITORS !!! '
MASS-MURDERERS & GENOCIDAL JEWS crime mob has been RULING the F.B.I, "Justice" department, Treasury/Wall St, Supreme Court, & BOTH "Democrat" AND Rethuglican parties...
since long before there was an israel!
SUPERMOB - this book makes the sweeping assertion that JEWS CONTROLLED AMERICA's mass-murderous CRIME SYNDICATES - and WHITEWASHED BILLIONS in profits thorugh BRIBED & EXTORTED govt officials to the HIGHEST levels - including presidents from Teddy Roosevelt to Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt... if not long before.
As much as we appreciate TMF & SOTN2012's fantastic in-depth analysis and exceptional news aggregating intel surveys, we must urgently contend that their analysis is entirely incorrect in this instance: It is NOT that "the Democrats can't believe Hillary Clinton lost..."'s that BOTH the DEMORATS, AND the Rethuglicans, are WHOLLY OWNED subsidiaries, or shell companies, or FRONTS of the JEWISH WAR ON and JEWISH HIJACKING of AMERICA.... and both of these puppet, insanely CORRUPTED political parties are ENTIRELY DISPOSABLE as far as the deepest of "DEEP STATE" master manipulators - the ROTSCHILDS, their lead sabotage-of-America & Europe lieutenant GEORGE SOROS, and their army of other billionaires, multi-millionaires, and wholly owned govt. appartchiks - are concerned!
AS the "DEEP STATE"& Democrats attempted to THROW EVERY ROAD-BLOCK in front of president elect Trump taking his oath of office November & December of 2016 and January of 2017, Alex Jones went on his broadcasts to discuss both soft coups and hard coups to "take out" Trump - including CNN "helpfully" pointing out that if Trump was assassinated before he took the oath of office, a DEMOCRAT "COG" appointee would have taken control of the national wartime/security apparatus; and Alex Jones openly, publicly speculating on the ability of the "DEEP STATE" criminal apparatus to ACTUALLY USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS to "take out" NEW YORK, D.C. or BOTH in an attempt to steamroll in to immediate effect the WORLD WAR III scenario that a PUPPET HILLARY CLINTON PRESIDENCY WOULD HAVE GUARANTEED.
The nuances everyone is missing here is that the SOROS, ROTSCIHLDS, AIPAC, GoddamnSachs ('fed') JEWS OWNED & CONTROLLED HILLARY CLINTON -
- the ROTSCHILDS, SOROS, AIPAC, GODDAMN-SACHS JEWS OWNED "the Deep State" - and DONALD Trump was SURROUNDED by these SAME "DEEP STATE" ISRAEL UBER amerika players, including his GODDAMN-SACHS "extort AMERICANS in to PENURY to PAY the FAKE, FRAUDULENT, FALSE "govt. debt""owed" to GODDAMN-SACHS, "fed" JEW FINANCIERS - not to mention Trump's own son-in-law & daughter being CHABAD JEWS, as in BLATANTLY GENOCIDAL TALMUDIC JUDEO SUPREMACISTS who want to EXTERMINATE SYRIA's POPULATION - including Christians - to bring about the 2,500+ year insane Jewish lust for not only a JEWISH EMPIRE to RULE the MIDEAST... but to RULE AFRICA, EUROPE... America... ASIA, and THE WORLD as well!
and they ACTUALLY HATE CHRISTIANS MUCH MORE than they HATE MUSLIMS - as their evil, grisly ALLIANCE with their PUPPET House of Saud (probably crypto-jews themselves) REVEALS - AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS & MEDIA WHORES keep PIMPING the "TERRORISM THREAT" to STUPID AMERICAN viewers - WITHOUT EVER MENTION that SAUDI BILLIONS are the ANT MOUND from which ISLAMIC JIAHDI TERRORISM is bankrolled & coordinated - HOW GOD-DAMNED STUPID can the American people be ?!
Like all the other jew VAMPIRE financiers on Wall St, at Goddamn-Sachs, and in "Fed" member banks in New York & across America,
to JEWS !!
Fundamentalist "divine right of Jews to ENSLAVE the 'goyim' around them" Jews Who HATE & LOATH stupid, gullible, easily manipulated, EASILY HATE-WHIPPED Americans with, it turns out, EVEN MORE HATRED & LOATHING than they hate "Islamic" or "Palestinian terrorists"!
THIS daily, weeky, monthly, annual... GENERATIONAL THEFT of AMERICA's WEALTH & TREASURE
handed over to genocidal, Christians, Americans, & everyone-else hating judeo Supremacist Jews
is REPORTED to STUPID, IGNORAMUS, PROPAGANDIZED, hate-whipped Americans as "GOVT. DEBT" - and will go on UNTIL the STUPID, COWERING AMERICANS REALIZE that it REALLY IS a JEWISH PLOT to not only defraud, dispossess, and disenfranchise them... but to ultimately ENSLAVE & EXTERMINATE them!!!
(Exactly as the Euro Jew billionaire financiers under the Lehmans, Goldmans, & other assorted Rotschilds lieutenants helped finance the American railroads... which pushed native American "Indian" tribes to the brink of extinction all through the 1800s, i.e. in just the recent past century.)
The AMERICAN "DEEP STATE" is 1,000% OWNED & CONTROLLED by the JEWS: whether the ENTIRE israel, JEW-STATE GOVERNMENT (here represented by aging genocidal jew criminal mobster & Prime Minister "king bibi" Netanyahu), or their "old world" EURO-TRASH billionaire/TRILLIONAIRE underwriters (the Rotschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs, Oppenheimers, Goldsmids, Montefiores, etc.), or their "neveaux riche" AMERICAN millionaire/billionaire allies - rrepresented by GENOCIDAL "Chabad," Likud supporting jew JARED KUSHNER, left). As in all things produced by Jews for political or press/media consumption this is a CAREFULLY STAGED photo & video - note the huge map of the world, FEATURING AFRICA, the Mideast, and a seemingly diminished Northern Europe in the background - make not mistake, the JEWS FULLY INTEND to make JERUSALEM the NEW CENTER of the WORLD, the NEW LONDON, the new Paris, the NEW NEW YORK/D.C..... the NEW ROME of 2,000 years ago.... and STUPID Americans, PROPAGANDIZED by Jewish myths & lies and Christ-ian bible dogma - have NO IDEA that the PURPOSE of JUDAISM is to TRANSFER WEALTH from ALL OTHER EMPIRES.... TO JEWS! Not only leaving the former citizens of those EXTORTED & DEFRAUDED empires poor, penniless, destitute, & "indebted" - but REAL, fundamentalist, hard-core Judaism IS FAR MORE GENOCIDAL and "INTOLERANT" that even JIHADI ISLAM - which at least nominally SEEKS CONVERTS of the CONQUERED & SUBJUGATED - JUDAISM MAKES NO SUCH PRETENSE, the bible is FULL of examples of the JEW HIGH COMMAND claiming they were "COMMANDED BY G-O-D" to WIPE OUT, EXTERMINATE the victims of Jewish conquest & aggression... and treachery !!
"Make America Great Again" is becoming a forgotten mockery of a presidential goal as the Americans-hating Jews who SURROUND Trump increasingly ratchet & tighten down their control of their puppet politicians who surround Trump
netanyahu meets kushner - the "JUNIOR PRESIDENT" behind the increasingly "LAME DUCK" President Trump...
Kushner & Netanyahu both TWO JEW 'illuminati'SATANIC TRAITORS discussing the looming DISMEMBERMENT, SUBJUGATION, & DESTRUCTION of AMERICA -- exactly as THEY ARE DOING TO SYRIA.
NETANYAHU was not the BRAINS nor ORIGINATOR behind the MOSSAD PLACED HIGH-EXPLOSIVES that BLASTED the NY World Trade Center towers, and buildings 6 & 7 to concrete PULVERIZED DUST on 9/11 2001...
he was just the RINGLEADER, the MASTER of CEREMONIES, the COORDINATOR of all the various segments of the vast, complicated, massive operation coming together under Israeli technology companies
(HIJACKING U.S. radar, early warning, & command & control networks)
and under the COLLABORATORS and TRAITORS in the AMERICAN govt. under Dick Cheney + generals Meyer & Eberherdt, including agents in the FAA, Dept. of Transportation, and other civilian govt. agencies as well) TERRORIZE & MURDER AMERICANS,
and 5 million lousy, stinking, evil jews in israhell
(many of whom, like Begin, had almost CERTAINLY been CHRISTIANS MURDERING COMMISSARS under Lenin, Trotsky, Dzerskinski, Kaganovich, & Stalin
(in the "Soviet Union" blood-drenched, Jew Bolshevik Commissars "Communist" run former Russian empire.)
"DEEP STATE": the CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, ONI, & etc.!!-
about their FAKE "Russia Hacking" story
in order to FORCE President TRUMP in to the ARMS of DEEP STATE... RETHUGLICAN
NEO-CON, blatant side of the
genocidal mass-murderers
& 9/11 TRAITORS !!! '
Latest Desperate LIES By U.S. Intelligence Community To Validate "Russia Hacking" Story are Totally Implausible
TMR Editor’s Note:
"The latest attempt by the NSA/CIA/FBI to discredit President Trump with a fake report on Russian hacking is quite ridiculous and beyond juvenile. On the face of it, the whole fictitious story is just one more very desperate attempt to SMEAR TRUMP's victory with [the innuendo of] Russian interference. Yet another engineered fake leak of a fraudulent NSA report by a 25-year-old neophyte — How stupid do they think we are?! The Democrats still can’t believe Hillary Clinton lost; nor can John Podesta grasp that he is now known worldwide as the key political player in an elite pedophile network. That particular global network is deeply involved in much worse criminal conduct against children than pedophilia incidentally....."The ISRAEL UBER amerika
MASS-MURDERERS & GENOCIDAL JEWS crime mob has been RULING the F.B.I, "Justice" department, Treasury/Wall St, Supreme Court, & BOTH "Democrat" AND Rethuglican parties...
since long before there was an israel!
"WAS the ENTIRE F.B.I. under J. Edgar Hoover BEING BLACKMAILED & CONTROLLED for decades after decade after decade by the GENOCIDAL, humanity-loathing JEW CRIME MOB?" brilliant! research & reporting uncover how the ENTIRE FBI was nothing but a CRIMINAL EXTORTION RACKET.... RULED by JEW CRIMINAL MOBSTERS since the FBI's infancy. Sending out THUGS to STRONG-ARM, extort, and terrorize business owners & communities has always been the easy part.... BRIBING POLICE, JUDGES, legislators, newspapers, and other public & govt. officials, and COOKING the BOOKS while keeping track of your vast criminal empire has always been the most important part... CRIMINAL CONSPIRACIES in which the JEWS NATURALLY EXCEL, having been TRADING SLAVES, gold, weapons, alcohol, commodities, & other contraband over, around & above imperial borders - often under the noses of hostile imperial officials - for 25+ centuries! |
As much as we appreciate TMF & SOTN2012's fantastic in-depth analysis and exceptional news aggregating intel surveys, we must urgently contend that their analysis is entirely incorrect in this instance: It is NOT that "the Democrats can't believe Hillary Clinton lost..."'s that BOTH the DEMORATS, AND the Rethuglicans, are WHOLLY OWNED subsidiaries, or shell companies, or FRONTS of the JEWISH WAR ON and JEWISH HIJACKING of AMERICA.... and both of these puppet, insanely CORRUPTED political parties are ENTIRELY DISPOSABLE as far as the deepest of "DEEP STATE" master manipulators - the ROTSCHILDS, their lead sabotage-of-America & Europe lieutenant GEORGE SOROS, and their army of other billionaires, multi-millionaires, and wholly owned govt. appartchiks - are concerned!
AS the "DEEP STATE"& Democrats attempted to THROW EVERY ROAD-BLOCK in front of president elect Trump taking his oath of office November & December of 2016 and January of 2017, Alex Jones went on his broadcasts to discuss both soft coups and hard coups to "take out" Trump - including CNN "helpfully" pointing out that if Trump was assassinated before he took the oath of office, a DEMOCRAT "COG" appointee would have taken control of the national wartime/security apparatus; and Alex Jones openly, publicly speculating on the ability of the "DEEP STATE" criminal apparatus to ACTUALLY USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS to "take out" NEW YORK, D.C. or BOTH in an attempt to steamroll in to immediate effect the WORLD WAR III scenario that a PUPPET HILLARY CLINTON PRESIDENCY WOULD HAVE GUARANTEED.
The nuances everyone is missing here is that the SOROS, ROTSCIHLDS, AIPAC, GoddamnSachs ('fed') JEWS OWNED & CONTROLLED HILLARY CLINTON -
- the ROTSCHILDS, SOROS, AIPAC, GODDAMN-SACHS JEWS OWNED "the Deep State" - and DONALD Trump was SURROUNDED by these SAME "DEEP STATE" ISRAEL UBER amerika players, including his GODDAMN-SACHS "extort AMERICANS in to PENURY to PAY the FAKE, FRAUDULENT, FALSE "govt. debt""owed" to GODDAMN-SACHS, "fed" JEW FINANCIERS - not to mention Trump's own son-in-law & daughter being CHABAD JEWS, as in BLATANTLY GENOCIDAL TALMUDIC JUDEO SUPREMACISTS who want to EXTERMINATE SYRIA's POPULATION - including Christians - to bring about the 2,500+ year insane Jewish lust for not only a JEWISH EMPIRE to RULE the MIDEAST... but to RULE AFRICA, EUROPE... America... ASIA, and THE WORLD as well!
and they ACTUALLY HATE CHRISTIANS MUCH MORE than they HATE MUSLIMS - as their evil, grisly ALLIANCE with their PUPPET House of Saud (probably crypto-jews themselves) REVEALS - AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS & MEDIA WHORES keep PIMPING the "TERRORISM THREAT" to STUPID AMERICAN viewers - WITHOUT EVER MENTION that SAUDI BILLIONS are the ANT MOUND from which ISLAMIC JIAHDI TERRORISM is bankrolled & coordinated - HOW GOD-DAMNED STUPID can the American people be ?!
Like all the other jew VAMPIRE financiers on Wall St, at Goddamn-Sachs, and in "Fed" member banks in New York & across America,
to JEWS !!
Fundamentalist "divine right of Jews to ENSLAVE the 'goyim' around them" Jews Who HATE & LOATH stupid, gullible, easily manipulated, EASILY HATE-WHIPPED Americans with, it turns out, EVEN MORE HATRED & LOATHING than they hate "Islamic" or "Palestinian terrorists"!
THIS daily, weeky, monthly, annual... GENERATIONAL THEFT of AMERICA's WEALTH & TREASURE
handed over to genocidal, Christians, Americans, & everyone-else hating judeo Supremacist Jews
is REPORTED to STUPID, IGNORAMUS, PROPAGANDIZED, hate-whipped Americans as "GOVT. DEBT" - and will go on UNTIL the STUPID, COWERING AMERICANS REALIZE that it REALLY IS a JEWISH PLOT to not only defraud, dispossess, and disenfranchise them... but to ultimately ENSLAVE & EXTERMINATE them!!!
(Exactly as the Euro Jew billionaire financiers under the Lehmans, Goldmans, & other assorted Rotschilds lieutenants helped finance the American railroads... which pushed native American "Indian" tribes to the brink of extinction all through the 1800s, i.e. in just the recent past century.)
The AMERICAN "DEEP STATE" is 1,000% OWNED & CONTROLLED by the JEWS: whether the ENTIRE israel, JEW-STATE GOVERNMENT (here represented by aging genocidal jew criminal mobster & Prime Minister "king bibi" Netanyahu), or their "old world" EURO-TRASH billionaire/TRILLIONAIRE underwriters (the Rotschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs, Oppenheimers, Goldsmids, Montefiores, etc.), or their "neveaux riche" AMERICAN millionaire/billionaire allies - rrepresented by GENOCIDAL "Chabad," Likud supporting jew JARED KUSHNER, left). As in all things produced by Jews for political or press/media consumption this is a CAREFULLY STAGED photo & video - note the huge map of the world, FEATURING AFRICA, the Mideast, and a seemingly diminished Northern Europe in the background - make not mistake, the JEWS FULLY INTEND to make JERUSALEM the NEW CENTER of the WORLD, the NEW LONDON, the new Paris, the NEW NEW YORK/D.C..... the NEW ROME of 2,000 years ago.... and STUPID Americans, PROPAGANDIZED by Jewish myths & lies and Christ-ian bible dogma - have NO IDEA that the PURPOSE of JUDAISM is to TRANSFER WEALTH from ALL OTHER EMPIRES.... TO JEWS! Not only leaving the former citizens of those EXTORTED & DEFRAUDED empires poor, penniless, destitute, & "indebted" - but REAL, fundamentalist, hard-core Judaism IS FAR MORE GENOCIDAL and "INTOLERANT" that even JIHADI ISLAM - which at least nominally SEEKS CONVERTS of the CONQUERED & SUBJUGATED - JUDAISM MAKES NO SUCH PRETENSE, the bible is FULL of examples of the JEW HIGH COMMAND claiming they were "COMMANDED BY G-O-D" to WIPE OUT, EXTERMINATE the victims of Jewish conquest & aggression... and treachery !!