Channel: The Jewish Wars
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THIS IS HOW THEY DO IT: this is how the Humanity-hating Judeo Supremacist Media Whores INVERT REALITY: jewish owned cnn/TIME/Warner corp. gives fawning PRAISE to the widely DESPISED Rubinite Financial Criminal thug and Political "Fixer" hit-man enforcer, Rahm Emanuel....

  The only people who think Rahm Emanuel would make a good mayor of Chicago - much less a 'good' president of the United States - are the judeo-supremacist jews behind the jewish war lobby and judeo "Money Power" ruthless, genocidal, monopoly extortion financial cartel.
 But since theirs are THE ONLY opinions that count - the jewish owned TIME magazine
(a subsidiary of the cnn/Time/Warner Bros.  warmongering judeo supremacist  Hollywood media propaganda empire) 
dutifully pimps an entire cover article on the Rubinite financial crimes & economy-killing hatchet-man Emanuel,  including the words "presidential campaign." 

THIS IS HOW THEY DO IT: this is how the evil, Humanity-hating Judeo Supremacist Media Whores INVERT REALITY: Give cover-story media fellatio to Rahm Emanuel, the despised judeo terrorist appartchik who was put in place as mayor of Chicago by pure force of the judeo controlled "money power" - as we have pointed out many times previously,  Mr. Emanuel is no more 'liberal' than his fellow jewish-supremacists warmonger, overtly radical right-wing Republican judeo-supremacist and jewish 9-11 enabling traitor Paul Wolfowitz...

Rahm Emanuel Time Magazine Cover: Chicago Mayor Says 'This Is The Happiest I've Ever Been In Public Life'

In the cover story of this week's Time magazine, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel told the magazine that -- despite deflating approval ratings, the Windy City's epidemic of gun violence and the dramatic, ongoing battle over mass public school closings -- he is currently "the happiest I’ve ever been in public life."
The former White House Chief of Staff, who is beginning his third year as Chicago mayor, is described in the feature by Time editor-at-large David Von Drehle as "[a]rrogant, chesty, prickly, yes, but never stupid" and his "death stare" also receives a special mention. The story is titled "Rahm Emanuel Left the White House to Run a Broke, Violence-Plagued City, and He’s Having the Time of His Life."
When asked about his ever-rumored presidential aspirations, Emanuel replies, "No. I’m not. Never. It is not happening. I don’t know how else to say it. No." And when asked about his quarrels with the Chicago Teachers Union -- which lead to the city's first teacher strike in 25 years last fall -- he admits "it’s not a strategy the old Rahm would have advised a candidate to follow."

And why wouldn't parasitic financial vampire hoodlums like Rahm Emanuel be happy?   They have conned and hate-whipped the American public to believe their on-going financial atrocities,   "we must bail out the big banks to SAVE America" - even as they persist in DESTROYING America's economy, for example, the IRS,   WHILE EMANUEL  WAS Obama's first White House Chief of Staff - going after GIBSON GUITAR with what can only be described as a  "kill them with regulatory punishment" Commissar zeal...
  We know where Rahm Emanuel's  $13 million paycheck after he left the Clinton White House and joined Chicago based LBO Fed-money buy-out artists Wasserstein-Perella came from - it came from the wealth of American working families  RAPED of their pensions and earnings wealth,   it came from the  budget of school districts SLASHED in order to build MORE PRISONS and give more money to corrupt judges, corrupt legislators, and corrupt financiers;  it came from   SLASHED AMERICAN SOCIAL SERVICES, as the evil Judeo war lobby hands BILLIONS of dollars to Netanyahu's insane judeo war-pigs and their America death-dealing weapons industry...

  The evil judeo "financiers" and genocidally ruthless appartchiks like Rahm Emanuel have DECLARED WAR on the American people,  but since they (the judeo Money Power) OWN the treasonous corporate media whores, and since, having more 'money' than god, they can bribe and extort every politician on earth -    they,  THE judeo appartchik COWARDS, LIARS, TRAITORS, and SABOTEURS, can HIDE behind their corrupt puppets as they DEMOLISH the social fabric and infrastructure of America with HATE and systematic  democide - MURDER  by GOVERNMENT....
 in the name of "maintaining stability" and "saving us from terrorism" - the TERRORISM that THEY INSTIGATE - in SYRIA, in LIBYA, in IRAQ, in AFGHANISTAN,  in EGYPT, in RUSSIA, and now IN THE STREETS, SCHOOLS, and SHOPPING CENTERS OF AMERICA as well as our cities under attack from hijacked airliners where the entire Neo-Con wrecking crew were "on vacation" in the weeks leading up to 9-11...

 Philadelphia Closes 23 Schools, New $400 Million Prison Being Built

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