We believe that this video is so exceptionally put together & presented,
that NO rational and open-minded person could believe
that the JEWISH BIBLE VERSION of the "Noah's Flood"story is the original version -
MUCH LESS anything approaching genuine HISTORICAL TRUTH -
MUCH LESS "divine word of g-o-d"!!
IF the Hebrew,
Jewish version of the Noah's Flood story
is a "borrowed" or modified.... or STOLEN MYTH - then so to the ENTIRE Hebrew, Jewish bible is based on a MYTHICAL, FICTIONAL foundation that was never even original to Jews!
We believe that this (above) video is so exceptionally researched & presented,
that NO rational or open-minded person could believe that
the JEWISH BIBLE VERSION of the "Noah's Flood" story is the original version.
Furthermore - CONTRARY to the "Khazarian mob" theory, many if not most Jews are indeed originally of SEMITIC roots, their ancient ancestors orginaly came via ancient Mesopotamia (present day Iraq), out of the Arabian desert (peninsula), home to the Arabs and all other Semitic races, where the proto-Jews, like all other peoples in the much traveled, inter-mixed, and fought-over region, COPIED all the myths & legends, best & worst cultural practices, and latest business, & technology innovations of their many neighbors - including the "modern" post-Babylonian Captivity Jews "borrowing,"STEALING the GREAT FLOOD & ORIGINS stories
(garden of Eden MYTH) from their neighbors and common ancestors -
without giving them due credit...
And when you take your MISHMASH of OTHER PEOPLE's "borrowed" MYTHS...
and mix & mash them up with your own MADE- UP WAR STORIES giving you some sort of divine
"g-o-d of the universe" sanction to not only conquer, enslave & subjugate (& exterminate) your neighbors...
but that you now have a DIVINE MISSION
to SEEK OUT and CONQUER, ENSLAVE, and EXTERMINATE EVERYONE in the entire WORLD... then your theology, ideology, and ethnic identity IS BASED ON HATE !!
And, because the CHRISTIAN bible & faith
- the life of Jesus is ALSO pure MYTH! -
is so deeply rooted in JUDEO
cultural practices & JUDEO bible MYTH -
what we have today is
cultural and collective SUICIDE
than CONFRONT the clearly INSANE
origins of Judaism and MYTHICAL roots of Christianity!
In our previous post, we examined a seemingly thorough and detailed examination
of the origins of CULTURAL MARXISM
as a corrosive
DESTRUCTIVE, and DEHUMANIZING force in modern society
(where, for example, adults, in the name of "psychological freedoms" - PREY ON children as sex toys)
- without the author, Mr. Lind, ONCE MENTIONING t
he JEWISH roots & proponents of either economic Marxian economics (Karl Marx was born in to a TALMUDIC JEWISH FAMILY, until his father "converted" to Christianity when Marx was 7 - otherwise his father would not have been allowed to practice law)
or FREUDIAN psychology...
nor that most of the Frankfurt School proponents were Jewish...
and that when they,
of that mish-mash of MARXIAN ECONOMICS
(autocratic, dictatorial, "for the good of the masses!")
+ Freudian sex-obsessed psychology and ancient
("SLAVES have NO RIGHTS!" - and ALL "goyim" ARE SLAVES to "god's chosen"!)
resulting in "the Frankfurt School"
insidious CULTURAL SUBVERSION & sabotage
by pseudo-intellectuals PRETENDING to be for the common good...
...when all those pseudo-intellectual "Frankist School"
having being CHASED OUT of resurgent, nationalist Germany LANDED AT COLUMBIA University
"JEW U." in central NY City - New York city having been DOMINATED financially, politically, & culturally by BILLIONAIRE JEWS since at least the time of Jacob Schiff in the late 1800s! - they naturally took up where they left off -
WRECKING it from INSIDE OUT in the TYPICALLY JUDEO strategic manner - simply switching from SUBVERTING GERMAN CULTURE to SUBVERTING the far newer, even less homogeneous AMERICAN society!
We here at TheJewishWars LOVE SGT Report, we have been awed by SGT Report's investigation and reporting on the GROSS CRIMINALITY PERVADING America's precious metals & commodities markets... but SGT Report and all the other PM, precious metals writers & reporters ABJECTLY FAIL to see that the RAMPANT CRIMINALITY that is THE distinguishing feature of precious metals (and other scarce commodities) markets is part of a much bigger picture: the JUDEO FINANCIAL WAR ON AMERICANS, DESIGNED to TRANSFER ALL of America's wealth... FROM Americans to "be a light unto nations," "CHOSEN to RULE THE WORLD!" JEWS !
which is to say, "the U.S. government is NOT in the 'LAW ENFORCEMENT' business... in the biggest, most critical financial markets, the 'U.S.' government - the SEC under Jewess Mary Schapiro, the CFTC under Gary Gensler, a powerful, predatory IRS department under Jewess Lois Lerner; the "Fed" under incompetent Jewess Janet Yellen merely a puppet front-woman for STANLEY FISCHER, the ISRAEL FIRST vice-chair of "the Fed" whose REAL JOB is to EMBEZZLE as MANY TRILLIONS of dollars from the American economic goose - from the VASSAL AMERICAN SLAVES! - as possible, under the ruthless "extort Americans""austerity" pimping JEWISH TREASURY SECRETARIES Rubin, Summers, Lew, Mnuchin (while Hank Paulson & little Timmy Geithner weren't Jewish - they were well rewarded for SABOTAGING America's financial system for their Jew overlords) - well, JEWS RULE the U.S. government, and the U.S. government DOES WHAT the FINANCIAL CRIMINALS running SERIAL CRIMES on Wall St & in critical commodities markets tell them to do!
that NO rational and open-minded person could believe
that the JEWISH BIBLE VERSION of the "Noah's Flood"story is the original version -
MUCH LESS anything approaching genuine HISTORICAL TRUTH -
MUCH LESS "divine word of g-o-d"!!
IF the Hebrew,
Jewish version of the Noah's Flood story
is a "borrowed" or modified.... or STOLEN MYTH - then so to the ENTIRE Hebrew, Jewish bible is based on a MYTHICAL, FICTIONAL foundation that was never even original to Jews!
We believe that this (above) video is so exceptionally researched & presented,
that NO rational or open-minded person could believe that
the JEWISH BIBLE VERSION of the "Noah's Flood" story is the original version.
Furthermore - CONTRARY to the "Khazarian mob" theory, many if not most Jews are indeed originally of SEMITIC roots, their ancient ancestors orginaly came via ancient Mesopotamia (present day Iraq), out of the Arabian desert (peninsula), home to the Arabs and all other Semitic races, where the proto-Jews, like all other peoples in the much traveled, inter-mixed, and fought-over region, COPIED all the myths & legends, best & worst cultural practices, and latest business, & technology innovations of their many neighbors - including the "modern" post-Babylonian Captivity Jews "borrowing,"STEALING the GREAT FLOOD & ORIGINS stories
(garden of Eden MYTH) from their neighbors and common ancestors -
WITHOUT GIVING A LICK OF CREDIT!When you "borrow" someone else's ideas
without giving them due credit...
When you PILE STOLEN MYTHS one on top another, and PRESENT those ancient, now distorted MYTHS as "GOSPEL TRUTH" - ...then you are LYING!
And when you take your MISHMASH of OTHER PEOPLE's "borrowed" MYTHS...
and mix & mash them up with your own MADE- UP WAR STORIES giving you some sort of divine
"g-o-d of the universe" sanction to not only conquer, enslave & subjugate (& exterminate) your neighbors...
but that you now have a DIVINE MISSION
to SEEK OUT and CONQUER, ENSLAVE, and EXTERMINATE EVERYONE in the entire WORLD... then your theology, ideology, and ethnic identity IS BASED ON HATE !!
And, because the CHRISTIAN bible & faith
- the life of Jesus is ALSO pure MYTH! -
is so deeply rooted in JUDEO
cultural practices & JUDEO bible MYTH -
what we have today is
cultural and collective SUICIDE
than CONFRONT the clearly INSANE
origins of Judaism and MYTHICAL roots of Christianity!
In our previous post, we examined a seemingly thorough and detailed examination
of the origins of CULTURAL MARXISM
as a corrosive
DESTRUCTIVE, and DEHUMANIZING force in modern society
(where, for example, adults, in the name of "psychological freedoms" - PREY ON children as sex toys)
- without the author, Mr. Lind, ONCE MENTIONING t
he JEWISH roots & proponents of either economic Marxian economics (Karl Marx was born in to a TALMUDIC JEWISH FAMILY, until his father "converted" to Christianity when Marx was 7 - otherwise his father would not have been allowed to practice law)
or FREUDIAN psychology...
nor that most of the Frankfurt School proponents were Jewish...
and that when they,
of that mish-mash of MARXIAN ECONOMICS
(autocratic, dictatorial, "for the good of the masses!")
+ Freudian sex-obsessed psychology and ancient
("SLAVES have NO RIGHTS!" - and ALL "goyim" ARE SLAVES to "god's chosen"!)
resulting in "the Frankfurt School"
insidious CULTURAL SUBVERSION & sabotage
by pseudo-intellectuals PRETENDING to be for the common good...
...when all those pseudo-intellectual "Frankist School"
having being CHASED OUT of resurgent, nationalist Germany LANDED AT COLUMBIA University
"JEW U." in central NY City - New York city having been DOMINATED financially, politically, & culturally by BILLIONAIRE JEWS since at least the time of Jacob Schiff in the late 1800s! - they naturally took up where they left off -
WRECKING it from INSIDE OUT in the TYPICALLY JUDEO strategic manner - simply switching from SUBVERTING GERMAN CULTURE to SUBVERTING the far newer, even less homogeneous AMERICAN society!
We here at TheJewishWars LOVE SGT Report, we have been awed by SGT Report's investigation and reporting on the GROSS CRIMINALITY PERVADING America's precious metals & commodities markets... but SGT Report and all the other PM, precious metals writers & reporters ABJECTLY FAIL to see that the RAMPANT CRIMINALITY that is THE distinguishing feature of precious metals (and other scarce commodities) markets is part of a much bigger picture: the JUDEO FINANCIAL WAR ON AMERICANS, DESIGNED to TRANSFER ALL of America's wealth... FROM Americans to "be a light unto nations," "CHOSEN to RULE THE WORLD!" JEWS !
which is to say, "the U.S. government is NOT in the 'LAW ENFORCEMENT' business... in the biggest, most critical financial markets, the 'U.S.' government - the SEC under Jewess Mary Schapiro, the CFTC under Gary Gensler, a powerful, predatory IRS department under Jewess Lois Lerner; the "Fed" under incompetent Jewess Janet Yellen merely a puppet front-woman for STANLEY FISCHER, the ISRAEL FIRST vice-chair of "the Fed" whose REAL JOB is to EMBEZZLE as MANY TRILLIONS of dollars from the American economic goose - from the VASSAL AMERICAN SLAVES! - as possible, under the ruthless "extort Americans""austerity" pimping JEWISH TREASURY SECRETARIES Rubin, Summers, Lew, Mnuchin (while Hank Paulson & little Timmy Geithner weren't Jewish - they were well rewarded for SABOTAGING America's financial system for their Jew overlords) - well, JEWS RULE the U.S. government, and the U.S. government DOES WHAT the FINANCIAL CRIMINALS running SERIAL CRIMES on Wall St & in critical commodities markets tell them to do!