THIS is How They Do It:
This is how the (evil) Judeo War-mongers Use PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION and abject control of the media to con-vince millions of Americans that they are peaceful, productive, and tolerant (humane) members of American society, when in fact they are blood-drenched warmongers and genocidal extortionists & financial rapists.
Henry Kissinger - the dictator loving FINANCIAL RAPIST closely allied with the ARAB THEOCRATIC DICTATORS,
is presented a "freedom" award, at a retch-inducing New York Neo-Con propaganda farce masquerading as an "awards ceremony" -
Henry Kissinger is a blood-drenched warmonger and Judeo supremacist "Neo-Con." When America was traumatized and terrified (terrorized) in the wake of the 9-11 attacks, the Cheney-Bush-Libby-Wolfowitz White House attempted to stonewall and discourage any effort at creating an official 9-11 investigation to see just where the Bush-Cheney administration hadFAILED to protect America from what was, in the long spring and summer of 2001, a well known Al Qaeda hijacking and terrorist threat.
Millions of Americans refused to be discouraged by the Cheney-Bush administration (or their "Neo-Con" puppet-masters & judeo press/media enablers) and insisted that their government would create a 9-11 Commission.
THINKING THEY WERE CLEVER,the jews running the Bush-Cheney government selected the blood-drenched and reprehensible HENRY KISSINGER to head the commission - the jewish owned press/media relentlessly portraying kissinger as "a respected statesman"
(The jews today, like Hitler in the 1930s and other delusional, dictatorial "Napoleon complex" megalomaniacs before and since, tending to believe their own propaganda)
However, millions of Americans instantly realized that putting henry kissinger in charge of the 9-11 Commission was akin to KILLING IT by insider treachery sabotage from within...
and in what amounted to a comparative frenzy of real, investigative news reporting, it came out that Kissinger sat on the Board of Directors of large companies that had close, intimate, profitable ties with SAUDI ARABIA and others of the very Gulf Oil Arab states that were -
- ACCORDING TO the GOVERNMENT's OWN 9-11 propaganda narrative official story - the sources of both the funding network and those Al Qaeda TERRORISTS who perpetrated the 9-11 attacks!
Henry Kissinger was "so grateful" to America for providing him refuge and a new "homeland" that made him wealthy & prosperous after World War II
(Kissinger was a European jewish "Holocaust" refugee)
that he - refused to divulge his CLOSE CONNECTIONS TO those very Arab nations accused of harboring the AL QAEDA 9-11 TERRORISTS - much less to DIVEST HIMSELF from those profitable ties when his country asked to answer the call of crisis after 9-11 !!
And who can blame Kissinger for being an UNGRATEFUL, SELFISH, GREEDY TRAITOR?!
He KNEW that "the FIX was in" - that the 9-11 Commission would be a WHITEWASH LIE, SABOTAGED from WITHIN by the Bush-Cheney-LIBBY-Wolfowitz (et al) White House and judeo owned media manipulation, so why the hell would Kissinger ABANDON his STEADY KICKBACKS, BRIBES, & EXTORTION pay stream
(masquerading as "profits from those corporations he was a a paid director of")
to head a BOGUS and FRAUDULENT 9-11 Commission that would soon be terminated and ended??!
This single issue proves that Henry Kissinger is the DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITE of a "FREEDOM" supporting "American patriot" and (genuine) "leader" - Kissinger REFUSED to HELP his adopted nation in its time of CRISIS rather than DUMP his INSIDER kick-back 'profits' payolla stocks, bonds, and Directors pay,
and, even worse, KISSINGER'S CLOSE TIES to the SAUDI & other DICTATOR, women terrorizing ARAB OIL REGIMES, has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with "FREEDOM" !!!
Kissinger is simply a TYPICAL NEO-CON judeo WAR-PIG: they think they are so clever masqerading their support for and abject DEPENDENCE ON ruthless, dictatorial, insanely theocratic Sunni Arab regimes
(and other murderous dictatorial regimes across the world, as in Saakashvili's faux "democracy" in Georgia, former Soviet republic)
as "FREEDOM & democracy".
A FRAUD, LIE, and farce which is now coming to America at 1,000 miles-per-hour; where in the past decades police in America at least made a pretense that they were here to "protect and serve" the American public, but now they are practically the new Roman centurions, enforcing TERROR in the slaves and among the Roman populace as the centurions (Roman soldiers) propped up the increasingly foul, venal, sadistic, and gluttonous absolute dictator caesars 2,000 years ago...
...America's police today looking for any possible excuse to ARREST and imprison Americans, now including routine traffic stops as well as the hyper-hypocritical "war on drugs," and of course the metastasizing police-state occupation "war on terror" (terror drones coming to America soon!) where for example following the Boston "wet ops" Black-ops terror bombing (treason!) at the Boston Marathon finish line, Boston's Neo-Con controlled militarized police swept through entire Boston neighborhoods like an invading foreign army - treating all residents as terrorist 'suspects'.
Some background on the evil judeo financial rapists (would-be slave traders) and genocidal war-mongers posing as "freedom & democracy" loving Americans:
THE BASIS of America's "Neo-Con" expanding wars and relentlessly expanding global hegemony posing as "foreign policy" is "THE PETRO-DOLLAR" because, after 2 decades of Bob Rubin's GoddamnSachs (et al) Wall St. financial vampires bribing Con-gress & presidents to make it easy (taxpayer subsidies!) to EXPORT AMERICAN JOBS, technology... whole, entire industries! to China & Asia, the Greenspan/Bernanke "JUDENFETZEN" dollar no longer has much real wealth to back it up... except for America's de facto CONTROL of the oil coming out of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE and other "allied" mideast Arab oil regimes. Although "free market" propagandists might try to assert that America does not control Saudi oil "it goes wherever the Saudis get the best price" this is a fallacy easily disproved by a single word: IRAQ.
Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein was starting to sell his oil on world markets in exchange for EUROS, which (dominated in some part by Germany) were not being printed as willy-nilly as the Greenspan/Bernanke dollars, and were therefore worth more and backed by far more value (real wealth) than Greenspan dollars were.
THIS - the Iraq-Euro oil trade soon exposing the U.S. dollar as WORTHLESS - was the issue (economic/trade nightmare) bubbling in the background that drove even "rational" American policy makers and Congressmen & Senators to defer to and support the judeo "Neo-Con" "experts" (retch) running the Bush-Cheney White House and U.S. military in their invasion, conquest, & genocidal occupation of Iraq in 2003.
So today what value the U.S. dollar still retains, is wholly due tothe judeo war-state's America's control over not only Iraq's oil output, but of all the other Gulf arab oil producers as well - whose Sunni theocratic regimes are only propped up and held in place, by sheer force of arms and frenetic U.S. (and British) support.
(note: "extortion" and "financial rape" are simply the 'modern' versions of good old fashioned (ancient) tribal warfare, where the lean, hungry nomadic tribes would fall on the prosperous settled farming tribes like wolves on a flock of sheep and kill all the men, rape all the women, and enslave the young children - as so often portrayed in the bible itself.)
below: while the judeo owned press and mass media like to promote the notion that jews were outraged victims and hapless observers of former Nazi officials ESCAPING JUSTICE in the post-war years after the horrors of World War II were revealed, the simple FACT is that PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S TREASURY SECRETARY, Henry Morganthau, not only was the very Jewish cabinet official at the very APEX Of AMERICAN POWER during and after World War II...
(the Treasury Department of course FUNDED, FINANCED, and COORDINATED _ALL_ of America's WWII military supplies and planning during and after the war - as it does today)
...but he was a relentless judeo-supremacists bent on the wholesale punishment of surviving members of the German military and population after WWII - as the infamous if little known "MORGANTHAU PLAN" to essentially turn Germany into a conquered & divided, pre-feudal (!!) DARK AGES type economy reveal.
the below blog-post might be labelled "anti-semitic" by the Kissinger style "Neo-Con" judeo supremacist who rule Amerika today, but the Morganathau Plan to PUNISH GERMANY after World War II with STARVATION RATIONS
(food to be supplied to occupied Germany in insufficient quantities to satisfy minimum daily caloric requirements - i.e. starvation rations)
is well known - and the enclosed illustration shows a CONCENTRATION CAMP like post-war German prison pen. The photo clearly reveals that the men have been there in that prison camp for some extended time... and there is NO SHELTER TO BE SEEN in acres and acres of prison camp complex. That is, the prisoners are LEFT EXPOSED to wind, rain, or FREEZING RAIN, which of course is a life-threatening, DEHUMANIZING, DEATH-CAMP existence.
(end blog post)
This is how the (evil) Judeo War-mongers Use PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION and abject control of the media to con-vince millions of Americans that they are peaceful, productive, and tolerant (humane) members of American society, when in fact they are blood-drenched warmongers and genocidal extortionists & financial rapists.
Henry Kissinger - the dictator loving FINANCIAL RAPIST closely allied with the ARAB THEOCRATIC DICTATORS,
is presented a "freedom" award, at a retch-inducing New York Neo-Con propaganda farce masquerading as an "awards ceremony" -
Henry Kissinger is a blood-drenched warmonger and Judeo supremacist "Neo-Con." When America was traumatized and terrified (terrorized) in the wake of the 9-11 attacks, the Cheney-Bush-Libby-Wolfowitz White House attempted to stonewall and discourage any effort at creating an official 9-11 investigation to see just where the Bush-Cheney administration hadFAILED to protect America from what was, in the long spring and summer of 2001, a well known Al Qaeda hijacking and terrorist threat.
Millions of Americans refused to be discouraged by the Cheney-Bush administration (or their "Neo-Con" puppet-masters & judeo press/media enablers) and insisted that their government would create a 9-11 Commission.
THINKING THEY WERE CLEVER,the jews running the Bush-Cheney government selected the blood-drenched and reprehensible HENRY KISSINGER to head the commission - the jewish owned press/media relentlessly portraying kissinger as "a respected statesman"
(The jews today, like Hitler in the 1930s and other delusional, dictatorial "Napoleon complex" megalomaniacs before and since, tending to believe their own propaganda)
However, millions of Americans instantly realized that putting henry kissinger in charge of the 9-11 Commission was akin to KILLING IT by insider treachery sabotage from within...
and in what amounted to a comparative frenzy of real, investigative news reporting, it came out that Kissinger sat on the Board of Directors of large companies that had close, intimate, profitable ties with SAUDI ARABIA and others of the very Gulf Oil Arab states that were -
- ACCORDING TO the GOVERNMENT's OWN 9-11 propaganda narrative official story - the sources of both the funding network and those Al Qaeda TERRORISTS who perpetrated the 9-11 attacks!
Henry Kissinger was "so grateful" to America for providing him refuge and a new "homeland" that made him wealthy & prosperous after World War II
(Kissinger was a European jewish "Holocaust" refugee)
that he - refused to divulge his CLOSE CONNECTIONS TO those very Arab nations accused of harboring the AL QAEDA 9-11 TERRORISTS - much less to DIVEST HIMSELF from those profitable ties when his country asked to answer the call of crisis after 9-11 !!
And who can blame Kissinger for being an UNGRATEFUL, SELFISH, GREEDY TRAITOR?!
He KNEW that "the FIX was in" - that the 9-11 Commission would be a WHITEWASH LIE, SABOTAGED from WITHIN by the Bush-Cheney-LIBBY-Wolfowitz (et al) White House and judeo owned media manipulation, so why the hell would Kissinger ABANDON his STEADY KICKBACKS, BRIBES, & EXTORTION pay stream
(masquerading as "profits from those corporations he was a a paid director of")
to head a BOGUS and FRAUDULENT 9-11 Commission that would soon be terminated and ended??!
This single issue proves that Henry Kissinger is the DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITE of a "FREEDOM" supporting "American patriot" and (genuine) "leader" - Kissinger REFUSED to HELP his adopted nation in its time of CRISIS rather than DUMP his INSIDER kick-back 'profits' payolla stocks, bonds, and Directors pay,
and, even worse, KISSINGER'S CLOSE TIES to the SAUDI & other DICTATOR, women terrorizing ARAB OIL REGIMES, has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with "FREEDOM" !!!
Kissinger is simply a TYPICAL NEO-CON judeo WAR-PIG: they think they are so clever masqerading their support for and abject DEPENDENCE ON ruthless, dictatorial, insanely theocratic Sunni Arab regimes
(and other murderous dictatorial regimes across the world, as in Saakashvili's faux "democracy" in Georgia, former Soviet republic)
as "FREEDOM & democracy".
A FRAUD, LIE, and farce which is now coming to America at 1,000 miles-per-hour; where in the past decades police in America at least made a pretense that they were here to "protect and serve" the American public, but now they are practically the new Roman centurions, enforcing TERROR in the slaves and among the Roman populace as the centurions (Roman soldiers) propped up the increasingly foul, venal, sadistic, and gluttonous absolute dictator caesars 2,000 years ago...
...America's police today looking for any possible excuse to ARREST and imprison Americans, now including routine traffic stops as well as the hyper-hypocritical "war on drugs," and of course the metastasizing police-state occupation "war on terror" (terror drones coming to America soon!) where for example following the Boston "wet ops" Black-ops terror bombing (treason!) at the Boston Marathon finish line, Boston's Neo-Con controlled militarized police swept through entire Boston neighborhoods like an invading foreign army - treating all residents as terrorist 'suspects'.
Some background on the evil judeo financial rapists (would-be slave traders) and genocidal war-mongers posing as "freedom & democracy" loving Americans:
THE BASIS of America's "Neo-Con" expanding wars and relentlessly expanding global hegemony posing as "foreign policy" is "THE PETRO-DOLLAR" because, after 2 decades of Bob Rubin's GoddamnSachs (et al) Wall St. financial vampires bribing Con-gress & presidents to make it easy (taxpayer subsidies!) to EXPORT AMERICAN JOBS, technology... whole, entire industries! to China & Asia, the Greenspan/Bernanke "JUDENFETZEN" dollar no longer has much real wealth to back it up... except for America's de facto CONTROL of the oil coming out of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE and other "allied" mideast Arab oil regimes. Although "free market" propagandists might try to assert that America does not control Saudi oil "it goes wherever the Saudis get the best price" this is a fallacy easily disproved by a single word: IRAQ.
Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein was starting to sell his oil on world markets in exchange for EUROS, which (dominated in some part by Germany) were not being printed as willy-nilly as the Greenspan/Bernanke dollars, and were therefore worth more and backed by far more value (real wealth) than Greenspan dollars were.
THIS - the Iraq-Euro oil trade soon exposing the U.S. dollar as WORTHLESS - was the issue (economic/trade nightmare) bubbling in the background that drove even "rational" American policy makers and Congressmen & Senators to defer to and support the judeo "Neo-Con" "experts" (retch) running the Bush-Cheney White House and U.S. military in their invasion, conquest, & genocidal occupation of Iraq in 2003.
So today what value the U.S. dollar still retains, is wholly due to
(note: "extortion" and "financial rape" are simply the 'modern' versions of good old fashioned (ancient) tribal warfare, where the lean, hungry nomadic tribes would fall on the prosperous settled farming tribes like wolves on a flock of sheep and kill all the men, rape all the women, and enslave the young children - as so often portrayed in the bible itself.)
below: while the judeo owned press and mass media like to promote the notion that jews were outraged victims and hapless observers of former Nazi officials ESCAPING JUSTICE in the post-war years after the horrors of World War II were revealed, the simple FACT is that PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S TREASURY SECRETARY, Henry Morganthau, not only was the very Jewish cabinet official at the very APEX Of AMERICAN POWER during and after World War II...
(the Treasury Department of course FUNDED, FINANCED, and COORDINATED _ALL_ of America's WWII military supplies and planning during and after the war - as it does today)
...but he was a relentless judeo-supremacists bent on the wholesale punishment of surviving members of the German military and population after WWII - as the infamous if little known "MORGANTHAU PLAN" to essentially turn Germany into a conquered & divided, pre-feudal (!!) DARK AGES type economy reveal.
the below blog-post might be labelled "anti-semitic" by the Kissinger style "Neo-Con" judeo supremacist who rule Amerika today, but the Morganathau Plan to PUNISH GERMANY after World War II with STARVATION RATIONS
(food to be supplied to occupied Germany in insufficient quantities to satisfy minimum daily caloric requirements - i.e. starvation rations)
is well known - and the enclosed illustration shows a CONCENTRATION CAMP like post-war German prison pen. The photo clearly reveals that the men have been there in that prison camp for some extended time... and there is NO SHELTER TO BE SEEN in acres and acres of prison camp complex. That is, the prisoners are LEFT EXPOSED to wind, rain, or FREEZING RAIN, which of course is a life-threatening, DEHUMANIZING, DEATH-CAMP existence.
1945: Bullshit At Nuremberg, KISSINGER Joins The Boys, Experiment In Hiroshima, Installing Fascists And It's Not A War Crime When We Do It Wednesday, February 11, 2009
...1945-49: EUROPE. As about ten thousand top Nazi war criminals and mass murderers are being safely spirited out of Europe by HEINZ "Henry" KISSINGER, Allen Dulles and their co-conspirators to be incorporated into various U.S. government agencies and U.S. puppet dictatorships around the world,ordinary German soldiers, mainly conscripts, are being herded into concentration camps and subjected to starvation and mistreatment by the U.S.
A month before the end of the war, General Dwight Eisenhower issues special orders regarding the treatment of German prisoners and specifies that "prison enclosures are to provide no shelter or other comforts."
Eisenhower or, more likely, his [proto "Neo-Con" puppetmasters] also come up with the bright idea of designating German prisoners as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" or DEFs, instead of prisoners of war. This sleazy little deception, the predecessor to the "Enemy Combatant" ploy of the George Bush regime, is intended to provide a mask of legitimacy to Eisenhower's gross mistreatment of millions of German prisoners of war. It is based, appropriately enough, on the position adopted by Adolf Hitler after the Nazi defeats of Poland and Yugoslavia: that the defeated nation(s) no longer existed and therefore their troops were not covered by the Geneva Convention.
When Generals George Patton and Omar Bradley release German prisoners of war so they can find their way home through the ruins of Germany, Eisenhower countermands their orders to ensure that are held as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" in his concentration camps.
Eisenhower prevents the International Red Cross from providing aid to the German prisoners held by the U.S. or inspecting the camps. When Eisenhower finally allows the Red Cross to enter one of the camps with small quantities of food in February 1946, Red Cross personnel discover that the German prisoners of war are being kept in appalling conditions in gross violation of the Geneva Convention.
Estimates of the numbers of German prisoners who died of exposure, disease and starvation in the concentration camps range from tens of thousands to over a million. Given the suppression of the truth about the camps for the past half century, the truth will probably never be known. In 1989, Canadian author James Bacque, will publish Other Losses which details the treatment of German prisoners of war by the U.S. and estimates that almost a million died of disease, malnutrition and exposure while in American custody. Although, his estimate of the number killed has been challenged, his revelations of the brutal mistreatment of German POWs by the U.S. are not. Even apologists for Eisenhower, while disputing Bacque's figure of almost a million dead, admit that mortality in American-run camps was four times as high as in British camps. The German Red Cross still lists 1,300,000 German prisoners of the Allies as "missing".When they caught me throwing C-Rations over the fence, they threatened me with imprisonment. One Captain told me that he would shoot me if he saw me again tossing food to the Germans. Some of the men were really only boys thirteen years of age. Some of the prisoners were old men drafted by Hitler in his last ditch stand. I understand that the average weight of the prisoners at Andernach was ninety pounds. I may now be heard when I relate the horrible atrocity I witnessed as a prison guard for one of Ike's death camps along the Rhine.Martin Brech PFC, Guard at the U.S. Army's Andernach Concentration CampThe German prisoners were properly [re-] designated as prisoners of war in 1946, but many were illegally kept as forced labor [SLAVES!] for years afterwards in violation of the Hague Conventions. (cont'd)
(end blog post)