SLAVES HAVE NO RIGHTS! the STUPIDIFIED, lied to, callow, and clueless Amerikan public is CONSIDERED as NO MORE THAN SLAVE FODDER by 'the chosen ones' - all part and parcel of the judeo...
View ArticleIt's Time for _JEWS_ to _APOLOGIZE_ for... The HOLOCAUST.... BRAVO! Gilad...
(draft - work in progress!) Today we take time to quickly salute Gilad Atzmon's ground-breaking editorial at Veterans Today (one of the last bastions of American sanity we have been able to find...
View ArticleJEWS STILL KILLING SYRIANS... by their DIABOLICAL expedient of HIRING AL...
jew HATE MONGERS are STILL KILLING SYRIANS... by the thousands. The EVIL GOD-DAMNED JEWS have, through their AMERICAN and SAUDI underlings & bedmates, effectively ISSUED A CALL TO "JIHAD"...
View ArticleTHE JEWISH _PURGE_ of America Switches to a HIGHER GEAR: the JEWISH RUN FEDS...
Make no mistake, America... YOUR CON-GRESS and FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is CONTROLLEDlock, stock, & barrel by TREASONOUS JEWISH SUPREMACISTS TRAITORS, including the handful of Senators - FEINSTEIN,...
View ArticleThe KITOS WAR, the JEWISH WAR on AMERICA, and the GUN GRABBING Jewish War-Pig...
(draft - we'll try to polish this up!)In a seminal column that we mentioned in our previous post, outspoken former Jewish Jewish-state critic & commentator Gilad Atzmon asks: "instead of whining...
View ArticleConan O'Brian Catches 'local news' MEDIA WHORES _all_ Reading from the SAME,...
ht pp - Conan O'Brian Catches 'local news' MEDIA WHORES _all_ reading from the SAME (judeo)CORPORATE (= fiancier) written pages: LOCAL NEWS in America has been KILLED by the judeo "big money"...
The problem with writing this blog and putting up new posts, is that there is SO MUCH INFORMATION OUT THERE - the JUDEO HIJACKING of America (Europe, and the world) is the #1. POLITICAL FORCE in the...
View ArticleGANG OF MURDEROUS Commissar THUGS IN UNIFORM - aka police - MURDER an...
This (below video of a) MURDER-EXECUTION by hyper-militarized police of an arrested individual standing alone, with his hands in the air, and SURROUNDED by police and police vehiclesHAS THE APPROVAL...
View ArticleThe NEW YORK TIMES _WAR_ ON AMERICA: the "National Security State" is the...
The 'NATIONAL SECURITY STATE"_is_the JUDEO SUPREAMCIST hijacking and TAKEOVER of America, and its goal is NOT the "PROTECTION" of Americans, but to the contrary, the judeo 'elites'goal is the...
View ArticleGESTAPO 'police' in America execute STOLEN CREDIT CARD Warrant Search with.....">
View ArticleJEWISH overlords... and DEATH SQUADS Turn U.S. Presidency into a DEATH-CAMP...
(rough draft! This is a HUGE topic... which covers EVERY ASSASSINATED U.S. presidents, and as well all those U.S. presidents, like Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, who managed to escape the "foreign...
View ArticleINSANE JEWS BEHIND Obama, who have HIJACKED the _entire_ U.S. gov't. &...
Lyndon LaRouche claims that the JUDEO INFILTRATED and hijacked U.S. government and military HIGH COMMAND, have DETERMINED to unleash A MASSIVE NUCLEAR ATTACK on... BOTH Russia, AND CHINA, within the...
View ArticleJEWISH SADISM is now the PREVAILING DOCTRINE in America... which is why COPS...
JEWISH SADISM as the OPERATIVE FORCE in America today. The'guiding' ideology of the SADISTIC REPRESSION in America today, lies right there, in black & white, in pages and chapters and verses...
View ArticleSenator RAND PAUL exposes why HE IS NOT READY FOR PRIME-TIME: Scolds...
While we here at TheJewishWars would love to support any visible U.S. political candidate who has the determination and fortitude to confront and exposethe TREASONOUS ELITES ruling Washington D.C. with...
View ArticleWe Have a blog-post FLAME WAR with InfoWars on Whether or Not BILL CLINTON...
INFO-WARS resurrects BOB BARR... to sniff in on BILL CLINTON's SEX LIFE!"Strong, Clear Evidence Bill Clinton Is A Sexual Predator"by Alex Jones' Prison February 8, 2014Bob Barr joins Alex...
View ArticleUkraine: under JEWISH goading, the U.S. GOVERNMENT &'charities' INCITE and...
Washington, D.C.'s ORCHESTRATED TERRORISM & VIOLENT 'Protests' in the Ukraine are a REPLAY of the CIA and British Petroleum ( = THE EVIL JEW FINANCIERS, the Rotschields, et al)'DESTABILIZATION'...
View ArticleAMERICA IS DOOMED: Americans Are TOO STUPID to Realize.. whether they vote...
We salute Christopher Bollyn, whose web-site we read for the first time only within the last week or two... and we were quite astounded that Mr. Bollyn understood the workings of the CHICAGO JEWISH...
View ArticleObama, Bush, McCain, Cheney, Hillary, Kerry: When you SERVE the GHOULISH...
Clueless Americans need to wake up fast, and realize: #1.there is no difference between the hired, sell-out, puppet politicians of the so-called 'liberal left"'Democratic' party, or the...
View ArticleSyria: HUGE NUMBERS of REFUGEES Still FLEE the U.S., Britain, France, NATO,...
The evil Jew-state(israeli + aipac judeo/'american' traitors) FUNDED, ORCHESTRATED, and CIA RUN Saudi + Al QAEDA INVASION of SYRIA continues it's ETHNIC CLEANSING MASS-MURDEROUS course... entire...
View ArticleUkraine to SPLINTER after JEWISH INSTIGATED U.S. + Europe funded COUP sets...
Well, we will eventually find out the the price that the AMERICAN public will have to pay, for handing their entire (u.s.a.) government, financial system, press/media propaganda system, and entire...
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