(draft - work in progress!)
Today we take time to quickly salute Gilad Atzmon's ground-breaking editorial at Veterans Today
(one of the last bastions of American sanity we have been able to find anywhere - in American 'news' or on the web)
Holocaust Day – The Time Is Ripe For A Jewish Apology
We're actually long overdue in addressing some of the important themes in Mr. Atzmon's excellent commentary - points that have been made, for example, inthe VERY JEWISH AUTHOR Kati Marton's book on HUNGARIAN JEWS Fleeing Nazi persecution during World War II,
"The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World"
Among other points the books discloses about Jewish culture: John von Neuman, a brilliant jewish/Hungarian mathematician who was a vital scientist in the American "Manhattan Project" A-bomb research; is every bit as ruthless & remorseless as the Nazis: when learning that the Japanese haven't surrendered after the first A-bomb attack on Hiroshima, von Neuman is not phased by the prospect of building enough bombs to annihilate every Japanese city.
Speaking of von Neuman, whose parents were well off, author Kati Marton remarks on how the Hungarians stout Christian peasant stock won their independence from foreign overlords at great cost in many battles over many centuries (including the ISLAMIC Ottoman Turks, with whom the Jews cooperated for centuries)... yet wealthy Jews such as von Neuman's parents seemed to own much of the property and estates in Hungary. And in another colorful telling, Marton relates how one of the heroic JEWISH protagonists of her stories, upon going to Palestine and meeting other displaced European jews there, discovered that the jews in Palestine were even more arrogant, intolerant, humorless, and insufferable than even the most clannish jews of European cities he had met... Jews escaping from the perceived second-class status or repression of Europe, it seems, almost instantly reverted to an even more repressive and overlord psychology upon becoming jews "the chosen ones" once they reached the (blood-drenched) "Holy Land" !!
Mr. Atzmon - who was raised Jewish and is intimately aware of the identities and undercurrents of Jewish culture - explains that a recent mass political protest in France against French President François Hollande turned in to an ANTI-JEWISH ('anti-semitic') demonstration that ended in clashes between police and protesters...!
To which we point out that FRANCE has always been the most savvy of European nations re their Jewish financial overlords, the French are perfectly happy to have the Jews dominate French finance... as long as the French have a reasonably healthy, profitable, and secure lifestyle.
This (somewhat) symbiotic relationship is perfectly grounded in common sense: as a Continental (Europe) nation & power, the French, like all other Continental nations, are vulnerable to their neighbors ganging up(in imperial power alliances) and attacking France - just as France (or any other rising, aspiring nation in Europe) in the past embarked on wars of conquest against its neighbors.
In short, the history of Europe is the history of nations rising and falling in power, and forming alliances and consolidating power to where they could become strong enough to ATTACK and CONQUER their neighbors. In such a hostile and insecure environment, it is always important to cultivate powerful allies.... and as we have sought to explain for dozens of times here at TJW, ever since the Rotschields funded England, 'Britain' and the Allies to victory over Napoleon's armies during the Napoleonic wars, TheJUDEO 'MONEY POWER' has been THE power in Europe.
So it is perfectly within France's best interest to cultivate a strong relation with the "Money Power" because - as long as it is put to productive uses - it is always valuable to have access to large funds, to have access to "cheap money."
But therein lies the rub: we said "as long as it is put to productive use" it is good to have access to large amounts of cheap money... but that most certainly does _NOT_ mean PREDATORY, PARASITIC, CANNIBALISTIC,
"enslave the peons and engorge thearistocrats autocrats" finance!
As the French are perhaps more aware of than anyone in the world, what with the French Revolution so famously (or infamously) chopping off so many royal, autocratic, and abusive nobles' heads!!
(We'd love to comment on how the FRENCH REVOLUTION - despite all its gore and terror - was actually FAR LESS MURDEROUS than the ENGLISH Revolution - much less when you throw in the fratricidal English civil wars - but English/British/anglo/american PROPAGANDA has WHITEWASHED the violence of the British elites and Revolutions OUT of what most Americans know about their English-speaking cousins... a post we've long been meaning to write, but no time or space for here.)
So anyways, to survive as a nation in the hostile environment of Continental Europe, a people must be STRONG, UNIFIED... and PRODUCTIVE, which the French under the twin competing but complimentary forces of Revolutionary style "liberte, egalite, fraternity" Enlightenment modern nationalism, combined with the more ancient, traditional French Catholicism, have been.
And it pays to have good ties to the cheap money made available by the
(also competing/complimentary "modern/ancient") 'MONEY POWER' - AS LONG AS that money is put to good use.
BUT! when the "Money Power" is ascendant, when they have thrown off the (very!) loose bonds of self-restraint, common sense, productivity, & commitment to the common weal.... when bribery and corruption become The PRIMARY BUSINESS 'MODEL'
- then, as we have reported 10,000 times here, money becomes CORROSIVE, DESTRUCTIVE, PARASITIC, and CANNABALISTIC, and DESTROYS society from the inside out... just like all those nobles, leading up to the French Revolution, jealously courted their power and access to the royal court as their sole mode of doing business... no matter how many French men and women they stomped into the mud of Paris or to the dungeons of the Bastille to gain royal favor and a bigger share of the royal purse.
So not only are we not surprised to hear about FRENCH PROTESTS breaking out against the HANGMAN'S NOOSE of 'the MONEY POWERS' fraudulent _claims_ to (Europe wide!) economies-gutting FRAUDULENT "DEBT"... but we welcome them!
But wait! Our above exposition on the French as being the most savvy of all Europeans regarding their sometimes conflicting, sometimes productive relationship with 'The Money Power'
(which mirrors or parallels the nature of France's dueling, sometimes complimentary, sometimes conflicting love for modernist Revolutionary ideals, along with their love for the ancient Catholic church)
is only the preamble to our discussion of Mr. Atzmon's GROUND BREAKING DISCUSSION - "MAYBE JEWS HAVE FAR MORE RESPONSIBILITY for 'the HOLOCAUST' than they care to deal with" !!!
And there are several - quite a few - different angles to look at this.
1. first and foremost, of, course, THERE WOULD BE NO PROTESTS and demonstrations in France IFthe "GENIUS FINANCIERS" weren't PUSHING their god-damned FRAUDULENT DEBT EXTORTION on the nations and peoples of Europe...
For every financial transaction there are two sides - one side paying out money, one side taking in money - so we now see that the "TAKERS" are TAKING IN MONEY... while DESTROYING economies!
That's not "GENIUS FINANCE" - that's RAPE, EXTORTION, ENSLAVEMENT, financial CONQUEST, and (on a grand enough scale) GENOCIDE !!
2. "HITLER's REVENGE" - for DECADES after World War II, jews LECTURED US on the phenomena of "THE GOOD GERMAN" - how even good, productive, hard-working people could become SEDUCED by the siren call of hyper-nationalism and blatant racism... (see #3., below); and how the HYPER-VIOLENCE of Nazi Germany and her armies were the very definition of "evil".
For the first time we have seen anywhere, we here at TheJewishWars have actually put in to the same sentence or paragraph some of the most prominent of the "Soviet Union's" most prominent MASS-TERROR, MASS-MURDER executioners... and almost every single one WAS JEWISH, with the exceptions of Felix "Iron Felix" Dzersinski and Stalin himself, (and later Kruschev would also sign many of the death lists) - MOST OF THESE GULAG, TERROR, and MASS-EXECUTION perpetrators that we've uncovered - those at the very top of the PURGES and TERROR machine - WERE INDEED JEWISH !! and CERTAINLY LEO TROTSKY, aka LEV BRONSTEIN, got the ball rolling with the MASS EXECUTION of CAPTURED Czarist soldiers during the earliest days of the judeo'BOLSHEVIK' Revolution:
In our above brief discussion about Kati Marton writing about the well-to-do Jews in Hungary (and the rise of Nazi led "anti-semitism" across much of Europe) we don't recall Kati Marton revealing more than a passing glance at the JEWISH INFLUENCE (if not Jewish ROOTS!) of HYPER VIOLENT, HYPER-MURDEROUS "Bolshevik Communism" in Russia, Hungary, or anywhere else...
3. Right before our eyes, we the people of the world see the jews... asserting a RACIST, APARTHEID, SEGREGATED, BRUTAL nation as "their" homeland... in Palestine.. at the same time that they claim and demand that THEY have a "right" to INFILTRATE (and eventually DOMINATE) OTHER NATIONS and peoples! WTF ?!!!!
And, the #1. reason - every single year, jews CELEBRATE the KILLING of... their NEIGHBORS' children, the so-called "Passover" celebration!
THIS IS THE #1. JEWISH ATROCITY against mankind, against the people of the world, against the entire human race:
the JEWS CELEBRATE not just the KILLING of CHILDREN... but of THEIR NEIGHBOR's CHILDREN, each and every god-damned year....
it - the satanic CELEBRATION of the KILLING of THEIR NEIGHBOR's CHILDREN - is THE defining event, celebration, and identity of the ENTIRE Jewish "faith" !!!!
And, as dismal as that notion is, that's allowing for the notion that it was 'the hand of g-o-d' which killed the Egyptian children, the "ANGEL OF DEATH" in popular, modern judeo/American parlance...
but as we've already examined in our discussion of the very JEWISH David Plotz written series of articles, "BLOGGING THE BIBLE," there is an even grimmer, MORE SINISTER angle to the dismal 'Passover' story... that it was NOT some "divine angel of death" that killed those Egyptian children... it was JEWISH DEATH SQUADS, the jewish phrase which has become Americanized as "the angel of death" actually refers to "g-o-d" unleashing... "THE DESTROYERS" which perfectly describes a HUMAN death squad... A JEWISH death squad....
a squad of JEWISH MURDERS TERRORIZING and KILLING their neighbors! **
EVERY SINGLE god-damned YEAR, the JEWS CELEBRATE the KILLINGS of THEIR (Egyptian) NEIGHBORS - the "killings" that were certainly
the MURDERS of their neighbors perpetrated by murderous JEWISH DEATH SQUADS !!
You'd be a FOOL to WANT to live next door to someone.. who every single year RITUALLY RE-ENACTS the KILLINGS of THEIR NEIGHBORS' CHILDREN !!
** The Exodus story specifically tells us that THE JEWS SPLASHED BLOOD on their doorways to SIGNAL that jews were in those homes... for the HAND OF DEATH to spare that home; but the bible also specifically tells us that THE FIRST BORN CATTLE and SHEEP were also killed by "the hand of death." Well, a DIVINE or angelic hand of death DOES NOT NEED a SPLASH OF BLOOD to know who is and is not on the DEATH LIST... but a HUMAN death squad operating in the dead of night would. Most likely, the jew DEATH SQUADS MURDERED MOST or ALL of the residents of those TERRORIZED homes, and ALL the cattle, sheep, and goats that couldn't be carried away... but later, in the retelling of the night of terror around tribal campfires, dinner tables, and in temple schools, the ruthless brutality of the JEW DEATH SQUADS was SOFTENED to make the dismal story more palatable, by INSERTING the "commanded by g-o-d" and "only the first-born" were killed aspects to shift the story from JEWISH DEATH SQUADS MURDERING THEIR NEIGHBORS, to Yahweh... KILLING INNOCENT CHILDREN for the HARD-HEADEDNESS of Pharaoh... whom the Exodus story tells us that G-O-D _HIMSELF_ made hard-of-head !!!
Today we take time to quickly salute Gilad Atzmon's ground-breaking editorial at Veterans Today
(one of the last bastions of American sanity we have been able to find anywhere - in American 'news' or on the web)
Holocaust Day – The Time Is Ripe For A Jewish Apology
We're actually long overdue in addressing some of the important themes in Mr. Atzmon's excellent commentary - points that have been made, for example, inthe VERY JEWISH AUTHOR Kati Marton's book on HUNGARIAN JEWS Fleeing Nazi persecution during World War II,
"The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World"
Among other points the books discloses about Jewish culture: John von Neuman, a brilliant jewish/Hungarian mathematician who was a vital scientist in the American "Manhattan Project" A-bomb research; is every bit as ruthless & remorseless as the Nazis: when learning that the Japanese haven't surrendered after the first A-bomb attack on Hiroshima, von Neuman is not phased by the prospect of building enough bombs to annihilate every Japanese city.
Speaking of von Neuman, whose parents were well off, author Kati Marton remarks on how the Hungarians stout Christian peasant stock won their independence from foreign overlords at great cost in many battles over many centuries (including the ISLAMIC Ottoman Turks, with whom the Jews cooperated for centuries)... yet wealthy Jews such as von Neuman's parents seemed to own much of the property and estates in Hungary. And in another colorful telling, Marton relates how one of the heroic JEWISH protagonists of her stories, upon going to Palestine and meeting other displaced European jews there, discovered that the jews in Palestine were even more arrogant, intolerant, humorless, and insufferable than even the most clannish jews of European cities he had met... Jews escaping from the perceived second-class status or repression of Europe, it seems, almost instantly reverted to an even more repressive and overlord psychology upon becoming jews "the chosen ones" once they reached the (blood-drenched) "Holy Land" !!
Mr. Atzmon - who was raised Jewish and is intimately aware of the identities and undercurrents of Jewish culture - explains that a recent mass political protest in France against French President François Hollande turned in to an ANTI-JEWISH ('anti-semitic') demonstration that ended in clashes between police and protesters...!
To which we point out that FRANCE has always been the most savvy of European nations re their Jewish financial overlords, the French are perfectly happy to have the Jews dominate French finance... as long as the French have a reasonably healthy, profitable, and secure lifestyle.
This (somewhat) symbiotic relationship is perfectly grounded in common sense: as a Continental (Europe) nation & power, the French, like all other Continental nations, are vulnerable to their neighbors ganging up(in imperial power alliances) and attacking France - just as France (or any other rising, aspiring nation in Europe) in the past embarked on wars of conquest against its neighbors.
In short, the history of Europe is the history of nations rising and falling in power, and forming alliances and consolidating power to where they could become strong enough to ATTACK and CONQUER their neighbors. In such a hostile and insecure environment, it is always important to cultivate powerful allies.... and as we have sought to explain for dozens of times here at TJW, ever since the Rotschields funded England, 'Britain' and the Allies to victory over Napoleon's armies during the Napoleonic wars, TheJUDEO 'MONEY POWER' has been THE power in Europe.
So it is perfectly within France's best interest to cultivate a strong relation with the "Money Power" because - as long as it is put to productive uses - it is always valuable to have access to large funds, to have access to "cheap money."
But therein lies the rub: we said "as long as it is put to productive use" it is good to have access to large amounts of cheap money... but that most certainly does _NOT_ mean PREDATORY, PARASITIC, CANNIBALISTIC,
"enslave the peons and engorge the
As the French are perhaps more aware of than anyone in the world, what with the French Revolution so famously (or infamously) chopping off so many royal, autocratic, and abusive nobles' heads!!
(We'd love to comment on how the FRENCH REVOLUTION - despite all its gore and terror - was actually FAR LESS MURDEROUS than the ENGLISH Revolution - much less when you throw in the fratricidal English civil wars - but English/British/anglo/american PROPAGANDA has WHITEWASHED the violence of the British elites and Revolutions OUT of what most Americans know about their English-speaking cousins... a post we've long been meaning to write, but no time or space for here.)
So anyways, to survive as a nation in the hostile environment of Continental Europe, a people must be STRONG, UNIFIED... and PRODUCTIVE, which the French under the twin competing but complimentary forces of Revolutionary style "liberte, egalite, fraternity" Enlightenment modern nationalism, combined with the more ancient, traditional French Catholicism, have been.
And it pays to have good ties to the cheap money made available by the
(also competing/complimentary "modern/ancient") 'MONEY POWER' - AS LONG AS that money is put to good use.
BUT! when the "Money Power" is ascendant, when they have thrown off the (very!) loose bonds of self-restraint, common sense, productivity, & commitment to the common weal.... when bribery and corruption become The PRIMARY BUSINESS 'MODEL'
- then, as we have reported 10,000 times here, money becomes CORROSIVE, DESTRUCTIVE, PARASITIC, and CANNABALISTIC, and DESTROYS society from the inside out... just like all those nobles, leading up to the French Revolution, jealously courted their power and access to the royal court as their sole mode of doing business... no matter how many French men and women they stomped into the mud of Paris or to the dungeons of the Bastille to gain royal favor and a bigger share of the royal purse.
So not only are we not surprised to hear about FRENCH PROTESTS breaking out against the HANGMAN'S NOOSE of 'the MONEY POWERS' fraudulent _claims_ to (Europe wide!) economies-gutting FRAUDULENT "DEBT"... but we welcome them!
But wait! Our above exposition on the French as being the most savvy of all Europeans regarding their sometimes conflicting, sometimes productive relationship with 'The Money Power'
(which mirrors or parallels the nature of France's dueling, sometimes complimentary, sometimes conflicting love for modernist Revolutionary ideals, along with their love for the ancient Catholic church)
is only the preamble to our discussion of Mr. Atzmon's GROUND BREAKING DISCUSSION - "MAYBE JEWS HAVE FAR MORE RESPONSIBILITY for 'the HOLOCAUST' than they care to deal with" !!!
And there are several - quite a few - different angles to look at this.
1. first and foremost, of, course, THERE WOULD BE NO PROTESTS and demonstrations in France IFthe "GENIUS FINANCIERS" weren't PUSHING their god-damned FRAUDULENT DEBT EXTORTION on the nations and peoples of Europe...
For every financial transaction there are two sides - one side paying out money, one side taking in money - so we now see that the "TAKERS" are TAKING IN MONEY... while DESTROYING economies!
That's not "GENIUS FINANCE" - that's RAPE, EXTORTION, ENSLAVEMENT, financial CONQUEST, and (on a grand enough scale) GENOCIDE !!
2. "HITLER's REVENGE" - for DECADES after World War II, jews LECTURED US on the phenomena of "THE GOOD GERMAN" - how even good, productive, hard-working people could become SEDUCED by the siren call of hyper-nationalism and blatant racism... (see #3., below); and how the HYPER-VIOLENCE of Nazi Germany and her armies were the very definition of "evil".
For the first time we have seen anywhere, we here at TheJewishWars have actually put in to the same sentence or paragraph some of the most prominent of the "Soviet Union's" most prominent MASS-TERROR, MASS-MURDER executioners... and almost every single one WAS JEWISH, with the exceptions of Felix "Iron Felix" Dzersinski and Stalin himself, (and later Kruschev would also sign many of the death lists) - MOST OF THESE GULAG, TERROR, and MASS-EXECUTION perpetrators that we've uncovered - those at the very top of the PURGES and TERROR machine - WERE INDEED JEWISH !! and CERTAINLY LEO TROTSKY, aka LEV BRONSTEIN, got the ball rolling with the MASS EXECUTION of CAPTURED Czarist soldiers during the earliest days of the judeo'BOLSHEVIK' Revolution:
Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kagonovich, Lev Kamenev, Nicklai Yezhov, Naftaly Frenkely, Ginrikh Yagoda, and all the other JEWISH COMMISSARS _EXTERMINATED_ Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Mongols and other nationals in the former Czarist Russia BY THE MILLIONS...
TEN MILLION UKRAINIANS _alone_ in the INTENTIONAL FAMINE TERROR PURGE "Holodomor" in the late 1920s... once the NY/euro/LONDON jewish financiers and media moguls had EMPLACED their JUDEO COMMISSAR __APPARTCHIKS__ in control of the Communist 'Soviet' POLICE STATE REPRESSION MACHINE in the former Czarist Russian empire 1918 to 1991,
such that the ENTIRE POLICE STATE TERROR, MASS-MURDER & REPRESSION regime, among victims and perpetrators alike, TOOK IT's NAME from jewish commissar Yezhov, i.e. "YEZHOVSHCHINA" !!
In our above brief discussion about Kati Marton writing about the well-to-do Jews in Hungary (and the rise of Nazi led "anti-semitism" across much of Europe) we don't recall Kati Marton revealing more than a passing glance at the JEWISH INFLUENCE (if not Jewish ROOTS!) of HYPER VIOLENT, HYPER-MURDEROUS "Bolshevik Communism" in Russia, Hungary, or anywhere else...
3. Right before our eyes, we the people of the world see the jews... asserting a RACIST, APARTHEID, SEGREGATED, BRUTAL nation as "their" homeland... in Palestine.. at the same time that they claim and demand that THEY have a "right" to INFILTRATE (and eventually DOMINATE) OTHER NATIONS and peoples! WTF ?!!!!
And, the #1. reason - every single year, jews CELEBRATE the KILLING of... their NEIGHBORS' children, the so-called "Passover" celebration!
THIS IS THE #1. JEWISH ATROCITY against mankind, against the people of the world, against the entire human race:
the JEWS CELEBRATE not just the KILLING of CHILDREN... but of THEIR NEIGHBOR's CHILDREN, each and every god-damned year....
it - the satanic CELEBRATION of the KILLING of THEIR NEIGHBOR's CHILDREN - is THE defining event, celebration, and identity of the ENTIRE Jewish "faith" !!!!
And, as dismal as that notion is, that's allowing for the notion that it was 'the hand of g-o-d' which killed the Egyptian children, the "ANGEL OF DEATH" in popular, modern judeo/American parlance...
but as we've already examined in our discussion of the very JEWISH David Plotz written series of articles, "BLOGGING THE BIBLE," there is an even grimmer, MORE SINISTER angle to the dismal 'Passover' story... that it was NOT some "divine angel of death" that killed those Egyptian children... it was JEWISH DEATH SQUADS, the jewish phrase which has become Americanized as "the angel of death" actually refers to "g-o-d" unleashing... "THE DESTROYERS" which perfectly describes a HUMAN death squad... A JEWISH death squad....
a squad of JEWISH MURDERS TERRORIZING and KILLING their neighbors! **
EVERY SINGLE god-damned YEAR, the JEWS CELEBRATE the KILLINGS of THEIR (Egyptian) NEIGHBORS - the "killings" that were certainly
the MURDERS of their neighbors perpetrated by murderous JEWISH DEATH SQUADS !!
You'd be a FOOL to WANT to live next door to someone.. who every single year RITUALLY RE-ENACTS the KILLINGS of THEIR NEIGHBORS' CHILDREN !!
** The Exodus story specifically tells us that THE JEWS SPLASHED BLOOD on their doorways to SIGNAL that jews were in those homes... for the HAND OF DEATH to spare that home; but the bible also specifically tells us that THE FIRST BORN CATTLE and SHEEP were also killed by "the hand of death." Well, a DIVINE or angelic hand of death DOES NOT NEED a SPLASH OF BLOOD to know who is and is not on the DEATH LIST... but a HUMAN death squad operating in the dead of night would. Most likely, the jew DEATH SQUADS MURDERED MOST or ALL of the residents of those TERRORIZED homes, and ALL the cattle, sheep, and goats that couldn't be carried away... but later, in the retelling of the night of terror around tribal campfires, dinner tables, and in temple schools, the ruthless brutality of the JEW DEATH SQUADS was SOFTENED to make the dismal story more palatable, by INSERTING the "commanded by g-o-d" and "only the first-born" were killed aspects to shift the story from JEWISH DEATH SQUADS MURDERING THEIR NEIGHBORS, to Yahweh... KILLING INNOCENT CHILDREN for the HARD-HEADEDNESS of Pharaoh... whom the Exodus story tells us that G-O-D _HIMSELF_ made hard-of-head !!!