Channel: The Jewish Wars
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Barack Obama and Bill Clinton take up where DICK CHENEY and George W. Bush left off: PIMPING "WMD" LIES to START A WAR, and KILL THOUSANDS of Muslims in a foreign land - at the behest of their GENOCIDAL, anti-American Judeo Paymasters...

What do DICK CHENEY,  George W. Bush, BARACK OBAMA,  and BILL CLINTON all have in common??? 
  ans. -  they will all LIE  through their teeth, and make fictional, bogus, lying "WMD!" allegations against foreign nations, so to incite WARS, WAR CRIMES,  & and unleash tons of  AMERICAN BOMBS, BULLETS, and DEPLETED URANIUM eternally toxic weapons on foreign nations,   in order to rake in and POCKET THE MONEY and BRIBES of the genocidal, anti-American, 9-11 enabling & whitewashing jewish war lobby...

  below,  BILL CLINTON this week PIMPS"Syria has used poison gas" LIES -  JUST LIKE Dick CHENEY & George W. BUSH did in 2003  in the ramp-up to the U.S. invasion of IRAQ !! 
      BILL CLINTON has become a farces and a disaster:  he is pimping SHARIA LAW THEOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP in SYRIA,  just like his pals in SAUDI ARABIA,

  Jewish owned Y-net news gloats that  former U.S. President Bill Clinton is IN THEIR POCKET:  

  CLINTON  REPEATS  VERBATIM the "IRAQ HAS WMDs!"  LIES  against SYRIA... the lies "IRAQ HAS WMDs!" lies  pushed by his successor(s),  George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to whip-up and justify the illegal, criminal U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, NOW BEING REPEATED, VERBATIM,   by a "Democrat" administration in 2013  that is taking up where Bush & Cheney left off, KILLING MUSLIMS BY THE TENS OF THOUSANDS, in order to rake in jew war lobby BLOOD-DRENCHED BRIBE MONEY.... 
Challenging Obama to ATTACK a SOVEREIGN NATION,
 Bill Clinton ADVOCATES U.S. INVASION of Syria
[ at behest of his JEW PUPPET-MASTERS - the same ones who instructed him to BOMB SERBIA and leave THOUSANDS OF POUNDS OF  ETERNALLY TOXIC, BABY-KILLING  'DU' DEPLETED URANIUM  U.S. ammunition all over that country... ]

Former US president says Washington should   'rebalance'   power in Syria in light of Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah involvement; claims president shouldn't let public opinion polls dictate policy

by genocidal, AL QAIDA TERRORIST & SHARIA-LAW SUPPORTING  jew war pig  Yitzhak Benhorin,
 Published:  06.13.13, 08:48 / Israel News

WASHINGTON– Former US President Bill Clinton challenged the Obama administration's handling of the Syrian civil war on Tuesday and advocated increased support of rebel forces, the Politico website reported.

Speaking at a closed-press event for the McCain Institute for International Leadership in Manhattan, Clinton told Senator John McCain he agrees that President Barack Obama should act more forcefully to support anti-Assad rebels in Syria, saying the American public elects presidents and members of Congress “to see down the road” and “to win.”  (cont'd)

  JOHN McCAIN, George W. Bush, DICK CHENEY, BILL CLINTON,  BARACK OBAMA,  Hillary Clinton, John Kerry -  both   political parties are OWNED by the BLOOD DRENCHED, GENOCIDAL, AL QAEDA SUPPORTING,  economy-wrecking,   anti-American JEWISH WAR LOBBY....   genocidal, judeo-supremacist TRAITORS who are effectively PURGING America of those Americans courageous enough to EXPOSE THE LIES of their out-of-control government, whether Bradley Manning, BURIED under a JUDEO CONCENTRATION CAMP for exposing the HELICOPTER GUNSHIP MACHINE-GUNNING of unarmed Iraqi civilians, or the latest victim  of the criminal U.S. government's  TERRORIST "war on whistleblowers".....  

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