Channel: The Jewish Wars
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BLACKMAIL, Intimidation, EXTORTION, and Bribery: the judeo 'Money Power'/ WAR LOBBY is DRIVING Congress & Government to ATTACK SYRIA, as PRELUDE to ECONOMIC HOLOCAUST, FEMA death-camps, and World War III...

...they just can't help themselves...    the (new testament) bible relates how 2,000 years ago the jewish pharisees, high priests, and other judeo 'leaders'  attempted to STONE  Jesus to death, for the young (30-something), charismatic leader advocating dissent against the absolute dictatorial rule of those jewish, theocratic officials.
   The ruthless and rather sad & awful conspiracy to have Jesus killed ultimately succeeded, of course, but an even more dramatic, if little known (!!)  case of  the JUDEO ELITES  INSTIGATING the  WHOLESALE MURDERS of those around them occurred in 115-117 AD, when jews who had been exiled by the Roman army to Roman colonies in Cypress, Egypt (Alexandria),  Cyrenaica (Libya) and elsewhere along the Mediterranean & North African coasts rose up and  SLAUGHTERED their  Greek and Roman neighbors, with a body-count of nearly 500,000 killed in Cyprus and  Cyrenaica, alone.  
 So it is today,  nearly 2,000 years after the Kitos war,  and the jews still see themselves as a nation and people apart, a tribal/theocratic nation assigned by g-o-d to RULE OVER  all other humans, which, as the jewish bible and (heavens forbid) Talmud very specifically point out,  means that the jews  will control ALL sources of wealth, food, and essential commodities, and their SUBJECT populations will be slaves whose very lives are held entirely at the whim of their judeo masters and
 g-o-d appointed overlords.

  Which brings us to THE topic of  today:  the ABSOLUTE STRANGLEHOLD the judeo war state exerts over America and Europe (and the world financial markets), and especially the BLACKMAIL and EXTORTION of ALL political leaders in the U.S. and European sytems.


 This subject is SO BIG that we can't even grab a hold of it in a dozen hours of trying, so for now, we will just post some links, headlines, and excerpts from MANY DIFFERENT WRITERS  who all touch on the same subject:  CLEARLY, our 'American'  "LEADERS"  are BEING EXTORTED  by the "military industrial/congressional/financial complex"  - i.e. the WARMONGERS, DEBT SLAVERS, TREASURY LOOTERS, and corporate prison-state gulag appartchiks, who as we have attempted to document in 1,000+ blog-posts all seem to answer to the  JUDEO war lobby (which runs the Fed and, via the above mentioned political corruption, bribery, and extortion, our entire U.S. Treasury Department, IRS, and the FBI, CIA, and other federal and state agencies which are dependent on the money flowing through the U.S. financial system.)

 Why hasn’t the US government snatched Ed Snowden yet?
by Jon Rappoport,  Prison Planet.com  June 27, 2013 
...In a related issue, it’s astonishing (to anyone who is awake) that the Congress hasn’t come down on NSA like a ton of bricks.
We should be hearing a grilling like this, directed at NSA head, Keith Alexander:
“Let me get this straight, General Alexander. Snowden captured and stole your most secret data. Anyone of his rank at NSA could have done the same, because you have no security protection against it. And now, with the most sophisticated spying system in the world, you can’t find Snowden. This makes the NSA the most bumbling stumbling trillion-dollar organization in the history of mankind. Can you give me a good reason why we shouldn’t move to de-fund NSA completely and start over from scratch? This is outrageous.”
And that would just be the beginning of the assault.
Yet, that’s not what we’re getting. Instead, so far, we’re hearing a few modest criticisms.
The most obvious answer is, Congress is afraid of the NSA. This bunch of legislators, these crooks and con men and perverts and felonious scum are scared that they’ve been under the NSA spying lens for a long time.
And what could come crawling out of NSA files is terrifying to them.
So they hold still. They take a deep breath. They pray for safety. They go on the attack against Snowden. They fall all over themselves calling Snowden a vile traitor who must be brought to justice.  (cont'd) 
below:  the  "mainstream" media, or at least one 'established' news-paper in England, the U.K. Guardian, comes very, very, very close to naming "THE MONEY POWER":  

 The foreign-financed armed rebellion and the Western-backed opposition to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has been falsely portrayed as a spontaneous uprising of “democracy” activists since violence first broke out more than a year ago. But according to a recent investigation published in the U.K. Guardian, top figures in the “regime-change” coalition — most notably the Syrian National Council (SNC) — have intimate links to the highest ranks of the world elite: the shadowy Bilderberg conference, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Goldman Sachs megabank, billionaire financier George Soros, and, of course, the U.S. government. 
It is all out in the open, too. 

On top of that, the report suggests that much of the war propaganda being used to promote international military intervention and “revolution” is actually slick public-relations gimmicks financed by large tax-exempt foundations and even the governments being asked to intervene. And there is big money behind the spread of the disinformation. Consider the seemingly never-ending reports about “civilian massacres” blamed on the Syrian tyrant — almost always from anonymous “activists” — that continually prove to be exaggerated, fabricated, or even perpetrated by the Western-backed rebels themselves, and then blamed on the regime....
as we have written a thousand times,  "GOLDMAN SACHS Bilderberg, the CFR, JP Morgan (Chase bank),  BoA, the Fed, the London Bullion Market association, the Bank of England, the Euro central bank, the bank of Japan, and the U.S. Treasury's  "Exchange 'Stabilization' Fund" are ALL SYNONYMOUS with the rotschield/judeo global fiat-money DEBT EXTORTION cartel,    and what they mean by "stability"  is allowing their member/partner banks (financial extortion partners in crime)    to PROFIT BY INSIDER TRADING at everyone else's expense....   
  As Dr. Paul Craig Roberts very succinctly spells out in an audio interview with King world financial news, the U.S. government, and U.S. Treasury, are INTENTIONALLY  DESTROYING  market wealth - "shorting" stocks, bonds, funds, precious metals,  and other paper-controlled wealth and real assets -  so  the Big Banks - the insider, connected bankers who are member/owners of the Fed banking cartel -  can profit from INSIDER KNOWLEDGE of  which way the Fed  and/or TREASURY are about to attack a given market segment that day  with targeted, coordinated BEAR RAIDS,   or currency/bond/stock SHORT SELLING ATTACKS of the type that allowed George Soros and his syndicate to LOOT BILLIONS of dollars of wealth FROM  pasty  British workers, families, savers, and (international)  investors  two decades ago in September 1992 - what we now know today,  is that Soros's  "outsider" financial attack consortium, was almost certainly a part of the INSIDERS  banking cabal LOOTING the public and private investors:  although the Bank of England portrayed itself as  TRYING to "PROTECT" the pound,   BoE  INSIDERS were quite likely to have been "IN" on Soros's  currency attack/specultion.  
     Dr. Roberts proves his assertion, by pointing out how  WHOEVER has been SELLING MASSIVE GOLD CONTRACTS on world markets these past weeks and months (which have terrifically depressed world gold bullion prices) has been issuing those sell orders at the LEAST TRADED HOURS in the market (i.e. when the New York and London exchanges are closed), and,  instead of selling orders into the market piecemeal, the sellers have been 'DUMPING'  their sales all at one time. 
 BOTH strategies - selling when the market is at its thinnest, and  "DUMPING" massive sell orders, instead of feeding smaller lots in piecemeal -  are completely contrary to what normal sellers do - 'normal sellers'  that is who  want to gain THE MOST FOR THEIR SALES.   
  This is clearly proof that  the sellers are NOT interested in making profits -  their prime motive is to DEPRESS the world gold prices, so the U.S. dollar - 'genocidal BEN'BERNANKE's  "JUDENFETZEN"  increasingly worth-less  'jewish confetti'  'Fed' bankster  notes - looks good in comparison !!   
thereby propping up the [judeo run] U.S. wars of imperial hegemony on global genocidal insanity...  which,  and here we've actually got a well-informed direct quote on PARASITIC FINANCE!    
 Drl Paul Craig Roberts, former Asst. Treasury secretary (at about  9:30 minutes into audio) "eventually all the money that's being printed finds its way past the banks, and past asset inflation, and get in to consumer inflation. Once that happens the dollar will collapse... and we'll be faced with HYPERINFLATION. And yet, there's NO JOBS.   And of course by then, we won't know what else THE FED will have done to WRECK the remaining private WEALTH. We know they have already WRECKED  savers dependent on interest income;  if the bond and stock markets go down, there's more wealth lost.  The manipulation of gold market destroys more wealth, so you may end up with a population, their wealth has been largely exhausted, they've got rapidly rising prices,  and NO INCOME, and NO JOBS.  Well, that's total chaos, that's total political instability.  That's what I call 'ARMAGEDDON without NUKES" !!!  

below,  Dr. Roberts, in another article, even makes the direct connection, that  current SECRETARY of STATE JOHN KERRY,  MUST  BE BEING BLACKMAILED (!!!) it is the only possible excuse he could have for being such a tyrannical,  warmongering global bully intent on helping the judeo war state place AL QAEDA TERRORISTS in charge of Syria.... 


With Hong Kong, China, Russia, Ecuador, and Cuba refusing to obey the Stasi’s orders, Washington is flailing around making a total fool of itself and its media prostitutes.
Secretary of State John Kerry has been issuing warnings hand over fist. He has threatened Russia, China, Ecuador, and every country that aids and abets Snowden’s escape from the Washington Stasi. Those who don’t do Washington’s bidding, Kerry declared, will suffer adverse impacts on their relationship with the US.
What a stupid thing for Kerry to say. Here is a guy who once was for peace but who has been turned by NSA spying on his personal affairs into an asset for the NSA. Try to realize the extraordinary arrogance and hubris in Kerry’s threat that China, Russia, and other countries will suffer bad relations with the US. Kerry is saying that amerika doesn’t have to care whether “the indispensable people” have bad relations with other countries, but those countries have to be concerned if they have bad relations with the “i

Below:  Paul Craig Roberts -  U.S. & Western political 'leaders' ARE BEING BLACKMAILED by the NSA "Stasi"   mega- electronic spy agency...

With Hong Kong, China, Russia, Ecuador, and Cuba refusing to obey the Stasi’s orders, Washington is flailing around making a total fool of itself and its media prostitutes.
Secretary of State John Kerry has been issuing warnings hand over fist. He has threatened Russia, China, Ecuador, and every country that aids and abets Snowden’s escape from the Washington Stasi. Those who don’t do Washington’s bidding, Kerry declared, will suffer adverse impacts on their relationship with the US.
What a stupid thing for Kerry to say. Here is a guy who once was for peace but who has been turned by NSA spying on his personal affairs into an asset for the NSA. Try to realize the extraordinary arrogance and hubris in Kerry’s threat that China, Russia, and other countries will suffer bad relations with other countries, but those countries have to be concerned if they have bad relations with the “indispensable country.” What an arrogant posture for the US government to present to the world....   (cont'd

  here, in the same article,  Dr. Roberts is even more specific:

The gangster government in Washington that has everything to hide is now in NSA’s hands and will follow orders. The pretense that amerika is a democracy responsible to the people has been exposed. The US is run by and for the NSA. Congress and the White House are NSA puppets.
Let’s quit calling the NSA the National Security Agency. Clearly, NSA is a threat to the security of every person in the entire world. Let’s call the NSA what it really is–the National Stasi Agency, the largest collection of Gestapo in human history. You can take for granted that every media whore, every government prostitute, every ignorant flag-waver who declares Snowden to be a traitor is either BRAINWASHED or BLACKMAILED.  
They are the protectors of NSA tyranny.
They are our enemies.... (cont'd) 


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