HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA !! FREEDOM & LIBERTY are STILL a POSSIBILITY - but it will NOT be HANDED TO US by any Elected or Appointed Leader not matter how well meaning & Capable - WE MUST FIGHT! to REGAIN, RESTORE OUR RIGHTS & LIBERTIES against the VAST ARMIES of EVIL & TREASON that ENCIRCLE US -Just as Most of the SIGNERS of the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE lost their fortunes if not lives in the Ensuing Revolutionary War...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA !! FREEDOM & LIBERTY are STILL a POSSIBILITY - but it will NOT be HANDED TO US by any Elected or Appointed Leader not matter how well meaning & Capable - WE MUST FIGHT! to REGAIN, RESTORE OUR RIGHTS & LIBERTIES against the VAST ARMIES of EVIL & TREASON that ENCIRCLE US -Just as Most of the SIGNERS of the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE lost their fortunes if not lives in the Ensuing Revolutionary War...