The evil Jewish HIJACKING of America is so out of control, so blatant, so ruthless and so overt, as to be farcical, comical, ludicrous... if you can only just step out of your body for a moment and not be completely outraged, disgusted, enraged, and horrified at the on-going insidious treason SABOTAGE DESTRUCTION of "the land of the free and the home of the brave."
Because DECLARING millions of AMERICANS to be"anti-semitic" "TERRORISTS!" is the NEW commissar gulag/Nazi death-camps PURGE about to be rolled out across America...
As we've said before: AMERICA, MEET your evil, anti-American, "commanded-by-god to enslave, extort, & exterminate their neighbors" JUDEO OVERLORDS !!
below: jew IRS COMMISSAR Lois Lerner to the COWARDS & TRAITORS of Con-gress:
"GO F*** YOURSELVES, I am a COMMISSAR of the JUDEO WAR LOBBY, you are a cesspit of hired pimps, peons, and whores.... I DON'T HAVE TO GIVE YOU AN ANSWER, ALL I have to do is loudly and defiantly state that I am innocent... My fellow jews - in the Con-gress, our big financecon-gress briberscampign donors, and especially in the press-media - will ENSURE that I pay NO CONSEQUENCES for trying to use my powers as an IRS Commissar appartchik, to TERRORIZE you peon, goy, conquered, enslaved, and extorted Amerikan SLAVE scum..."
(Just in case you thought our little thought-bubble quote above the previous photo is over-the-top, just look at this headline and picture!)
- just another in a foul, long line of JEWISH OFFICIALS COMMITTING CRIMES against the Constitution and people of the United States, and GETTING AWAY WITH IT, because the judeo war lobby OWNS the American con-gress, press/media, money machine, and both political parties -
is getting at the hands of Con-gress, with the Treatment the JEWISH GESTAPO, er, DHS, is prepared to met out to both generic IRS Tax Protesters -
...much less the treatment that MORE VOCAL, VISIBLE, and effectiveopponents to the judeo 'money power' + WAR LOBBY get when they EXPOSE TOO MUCH of the evil jew war lobby's insidious, treasonous sabotage DESTRUCTION of America:
"Last Saturday’s marijuana legalization rally in Philadelphia, where radio host and political activist Adam Kokesh gave a keynote speech and was arrested, was possibly designated a potential terror event beforehand and attended by police specially trained to deal with terrorism.Judging by a red patch spotted on police jackets visible in footage of Kokesh’s arrest, members of the city’s federalized Homeland Security Bureau, trained to deal with “civil affairs” and “counter-terrorism operations,” appear to have been patrolling the event."
Because DECLARING millions of AMERICANS to be
...much less the treatment IRAQ WAR CRIMES WHISTLE-BLOWER BRADLEY MANNING is enduring - essentially CHARGEDWITH TREASON for EXPOSING WAR CRIMES, the INTENTIONAL KILLING of defenseless Iraqi civilians by U.S. helicopter gunships, the Courageous Mr. Manning has been BURIED UNDER THE PRISON in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT by the evil jew war lobby Obama administration, much as the evil jew war state has BURIED their courageous nuclear arsenal exposing whistleblower, Mordachai Vanunu under evil jew state prison/slave pen for the past TWO DOZEN years...
THE NUCLEAR ARMED JEWS are EVIL and INSANE: they are DESTROYING their latest host nation of AMERICA from within, under the banner of the reality-inverting propaganda masterpiece "protecting our freedoms" !!!
even the very judeo/Neo-Con friendly Joan Walsh
(a politics commentator at judeo/Neo-Con corporate 'news' ground-zero MSNBC)
can't help but notice the "PUZZLING response to the IRS mess,"
that the despicable Ms. Lerner was prepared to invoke the 5th Amendment
in hearings where she asserted NO CRIMES HAD BEEN COMMITTED...
...we say "there is nothing puzzling' about Ms. Lerner's treatment, it is right up there with a long line of SUPREMACIST JEWSthinking they have license to GET AWAY WITH CRIMES and treason" (and they usually do!) - they are simply DRUNK on power, money, and racist supremacy & insane, theocratic, dictatorial superiority....
even the very judeo/Neo-Con friendly Joan Walsh
(a politics commentator at judeo/Neo-Con corporate 'news' ground-zero MSNBC)
can't help but notice the "PUZZLING response to the IRS mess,"
that the despicable Ms. Lerner was prepared to invoke the 5th Amendment
in hearings where she asserted NO CRIMES HAD BEEN COMMITTED...
...we say "there is nothing puzzling' about Ms. Lerner's treatment, it is right up there with a long line of SUPREMACIST JEWSthinking they have license to GET AWAY WITH CRIMES and treason" (and they usually do!) - they are simply DRUNK on power, money, and racist supremacy & insane, theocratic, dictatorial superiority....
Lois Lerner, IRS disaster
The executive who took the Fifth has BUNGLED THIS MESS
[IF SHE DIDN'T PERPETRATE CRIMES !!] from start to finish.
[SHORT ANSWER: BECAUSE she is a JEW COMMISSAR, whose REAL JOB is to TERRORIZE & EXTORT AMERICANS... and she is GOOD at that job !! ]
One puzzling response to the IRS mess, common among pundits, is demanding firings, of anyone, anywhere, now, yesterday – Obama should just make heads roll! “Why weren’t more people fired?” Sen. Max Baucus asked at a Senate hearing Tuesday. But shouldn’t we all want to figure out exactly who is responsible for TARGETING conservatives before trying to placate the gods of outrage by offering up indiscriminate scapegoats? Acting IRS director Stephen Miller walked the plank, even though there’s no evidence he had anything to do with the wrongful TARGETING of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status, and the commissioner of the agency’s tax exempt and government entities division, Joseph Grant, is retiring early. I’m not defending either man; bad things happened on their watch and that’s what happens to people at the top.
[BOTH MEN ARE NOT JEWISH - which means they are EXPANDABLE 'hirelings' and VASSALS, compared to HIGH-PLACED, deeply entrenched and infested judeo supremacist APPARTCHIKS like... GARY GENSLER, JACOB LEW, LOIS LERNER, etc. etc. etc.]
Yet the woman at the center of the scandal, Lois Lerner, the IRS director of exempt organizations, still has a job – and that makes no sense. I don’t like scapegoating, but Lerner seemed like a reasonable candidate to lose her job even before she delivered a tin-eared self-defense in front of Darrell Issa’s House Oversight Committee – and then pleaded the Fifth Amendment, exercising her constitutional right to avoid self-incrimination...It must be said that pleading the Fifth is not an admission of guilt, and it might be a reasonable response to a political witch hunt. Lerner’s lawyers insist that because the Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation into the IRS scandal – which was probably, in itself, a ham-handed and unnecessary political response to right-wing pressure – she had no choice but to refuse to testify at the hearing.
But Lerner should have been gone shortly after this scandal first unraveled in the press. Not only is she the person who was in charge of the group that wrongly targeted conservatives, [but] she DISHONESTLY TESTIFIED that she didn’t know about the targeting until 2012, when the inspector general found she knew as early as 2011. SHE is the person who told a conference call of reporters, “I’m not that good at math,” even though she’s a manager in an agency that’s at bottom all about math. [ !!! ] (cont'd)