EVERY American should know that, in poll after poll after poll, in polls run by operations with leanings towards both (either) Democrat or Republican party tendencies, the pollsters find...
View ArticleBill Murray as ruthless Media Exec in 1988 movie 'SCROOGED" fully Captures...
Quick, download this movie clip! Even when Hollywood is being playful and, ostensibly, selling Christmas joy and good cheer in a Christmas comedy movie,they can't help but let a bit of the truth slip...
View ArticleIs it "Fair" to BLAME JEWS for EVERYTHING WRONG in the world today? Well......
Is it"FAIR"to blame all the major problems facing Americans (and the entire human race) today on Judaism... on the Jews who hold high positions in our society & government, and the less powerful...
View ArticleFERMI'S PARADOX: Judaism, the Rothschilds, the "GREAT FILTER" and the...
In scenes from a video we post below, Dr. Lynn Rothschild and other hard-working scientists explain how "our lucky moon" SAVES life on earth by moderating the earth's precession. This moderating...
View ArticleSTATE of the UNION U.S.A. Jan 2015: the TERRORISTS and TRAITORS have HIJACKED...
Sadistic, genocidal, mass-murderous kleoptocrat GEORGE SOROS a "liberal" just because he DONATES to 'Democrat" politicians? SOROS is a MASS-MURDEROUS GENOCIDAL JEWISH WARMINGER, who has LOOTED THE...
View ArticleLIARS, TRAITORS, THIEVES, & FIENDS!! - JEWS who DENY that "America's Wars" in...
Israeli- and world - Jews FANTASIZE about NUKING IRAN...The Jews in Israel - a nation of 5 million ghouls - takes it as "their right" to... ...they DREAM about EXTERMINATING TENS of millions of...
View ArticleTREASONOUS "U.S." Secretary of State JOHN KERRY PIMPS the WAR ON TERROR SHAM:...
NOTHING illustrates the SHAM and TREASON that is DAVOS - and the "elites" agenda for America and the world - than this headline & picture from today's JEWISH OWNED Reuters 'news' Neo-Con corporate...
View Article"A PLAGUE fo TRAITORS has INFESTED and INFECTED America"..... (Sept. 2014,...
Revealing The PLAGUE of TRAITORS bonus: we, the American people, are increasingly aware that TRAITORS IN'our' GOVERNMENT are PERPETRATING SERIAL "false flag" TREASON,...
View ArticleTREASON RULES the (late) United States GOVERNMENT - THEY MUST GO TO WAR...
View ArticleTRAITORS at AOL & at the GANNET owned USA-Today PIMP WARS, MASS-MURDER...
AMERICA's MASS-MURDEROUS TERRORIST FUNDING PUPPET of a president SHEDS CROCODILE TEARS over victims of "ISIL" terrorism in Syria....America's demonic, MASS-MURDEROUS CORPORATE WHORE media is in...
View ArticleInfoWars, PrisonPlanet Blast VeteransToday as "CONSPIRACY THEORY" for VT's...
PAUL JOSEPH WATSON of PrisonPlanet/ attempts to SLICE & DICE the "Conspiracy theory" community... even though the GOVERNMENT'S OPEN CONSPIRACIES massively outweigh any "conspiracy...
View ArticleGenocidal, mass-murderous Judeo Supremacist Commissar Netanyahu INVADES...
THERE IS ONLY ONE REASON that Americans are TOO STUPIFIED and too dumbed-down to understand the very plain & simple agenda that we encapsulated in a single sentence in our above headline: because...
View ArticleThere IS ONLY ONE Reason why Republican John BOEHNER is LEADER (Speaker of...
The first rule of war is "know your enemy"... do not underestimate the BREADTH, DEPTH, & FEROCITY (savage determination) of your adversary's efforts to usurp, conquer, DESTROY, enslave,...
View ArticleThe JEWISH 'ARCHITECTS' of the "Democratic MASSACRE' of 2010... TREACHEROUS...
Obama's VERY JEWISH so-called "Democratic" FINANCIAL TEAM: doing to Americans, financially, what Netanyahu's jew bombs do to the terrified, bombed, & murdered residents of Gaza... or what...
View ArticleObama's 'team' Demands "WAR POWERS" against "ISIS Terrorists in Syria"... THE...
"Team Obama"- the MASS-MURDEROUS, NATIONS DESTROYING, ECONOMIES WRECKING "Neo-Con" WAR PIG TRAITORS _behind_ the puppet Barack Obama presidency.... ....DEMAND OPEN-ENDED & UNLIMITED "WAR...
View ArticleISIS-US govt UNHOLY ALLIANCE = TREASON... "GWOT" global 'WAR on TERROR' a...
ISIS-US govt UNHOLY ALLIANCE = TREASON... "GWOT" global 'WAR on TERROR' a SHAM, the unholy ISIS-US ALLIANCE run by "globalist" GENOCIDAL "international" JEW TRAITORS, ECONOMY WRECKERS, would-be...
View ArticleThis April 3rd, MILLIONS of "Religious EXTREMISTS" in America & Across the...
This April 3rd, 2015, millions of "religious EXTREMISTS" in America & across the world... will gather at their tables like vampires to CELEBRATE the alleged KILLINGS of Egyptian CHILDREN...
View ArticleTREASONOUS "U.S." Secretary of State JOHN KERRY PIMPS the WAR ON TERROR SHAM:...
NOTHING illustrates the SHAM and TREASON that is DAVOS - and the "elites" agenda for America and the world - than this headline & picture from today's JEWISH OWNED Reuters 'news' Neo-Con corporate...
View ArticleThe JEWISH WAR on AMERICA and HUMANITY, 1740s to 'Passover' April 2015... the...
The Jewish WAR on AMERICA and HUMANITY, 1740s to 'Passover' April 2015, reaches a fever pitch; approaches its deadly, mass-extirpation, "global nuclear terrorism, bio-war, and computerized drone...
View ArticleHITLER'S REVENGE: this "PASSOVER" April 2015 marks the Culmination of 100+...
HITLER'S REVENGE: "Passover" 2015 is the tipping point for Judaism's eternal, infernal WAR ON HUMANITY.... netanyahu is just the latest installed COMMISSAR of the Judeo elites'....of JUDAISM's...
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