When the parents and grand-parents of these below "MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE" jewish "U.S." senators migrated to America, American freedoms were THE ENVY OF THE WORLD, especially for those jews who came from DICTATORIAL LANDS like those in Czarist or Communist Russia (or equally repressive European & Eastern European hate-filled nations.)
NOW THAT THE JEWS ARE RUNNING AMERICA - from the BOB RUBIN, LARRY SUMMERS, timmy geithner, JACOB LEW Treasury Department, to the GREENSPAN/BERNANKE 'Fed', to the LIBBY/Bolten (bush/cheney) or EMANUEL, LEW (et al) White House, to all the jews in the U.S. Senate, Con-gress, and America's whore-house corporate press/media, suddenly "FREEDOMS" are just TOO DANGEROUS for Americans any more!
Senator Lautenberg, below right, even wants to OUTLAW BLACK POWDER, of the type that was often made in backyards and farms to supply Patriot soldiers during the AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR.
Leave it to the "oh so smart" Jewish Commissars senators, con-gress critters, and govt. appartchiks: THEY CAN'T KEEP AMERICA OUT of a ECONOMIC HOLOCAUST, and they can't keep the C.I.A. & Netanyahu's Likud/Mossad Crazies from ARMING AL QAEDA IN SYRIA, and MASSACRING CHRISTIANS, DRUZE, SHIITES, and other minorities there... but they CAN "protect us" Americans from having any freedoms!
left to right: schumer: "WHISTLEBLOWING IS TREASON" - agrees with Nazis & Gestapo!!
Feinstein: the wicked witch of the west, "AMERICAN gun-owners MUST BE MARCHED TO THE GULAG!'
levin: "let's ARM AL QAEDA IN SYRIA, and KILL SOME CHRISTIANS THERE, so we can get PRACTICE killing Christians (and everyone else) here in judeo-ruled Amerika"
lautenberg: this creep, in addition to WHITEWASHING the MERCENARY/military/police/bomb-squad PRESENCE at START & FINISH LINE of Boston Marathon (where the bombs went off) - wants to use that BLACK OPS murder/treason attack as an excuse to OUTLAW BLACK GUNPOWDER in America - taking America BACK to 1775... you know, when the BRITISH ARMY MARCHED TO LEXINGTON & CONCORD, to SEIZE the Patriot's gunpowder! CREEPS !!
we are starting to lose patience with those who do not understand what the "Neo-Con" agenda is - the judeo supremacy, "israel uber alles,' the "israel uber AMERIKA" agenda- because it is the defining, most powerful, clearly overwhelming force in all American politics, which is to say the 'neo-con' judeo supremacist agenda as run out of Washington D.C. (and New York & City of London financial markets) is the de facto ruling power on earth... and as it METASTASIZES like an out of control cancer, the evil judeo war lobby COMMISSAR APPARTCHIKS barely take the trouble to HIDE their OVERT CONTEMPT of Americans and American democratic, constitutional, "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY' rights & freedoms - all SUBORDINATED to the TYRANNICAL (clearly genocidal) judeo supremacist jewish war lobby agenda...
In this case, the new most prominent "SENATOR FROM TEL AVIV"
(now that "traitor joe" lie-berthug has departed the senate whore-house)
is CHUCK SCHUMER - and as we reported the other day, Mr. Schumer made a hardly veiled THREAT AGAINST RUSSIA - he said that it was "infuriating" that Russia would provide safe refuge for Edward Snowden - the AMERICAN CITIZEN TRUTH-TELLER "whistle blower" who is now the #1. "most wanted man" on the evil, judeo Commissar PURGE list, for the courageous Mr. Snowden risking his life to inform Americans that the NSA has been set up to SPY ON EACH AND EVERY phone call, conversation, and business or financial transaction Americans will ever make - because the jews consider non-jews to be SLAVES, and SLAVES HAVE NO RIGHTS...
At the same time as is now pretty clear that CHUCK SCHUMER, every JEWISH SENATOR & every jewish Congress-critter in Con-gress, and the entire jewish owned press/media propaganda cabal are trying to CRIMINALIZE Americans for dissent, as they are WAGING WAR on journalists and a free press in Amerika,
deep in this video InfoWars host and publisher Alex Jones let slip another interesting little tidbit...
that the treacherous, treasonous, back-stabbing "MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE" israel UBER amerika traitor Senator Chuck Schumer is also THREATENING AMERICA and Americans - with MASSIVE, illegal alien PROTESTS, if the atrocious 'Democrat' IMMIGRATION BILL package is not passed in the House & Senate!!!
MR. SCHUMER CARES NO MORE FOR IMMIGRANTS in America, than he cares for those thousands of Americans evicted out of their homes by banks agents signing perjured mortgage foreclosure statements....
Mr. Schumer CARES NO MORE for immigrants, than he cares for his own New York citizens & residents among the "Occupy Wall Street" PROTESTERS ARRESTED by evil jew Commissar Mayor michael BLOOMBERG's NYPD HEAD-CRACKING PURGE/arrests of "Occupy" protesters...
Mr. Schumer cares no more for immigrants than he cares for Christians in Syria
(who are being PURGED, massacred, raped, murdered, wiped out by the evil jewish senators' SUPPORT FOR AL QAEDA in the Netanyahu/CIA run Al Qaeda PROXY INVASION of Syria);
Mr. Schumer cares no more for immigrants than he cares for Americans who are being TERRIFIED by PINK SLIPS, looted pension funds, and gutted social safety net cutbacks...
...indeed, THE SIGNATURE of this evil 'Neo-Con' written immigration package, is that it will put MORE STRESS & BURDEN ON the already stressed-to-breaking-point AMERICAN social safety net...
NO, the ONLY THING Mr. Schumer is concerned with, is USING the IMMIGRATION issue as a WEDGE issue to further DIVIDE, ANTAGONIZE, and BALKANIZE Americans,
especially those Americans who are already unemployed and looking for work,
(including College Students with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan DEBT)
as the Neo-Con financial extortionists and puppet-masters encourage MASSIVE NEW IMMIGRATION during a recession...
just as HENRY KISSINGER wants to BALKANIZE Syria, chop it up in to thousands of inconsequential fragments, so the evil jew state can continue to SPONSOR CAR BOMBINGS in those Assad controlled factions they, the evil jew war state, don't yet have sway or exert proxy (AL Qaeda!) control over...
...just like they did in LIBYA, turning what WAS the HIGHEST INCOME per-capita country IN ALL OF AFRICA, into a Bosnia/Serbia/Croatia style BOMBED OUT, DEATH SQUAD MILITIA run WASTELAND....
below video: at approximately 11 minutes, Alex Jones explains the "Corker Amendment" immigration bill amounts to a COMPLETE GUTTING of America's borders... and at 13:38
how (traitor jewish senator) CHUCK SCHUMER is threatening to (have his jew war lobby) STAGE MASSIVE PROTESTS to support what would be a NEW WAVE of massive immigration in America!!
(but NO non-European jews welcome in traitor schumer's real constituency, the evil segregationist, apartheid, insanely racist & theocratic despotic jew war state)
(Neo-Con PUPPET president)
below: Obama's EVIL JEW PUPPET-MASTERS are SUPPLYING AL QAEDA IN SYRIA to MASSACRE ANY AND EVERYONE - the jews HATE AND DESPISE EVERYONE IN THE WORLD, and will play both sides against each other, until the two sides exterminate each other.
In Syria, JEW WAR STATE supported SUNNI Al Qaeda TERRORISTS, are MASSACRING CHRISTIANS wherever they take control - the jews HATE & DESPISE CHRIST, and view Christians as IDOLATERS. So when EVIL JEW HENRY KISSINGER says he supports the partition of Syria in to small fragments, HE IS SUPPORTING the GENOCIDAL MASSACRE, PURGE, and EXTERMINATION of Syrian Christians... who of course "don't count" because they are not White Europeans...
NOW THAT THE JEWS ARE RUNNING AMERICA - from the BOB RUBIN, LARRY SUMMERS, timmy geithner, JACOB LEW Treasury Department, to the GREENSPAN/BERNANKE 'Fed', to the LIBBY/Bolten (bush/cheney) or EMANUEL, LEW (et al) White House, to all the jews in the U.S. Senate, Con-gress, and America's whore-house corporate press/media, suddenly "FREEDOMS" are just TOO DANGEROUS for Americans any more!
Senator Lautenberg, below right, even wants to OUTLAW BLACK POWDER, of the type that was often made in backyards and farms to supply Patriot soldiers during the AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR.
Leave it to the "oh so smart" Jewish Commissars senators, con-gress critters, and govt. appartchiks: THEY CAN'T KEEP AMERICA OUT of a ECONOMIC HOLOCAUST, and they can't keep the C.I.A. & Netanyahu's Likud/Mossad Crazies from ARMING AL QAEDA IN SYRIA, and MASSACRING CHRISTIANS, DRUZE, SHIITES, and other minorities there... but they CAN "protect us" Americans from having any freedoms!
left to right: schumer: "WHISTLEBLOWING IS TREASON" - agrees with Nazis & Gestapo!!
Feinstein: the wicked witch of the west, "AMERICAN gun-owners MUST BE MARCHED TO THE GULAG!'
levin: "let's ARM AL QAEDA IN SYRIA, and KILL SOME CHRISTIANS THERE, so we can get PRACTICE killing Christians (and everyone else) here in judeo-ruled Amerika"
lautenberg: this creep, in addition to WHITEWASHING the MERCENARY/military/police/bomb-squad PRESENCE at START & FINISH LINE of Boston Marathon (where the bombs went off) - wants to use that BLACK OPS murder/treason attack as an excuse to OUTLAW BLACK GUNPOWDER in America - taking America BACK to 1775... you know, when the BRITISH ARMY MARCHED TO LEXINGTON & CONCORD, to SEIZE the Patriot's gunpowder! CREEPS !!
we are starting to lose patience with those who do not understand what the "Neo-Con" agenda is - the judeo supremacy, "israel uber alles,' the "israel uber AMERIKA" agenda- because it is the defining, most powerful, clearly overwhelming force in all American politics, which is to say the 'neo-con' judeo supremacist agenda as run out of Washington D.C. (and New York & City of London financial markets) is the de facto ruling power on earth... and as it METASTASIZES like an out of control cancer, the evil judeo war lobby COMMISSAR APPARTCHIKS barely take the trouble to HIDE their OVERT CONTEMPT of Americans and American democratic, constitutional, "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY' rights & freedoms - all SUBORDINATED to the TYRANNICAL (clearly genocidal) judeo supremacist jewish war lobby agenda...
In this case, the new most prominent "SENATOR FROM TEL AVIV"
(now that "traitor joe" lie-berthug has departed the senate whore-house)
is CHUCK SCHUMER - and as we reported the other day, Mr. Schumer made a hardly veiled THREAT AGAINST RUSSIA - he said that it was "infuriating" that Russia would provide safe refuge for Edward Snowden - the AMERICAN CITIZEN TRUTH-TELLER "whistle blower" who is now the #1. "most wanted man" on the evil, judeo Commissar PURGE list, for the courageous Mr. Snowden risking his life to inform Americans that the NSA has been set up to SPY ON EACH AND EVERY phone call, conversation, and business or financial transaction Americans will ever make - because the jews consider non-jews to be SLAVES, and SLAVES HAVE NO RIGHTS...
Schumer: Russia faces ‘SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES’ if it protects Snowden
At the same time as is now pretty clear that CHUCK SCHUMER, every JEWISH SENATOR & every jewish Congress-critter in Con-gress, and the entire jewish owned press/media propaganda cabal are trying to CRIMINALIZE Americans for dissent, as they are WAGING WAR on journalists and a free press in Amerika,
deep in this video InfoWars host and publisher Alex Jones let slip another interesting little tidbit...
that the treacherous, treasonous, back-stabbing "MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE" israel UBER amerika traitor Senator Chuck Schumer is also THREATENING AMERICA and Americans - with MASSIVE, illegal alien PROTESTS, if the atrocious 'Democrat' IMMIGRATION BILL package is not passed in the House & Senate!!!
MR. SCHUMER CARES NO MORE FOR IMMIGRANTS in America, than he cares for those thousands of Americans evicted out of their homes by banks agents signing perjured mortgage foreclosure statements....
Mr. Schumer CARES NO MORE for immigrants, than he cares for his own New York citizens & residents among the "Occupy Wall Street" PROTESTERS ARRESTED by evil jew Commissar Mayor michael BLOOMBERG's NYPD HEAD-CRACKING PURGE/arrests of "Occupy" protesters...
Mr. Schumer cares no more for immigrants than he cares for Christians in Syria
(who are being PURGED, massacred, raped, murdered, wiped out by the evil jewish senators' SUPPORT FOR AL QAEDA in the Netanyahu/CIA run Al Qaeda PROXY INVASION of Syria);
Mr. Schumer cares no more for immigrants than he cares for Americans who are being TERRIFIED by PINK SLIPS, looted pension funds, and gutted social safety net cutbacks...
...indeed, THE SIGNATURE of this evil 'Neo-Con' written immigration package, is that it will put MORE STRESS & BURDEN ON the already stressed-to-breaking-point AMERICAN social safety net...
NO, the ONLY THING Mr. Schumer is concerned with, is USING the IMMIGRATION issue as a WEDGE issue to further DIVIDE, ANTAGONIZE, and BALKANIZE Americans,
especially those Americans who are already unemployed and looking for work,
(including College Students with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan DEBT)
as the Neo-Con financial extortionists and puppet-masters encourage MASSIVE NEW IMMIGRATION during a recession...
just as HENRY KISSINGER wants to BALKANIZE Syria, chop it up in to thousands of inconsequential fragments, so the evil jew state can continue to SPONSOR CAR BOMBINGS in those Assad controlled factions they, the evil jew war state, don't yet have sway or exert proxy (AL Qaeda!) control over...
...just like they did in LIBYA, turning what WAS the HIGHEST INCOME per-capita country IN ALL OF AFRICA, into a Bosnia/Serbia/Croatia style BOMBED OUT, DEATH SQUAD MILITIA run WASTELAND....
below video: at approximately 11 minutes, Alex Jones explains the "Corker Amendment" immigration bill amounts to a COMPLETE GUTTING of America's borders... and at 13:38
how (traitor jewish senator) CHUCK SCHUMER is threatening to (have his jew war lobby) STAGE MASSIVE PROTESTS to support what would be a NEW WAVE of massive immigration in America!!
(but NO non-European jews welcome in traitor schumer's real constituency, the evil segregationist, apartheid, insanely racist & theocratic despotic jew war state)
(Neo-Con PUPPET president)
below: Obama's EVIL JEW PUPPET-MASTERS are SUPPLYING AL QAEDA IN SYRIA to MASSACRE ANY AND EVERYONE - the jews HATE AND DESPISE EVERYONE IN THE WORLD, and will play both sides against each other, until the two sides exterminate each other.
In Syria, JEW WAR STATE supported SUNNI Al Qaeda TERRORISTS, are MASSACRING CHRISTIANS wherever they take control - the jews HATE & DESPISE CHRIST, and view Christians as IDOLATERS. So when EVIL JEW HENRY KISSINGER says he supports the partition of Syria in to small fragments, HE IS SUPPORTING the GENOCIDAL MASSACRE, PURGE, and EXTERMINATION of Syrian Christians... who of course "don't count" because they are not White Europeans...
Under the evil Neo-Con thrall, the U.S. CIA and jew mossad, are SHIPPING WEAPONS FROM LIBYA, to KILL SYRIANS - says the EVIL jew OWNED ARTHUR SULZBERGER NEW YORK TIMES!!
"The New York Times reports today that Syrian “rebels” are getting their hands on Libyan stockpiles of weapons that belonged to Colonel Qadaffi. The report states that the arms transfers are largely being financed by Qatar."
THE SUPPORT of AL QAEDA MURDERERS IN SYRIA, and the desire to BALKANIZE BOTH Syria AND AMERICA, HAS the political backing of TRAITOR Senator CHUCK SCHUMER... and EVERY OTHER JEWISH senator and con-gress critter!!
Fighting Al Qaeda by SUPPORTING AL QAEDA in Syria: the Obama Administration [and its JEWISH PUPPET-MASTERS**] is a “STATE SPONSOR of TERRORISM"
by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research June 22, 2013
A major transition in US counter-terrorism doctrine is unfolding.
While Barack Obama, following in the footsteps of George W. Bush, remains firmly committed to waging a “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT), his administration is now openly supporting selected rebel units in Syria which are part of the Al Qaeda network.Known and documented, Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA, which has covertly supported the “Islamic Terror Network” since the heyday of the Soviet Afghan war.
While Al Qaeda is a US sponsored “intelligence asset”, a “New Normal” has been established.
An Al Qaeda affiliated organization, namely Syria’s Al Nusrah, is being supported “overtly” by the US President, rather than “covertly” by the CIA.The support of Al Nusrah, an affiliate of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), is no longer channeled in secrecy as part of a CIA-MI6 covert operation, it is now being supported –in a semi-official fashion– as part of a US foreign policy agenda. The latter is also part of America’s diplomatic discourse, implemented in consultation with Britain, Canada, Germany and France. Although Al Nusrah was not mentioned explicitly, “support to the Syrian rebels” was the main topic of debate at the June 2013 G-8 meetings in Northern Ireland.
While intelligence covert ops continue to perform an important role, Washington’s support to Al Qaeda in Syria is now “out in the open”, within the public domain. It is no longer part of a secret undertaking. It is part of the mainstay of US foreign policy, carried out under the helm of Secretary of State John Kerry.
“Support to the rebels” is also debated in the US Congress. It is the object of a bill which has already been adopted by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Senator Corker who co-sponsored the bill stated that:
“The future for Syria is uncertain, but the U.S. has a vested interest in trying to prevent an extremist takeover, which poses a very real risk for us and the region,” (emphasis added)
In a twisted logic, the bill purports to prevent “an extremist takeover” by supporting an Al Qaeda terrorist formation.
The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations voted 15-3 in favor of the proposed bill.
Ironically, the pro-Israeli lobby was also actively involved in lobbying in favor of aid to jihadist rebels.
Israel has supported Al Nusrah militarily in areas adjacent to the occupied territories of the Golan Heights.
Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky (left) voted against the bill, warning:
“You will be funding today the allies of al Qaeda” (quoted by RT)Al Qaeda, Osama and “The Blowback”Everybody knows that Al Qaeda is now directly supported by the US government.
The implications are far-reaching. Obama’s decision not only undermines the legitimacy of the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT), it also casts doubt on the “blowback” thesis.
Moreover, it begs the embarrassing question: Why is the US president supporting Al Nusrah, which is on the US State Department list of terrorist organizations?The CIA refers to the so-called “blowback” thesis whereby an “intelligence asset”, (i.e. the Islamic jihad) is said to “have gone against its sponsors”; ”
The sophisticated methods taught to the Mujahideen, and the thousands of tons of arms supplied to them by the US – and Britain – are now tormenting the West in the phenomenon known as `blowback’, whereby a policy strategy rebounds on its own devisers. (The Guardian, London, September 15, 2001).