Financial Activist and former Wall St. insider Max Keiser DISTILLS the essence of the GENOCIDALpolitics & Policies of Judeo Supremacy - the "Neo-Con' HIJACKING of America, Europe, and the world - to a 't':
Mr. Keiser is absolutely correct: the politics and direction of the short-term "CORPORATE FINANCE profits uber alles" agenda is not only destructive... it is GENOCIDAL, to the point of SUICIDAL - total extermination for all of humanity.
But Mr. Keiser makes THE SAME MISTAKE that Alex Jones and the writers at make: they continue to assert that a "GLOBAL ELITE" is driving this INSANE JIHAD "locomotive breath" race to mutual and assured SELF DESTRUCTION for humanity,
when in fact there is a very specific minority within the "global elite" that is driving this crazy train - and they have a very clear theocratic/'religious' agenda - NO MATTER HOW WELL they MASK it (their insane agenda) by HIRING politicians, economists, financiers, financial writers, academics, and others to cover their tracks.
As we have alluded to before, it may have been WASP President Herbert Hoover's very WASP Treasury Secretary, ANDREW MELLON, who PRESIDED OVER the October 1929 "Black Thursday" STOCK MARKET CRASH - which is tosay, the titanic DEBT MONEY BUBBLE that preceded that crash -
- but look behind those all-American WASP (White, Anglo-Saxon/Protestant) faces and names...
...and, lurking in the immediate background, are the REAL agents of the "MONEY POWER," from JACOB SCHIFF and PAUL WARBURG who SET UP the so-called "Federal" Reserve very privately owned banking cartel in 1913, to FED CHAIRMAN EUGENE MEYERS who became the FED CHAIRMAN at the time of the '29 crash; and to so-called "liberal Democrat" President Franklin D. Roosevelt's VERY 'FED' FRIENDLY Treasury Secretary, HENRY MORGANTHAU - who REALLY PRESIDED OVER the GREAT DEPRESSION for the majority of the decade.
Morganthau's tenure at the Treasury Department spanned from early 1934 until well after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7 1941, brought on full-scale U.S. participation in World War II, and an end to the poverty economics of the Great Depression - that is to say, so-called "liberal Democrat" Treasury Secretary HENRY MORGANTHAU PRESIDED OVER MOST of the Great Depression years!
In the past we have REFRAINED from posting too many comments or videos directly from Mr. Keiser's financial activist web-site...
(although we readily confess we get much of the material for our financial posts either directly from Mr. Keiser, or from the many contributors whose work has been posted to or linked from his siite - e.g.,, Paul Craig Roberts, Jesse's Cafe, the, Peter Schiff, and many, many others)
...but WE NO LONGER HAVE THE LUXURY of doing so - for the very reason that Mr. Keiser explains here:
the FINANCIERS are INSANE with GREED, PREDATORY LUST, and the self-righteous hubris, and,
empowered by BILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of looted, extorted, and freshly printed dollars (Bernanke bucks $$) - and by command of TWO entirely separate NUCLEAR ARSENALS...
(that of both the jewish war state, the israel IDF nuclear arsenal, and the even more monstrous nuclear arsenal of the (late) 'United' States of America - and that is ASSUMING that the judeo "Money Power" DOESN'T ALSO CONTROL France & Britain's nuclear arsenals - just look at FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER Tony "the poodle" Blair - a bought-and-owned PUPPET of J.P. Morgan Co., which, along with Goddamn-Sachs & the Fed itself, are the leading fronts, subsidiaries, or shell companies for the rotschield/judeo 'Money Power' in America)
...are DRIVING the ENTIRE PLANET, or at least the upright-walkingmammalian cockroaches primates - the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE - to the brink of EXTINCTION.
In the past, we have AVOIDED posting many (of our) new blog posts directly from (or linked to) Mr. Keiser's web-site, for the same reason that we remain anonymous in posting this blog:
(to those who don't have the DHS, FBI, Mossad, or other secret police investigative powers at their fingertips)
...claiming "credit" or even getting public notice would DISTRACT and DETRACT from researching, writing, and developing the material and outline for this blog.
However, now that our geo-political/financial model is "mature" - now that our WORST PREDICTIONS have horrifyingly come true with the SERIAL BRAZEN ATTACKS ON AMERICANS by GOVERNMENT ORCHESTRATED "BLACK OPS" terror patsies popping off one after another after another, in America -
("Batman movie shootings" followed by "school shooting" followed by A BOMB EXPLODING at a major public event, the Boston Marathon - with the government OBVIOUSLY COVERING UP a MASSIVE POLICE & bomb-squad PRESENCE AT THE MARATHON both BEFORE and IMMEDIATELY AFTER the bomb(s) went off...)
(and with our insane government even having THE TEMERITY to say "NO OTHER NARRATIVES, talking points, suspects, information, or even leads WILL EVEN BE TOLERATED" in the 'mainstream media" discussion OR POLICE INVESTIGATIONS of these horrific events!!)
...and with the ENTIRE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT CAUGHT, time after time after time in worldwide news reports, FUNDING, ARMING, SUPPLYING, INSTIGATING AND DIRECTING AL QAEDA TERROR ATTACKS in Syria at the behest of the evil judeo war lobby
(which nation/Neo-Con/judeo-supremacist agenda USES the VERY THREAT of "Al Qaeda' as an EXCUSE to TREAT ALL AMERICANS as POTENTIAL TERRORISTS whenever we board airliners)
...well, now is the time to stop dancing around the ring just throwing jabs, and time to start firing off haymakers and let the cold, hard facts land where they will.... be continued and/or updated....
The ‘economics of extinction’ is how Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd describes the thinking of Apple’s board of directors. It’s why Japan is now restarting its nuclear reactors. It’s why Monsanto continues to destroy the availability of cheap cash crops in struggling nations. It’s why Hollywood continues to use penicious, illegal copyright dictatorships to snuff out innovation around the world... (cont'd)
Mr. Keiser is absolutely correct: the politics and direction of the short-term "CORPORATE FINANCE profits uber alles" agenda is not only destructive... it is GENOCIDAL, to the point of SUICIDAL - total extermination for all of humanity.
But Mr. Keiser makes THE SAME MISTAKE that Alex Jones and the writers at make: they continue to assert that a "GLOBAL ELITE" is driving this INSANE JIHAD "locomotive breath" race to mutual and assured SELF DESTRUCTION for humanity,
when in fact there is a very specific minority within the "global elite" that is driving this crazy train - and they have a very clear theocratic/'religious' agenda - NO MATTER HOW WELL they MASK it (their insane agenda) by HIRING politicians, economists, financiers, financial writers, academics, and others to cover their tracks.
As we have alluded to before, it may have been WASP President Herbert Hoover's very WASP Treasury Secretary, ANDREW MELLON, who PRESIDED OVER the October 1929 "Black Thursday" STOCK MARKET CRASH - which is tosay, the titanic DEBT MONEY BUBBLE that preceded that crash -
- but look behind those all-American WASP (White, Anglo-Saxon/Protestant) faces and names...
...and, lurking in the immediate background, are the REAL agents of the "MONEY POWER," from JACOB SCHIFF and PAUL WARBURG who SET UP the so-called "Federal" Reserve very privately owned banking cartel in 1913, to FED CHAIRMAN EUGENE MEYERS who became the FED CHAIRMAN at the time of the '29 crash; and to so-called "liberal Democrat" President Franklin D. Roosevelt's VERY 'FED' FRIENDLY Treasury Secretary, HENRY MORGANTHAU - who REALLY PRESIDED OVER the GREAT DEPRESSION for the majority of the decade.
Morganthau's tenure at the Treasury Department spanned from early 1934 until well after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7 1941, brought on full-scale U.S. participation in World War II, and an end to the poverty economics of the Great Depression - that is to say, so-called "liberal Democrat" Treasury Secretary HENRY MORGANTHAU PRESIDED OVER MOST of the Great Depression years!
In the past we have REFRAINED from posting too many comments or videos directly from Mr. Keiser's financial activist web-site...
(although we readily confess we get much of the material for our financial posts either directly from Mr. Keiser, or from the many contributors whose work has been posted to or linked from his siite - e.g.,, Paul Craig Roberts, Jesse's Cafe, the, Peter Schiff, and many, many others)
...but WE NO LONGER HAVE THE LUXURY of doing so - for the very reason that Mr. Keiser explains here:
the FINANCIERS are INSANE with GREED, PREDATORY LUST, and the self-righteous hubris, and,
empowered by BILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of looted, extorted, and freshly printed dollars (Bernanke bucks $$) - and by command of TWO entirely separate NUCLEAR ARSENALS...
(that of both the jewish war state, the israel IDF nuclear arsenal, and the even more monstrous nuclear arsenal of the (late) 'United' States of America - and that is ASSUMING that the judeo "Money Power" DOESN'T ALSO CONTROL France & Britain's nuclear arsenals - just look at FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER Tony "the poodle" Blair - a bought-and-owned PUPPET of J.P. Morgan Co., which, along with Goddamn-Sachs & the Fed itself, are the leading fronts, subsidiaries, or shell companies for the rotschield/judeo 'Money Power' in America)
...are DRIVING the ENTIRE PLANET, or at least the upright-walking
In the past, we have AVOIDED posting many (of our) new blog posts directly from (or linked to) Mr. Keiser's web-site, for the same reason that we remain anonymous in posting this blog:
(to those who don't have the DHS, FBI, Mossad, or other secret police investigative powers at their fingertips)
...claiming "credit" or even getting public notice would DISTRACT and DETRACT from researching, writing, and developing the material and outline for this blog.
However, now that our geo-political/financial model is "mature" - now that our WORST PREDICTIONS have horrifyingly come true with the SERIAL BRAZEN ATTACKS ON AMERICANS by GOVERNMENT ORCHESTRATED "BLACK OPS" terror patsies popping off one after another after another, in America -
("Batman movie shootings" followed by "school shooting" followed by A BOMB EXPLODING at a major public event, the Boston Marathon - with the government OBVIOUSLY COVERING UP a MASSIVE POLICE & bomb-squad PRESENCE AT THE MARATHON both BEFORE and IMMEDIATELY AFTER the bomb(s) went off...)
(and with our insane government even having THE TEMERITY to say "NO OTHER NARRATIVES, talking points, suspects, information, or even leads WILL EVEN BE TOLERATED" in the 'mainstream media" discussion OR POLICE INVESTIGATIONS of these horrific events!!)
...and with the ENTIRE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT CAUGHT, time after time after time in worldwide news reports, FUNDING, ARMING, SUPPLYING, INSTIGATING AND DIRECTING AL QAEDA TERROR ATTACKS in Syria at the behest of the evil judeo war lobby
(which nation/Neo-Con/judeo-supremacist agenda USES the VERY THREAT of "Al Qaeda' as an EXCUSE to TREAT ALL AMERICANS as POTENTIAL TERRORISTS whenever we board airliners)
...well, now is the time to stop dancing around the ring just throwing jabs, and time to start firing off haymakers and let the cold, hard facts land where they will.... be continued and/or updated....