Channel: The Jewish Wars
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Treasonous Jewish War-Pig Joe Lieberman PIMPS U.S. BOMBING, AL QAEDA TERRORISTS proxy armies, and MASS-MURDER INVASION of Syria... because KILLING BABIES, women, & children, is WHAT THE EVIL JEW BIBLE is ALL ABOUT...

Hey Joe Lieberman, you mass-murdering judeo TRAITOR - HOW's THAT  U.S. sponsored AL QAEDA INVASION of SYRIA working out for you??  Your Rotschields/Fed/GoddamnSachs paymasters CLEANED OUT  ALL of  Libya's GOLD reserves... and now OWN Libya's OIL, don't they?      So you can FORGET ABOUT the  50,000 BLACK  African/Libyans MASSACRED by your Al Qaeda hired army genocidal Arab THUGS there, right?!

 below video:  Joe Lieberman, the treasonous "israel UBER amerika"  judeo traitor former senator,  PIMPS the U.S.A.  (evil judeo war state!) sponsored TERRORIST proxy INVASION of Libya....   next video,   TRAITOR JOE Lie-berthug REPEATS his GENOCIDAL WAR-MONGERING,  pimping the  NUCLEAR ARMED U.S. military INVASION, BOMBING, and yet another Islamic state ruled TERRORIST PROXY  AL QAEDA  SHARIA LAW in Syria...



    Some back-story on TRAITOR JOE Lie-berthug,  the GENOCIDAL WAR PIMP posing as a "concerned American"  'leader' (retch) -

     this story is, admittedly, circumstantial evidence.... but it is a powerful, damning indictment of  Senator Joe Lieberman,  "TRAITOR JOE" the turn-coat Democrat Senator who was forced to ABANDON the Democratic Party and run as a REPUBLICAN/ war-lobby funded 'independent' when courageous Senate candidate  Ned Lamont exposed Lieberman's  BAIT & SWITCH LIES - a radical Right-Wing Republican in all but name,  a  PRO-WAR,  pro-Wall St. & insurance industry FINANCIAL RAPIST judeo warmonger,   posing as  an anti-war "moderate Democrat"

 ...for, long before the courageous Mr. Lamont forced Lieberman to show his true stripes as a BACK-STABBING  TRAITOR  TURNCOAT,    in 2000 then Vice President Al Gore DOOMED his campaign, by selecting the back-stabbing  pretend moderate Lieberman as his 2000 Vice Presidential candidate on the Democratic Party ticket....  

    in the voting that November 2000,  Joe Lieberman was within A WHISKER of becoming the VICE PRESIDENT of the United States...  but he did next to nothing to help his running mate,  Al Gore, win the re-count battle for that election.

 WHY?  would the vainglorious, selfish, and limelight hogging Lieberman SABOTAGE his own chances to become Vice President?   Can anyone imagine a similarly media-hogging and vainglorious (former) Sentor, Joe Biden,  TURNING DOWN his chance to become Vice President????

    LIEBERMAN  SOLD GORE... and MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of Democratic voters that Nov. 2000 election - DOWN THE RIVER, he BETRAYED the real, clear majority of  voters in that election, for the simple reason that Lieberman, as a high-ranking judeo APPARTCHIK infested way-up high in the U.S. government,    KNEW that 'THE FIX'  WAS IN:    that Bush & Cheney were merely FRONT MEN for the JUDEO WAR LOBBY, and that if they got in to the White House, the   evil jewish war state would be able to push its dream of "ERATZ ISRAEL" -  "GREATER ISRAEL" - down the throats of Americans, Mideasterners, and the world...  even if they, the jewish traitor appartchiks, had to  SABOTAGE America's defenses against well known Al Qaeda terror threats
(or, hell,  get the FBI  and other wholly owned U.S. govt agencies to INSTIGATE those terror attacks!)   and, PRESTO!  a  "NEW PEARL HARBOR" would bring about U.S. bombs, bullets, and soldiers... KILLING MUSLIMS by the TENS OF THOUSANDS, in   ANOTHER JEWISH WAR, in a foreign islamic state...

      To put the above in plain english,  "TRAITOR JOE" Lieberthug PREFERRED being "THE SENATOR FROM ISRAEL" to  being the VICE PRESIDENT of the United States of America!

  Within a dozen months of his election 2000 TREACHERY,   his fellow jew warmongers in the Bush-Cheney administration had succeeded in SABOTAGING  America's defenses, ALLOWING  15 al Qaeda hijackers to hijack 4 airliners, fly them in to buildings in New York and D.C.,  launch the evil judeo/Neo-Con   WAR ON AMERICANS,  and unleash the half-dozen AND COUNTING  JEW RUN   AMERICAN manned & financed WARS on THE MUSLIM WORLD...  

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