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The JEWISH NAZI war-pigs at the ROTHSCHILDS owned "The E-con-omist" magazine PIMPING HATRED and WAR and MASS-MURDER... again. JEWISH OWNED MEDIA is HATE media..

 To paraphrase a former president,  "there they go again" - the evil judeo SLAVE TRADERS, money changers, market-riggers, politician bribers, nations wreckers, &  economy killers
(oh... and did we mention, "would-be slave traders" ?)  
are at it again... THEY JUST CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES! 
Bribery, deceit, "Manchurian candidate" spying & 'fifth column' sabotage IS WHAT THEY ARE RAISED to ASPIRE to as the bible stories of Joseph and Mordachai
(who both rose to be viziers, or Prime Ministers, in Pharaoh's Egypt and to the Persian king, respectively) ...
 in this case,   "the banality of evil" ROTHSCHILDS owned  economies killing judeo hate rag,  "The Economist" is PIMPING WAR, WAR, WAR, and MORE WAR,
the judeo elites having successfully instigated the AL QAEDA Sunni fundamentalist JIHADI  INVASION of Syria,
the evil jew war pigs are already foaming at the mouth for the real deal:  the U.S.A.,  Britain, France sponsored, and jew war state goaded INVASION OF IRAN

  It is NOT "the  "rise of PERSIAN power" that is a THREAT to global security and, indeed, the entire human race...
it is the insane, "chosen by g-o-d"  judeo fundamentalists, supported by millions of   "moderate" jews in the U.S. and Europe;  supported by billions upon trillions of dollars wielded by the fiat-money printing  financial extortionists at the judeo run Central Banks 
(Fed, ECB, BoE, and even the extorted and terrorized Bank of Japan)
and backed by their own NUCLEAR ARSENALS and the ABJECT BRIBERY of EVERY politician of note in the U.S. or Europe, who are the #1. threat to humanity this century!

 below: As you can see for yourself by (image) 'searching'  "The Economist cover, IRAN"  the editors and writers at the JUDEO ROTHSCHILDS owned   E-con-omist magazineARE FIXATED on GETTING AMERICA's WAR MACHINE to BOMB  IRAN - back to the stone-age, if not the 'glassed-over parking lot' genocidal extermination of a nuclear attack that the nuclear armed jews are practically drooling to inflict on millions of people, not just in Iran, but across the world... just as COMMISSARS  Trotsky, Kaganovich and "Stalin's bloody dwarf" Yezhov inflicted on millions and millions and millions of Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, and every other peoples in the jewish Bolshevik run Commissar purges of the (late) Soviet Union...

 evil Judeo HATE MONGERING  posing as "news": 'image'  search results for  "The Economist cover, IRAN"

below:  the wretched handiwork of the EVIL,  insane judeo war-wongers:  ARMING AL QAEDA IN SYRIA, as their cowardly, manipulative  "back-door" means to goad the United States and NATO  European puppets attack Iran.
Of course, once the EVIL JEW WAR PIGS have  succeeded in getting AL QAEDA to DESTROY civilized society in Syria, they will next unleash their evil KILLER DRONES to  start KILLING their Al Qaeda "allies"  du jour.. just as the jewish bible repeatedly shows the jews KILLING, MASSACRING, and attempting to EXTERMINATE their FORMER ALLIES:  

Why Is The U.S. Arming Rebels That Eat Human Hearts And Massacre Entire Christian Villages?   
by Michael Snyder,   American Dream,  July 1, 2013   
Why would Barack Obama want to help al-Qaeda take over Syria?  Why in the world would he want to spend hard-earned U.S. tax dollars to arm jihadist rebels that eat human hearts and massacre entire Christian villages?   [SHORT ANSWER: because Barack Obama and the entire "Democrat" Party are WHOLLY OWNED PUPPETS/slaves of the JUDEO WAR LOBBY.]  We have always been told that al-Qaeda is our greatest enemy in the “war on terror”.   [By the TREASONOUS "Neo-Cons"   who did NOTHING to prevent, deter, slow down, or bring to public attention the building threat of  AL QAEDA TERROR ATTACKS in the long summer of 2001]  So now why are we arming them?   [9-11 was the means the evil judeo TRAITORS  used to bring their COMMISSAR STYLE  DHS  'war on terror' POLICE STATE to TERRORIZE.... AMERICANS] None of this makes any sense,  [see our previous note!] and the American people are certainly not behind it.  In fact, polls have shown that up to 70 percent of the population is against arming the Syrian 'rebels'. What was the whole point of spending more than a trillion dollars on the “war on terror” if we are actually going to start helping al-Qaeda now?  Even Russian President Vladimir Putin has pointed out how absurd this all is.  And if these rebels are eating human organs and killing off entire Christian villages now, what do they plan to do once they take over and have full control of the Syrian government?  That is a very frightening thing to consider.  If anyone still had any doubt about how stupid it would be to arm the Syrian rebels, those doubts should have been erased when a video surfaced that showed a prominent rebel fighter carving open the body of a soldier and eating his heart
The ghastly video shows how barbaric the Syrian civil war can be.
A man, said to be a well-known rebel fighter, carves into the body of a government soldier and cuts out his heart and liver.
“I swear to God we will eat your hearts out, you soldiers of Bashar. You dogs. God is greater!” the man says. “Heroes of Baba Amr … we will take out their hearts to eat them.”
He then puts the heart in his mouth and takes a bite.
This is one of the “rebels” that we want to spend our tax dollars helping?
Are we insane?
The truth is that “moderate” groups that plan to establish a “democracy” in Syria have been completely overwhelmed by al-Qaeda and other jihadist groups in territories that are controlled by rebels.  This is something that journalists from  Reuters saw very clearly during a recent trip through war-torn areas of Syria…
During a 10-day journey through rebel-held territory in Syria, Reuters journalists found that radical Islamist units are sidelining more moderate groups that do not share the Islamists’ goal of establishing a supreme religious leadership in the country.
The moderates, often underfunded, fragmented and chaotic, appear no match for Islamist units, which include fighters from organizations designated “terrorist” by the United States.
With all of the spying that the NSA is doing, you would think that this shouldn’t be too difficult to figure out.  Al-Qaeda and other radical jihadists groups are running the show over there.  Even the mainstream media has been openly reporting on this.  The following is from a USA Today article entitled “Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda“…
A Syrian rebel group’s April pledge of allegiance to al-Qaeda’s replacement for Osama bin Laden suggests that the terrorist group’s influence is not waning and that it may take a greater role in the Western-backed fight to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad.
These jihadists are not “tolerant” and they have no interest in “democracy”.  Instead, they have already shown exactly what they plan to do once they are in power.  They have been killing Christians everywhere they go, and in some cases they have wiped out entire Christian villages.  For example, the following is from a news report that was posted on May 29th
Armed rebels attacked a village in Syria’s Western province of Homs and slaughtered all its Christian residents on Monday.
The armed rebels affiliated to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) raided the Christian-populated al-Duvair village in Reef (outskirts of) Homs near the border with Lebanon today and massacred all its civilian residents, including women and children.
Should we really be arming such people?
What in the world is Barack Obama thinking?
Does he actually approve of the rebels dragging kids off the street and executing them for saying things against Mohammed?  Because that is what is actually happening
15-year-old Mohammad Qataa was taken hostage by the extremist group and was then summarily executed in the northern city of Aleppo on Sunday night. Pro-opposition group the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) released a photo of the boy with bullet wounds in both his face and neck.
The SOHR said witnesses claim Qataa got into an argument at a coffee stand where he worked in the Sh’ar neighborhood of Aleppo. He was overheard saying: “Even if the Prophet Mohammad comes down (from heaven), I will not become a believer.”His words caught the attention of members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria who kidnapped Qatta. They then brought him back to the stall late on Sunday night with whiplash marks on his body.
According to the report published by the SOHR, one of the members of the group addressed the crowd and said:“Generous citizens of Aleppo, disbelieving in God is polytheism and cursing the prophet is polytheism. Whoever curses even once will be punished like this.”“He then fired two bullets from an automatic rifle in view of the crowd and in front of the boy’s mother and father, and got into a car and left,” the report said.
How in the world can the U.S. claim to have “moral authority” if this is the kind of people that we are backing?
The following is a video report from reporter Ben Swann about these rebels.  Some of the things that he has uncovered are absolutely amazing…

So what is going to happen if these rebels actually take over Syria?
Well, for one thing they will immediately impose Sharia law on the entire nation.  The people of Syria will be under an even more tyrannical regime than before.
Life under such a system can be incredibly cruel.  For example, two girls in Pakistan were recently shot dead for dancing in the rain
Two teenage sisters have been murdered in Pakistan after they were accused of tarnishing their family’s name by making a video of themselves dancing in the rain.
The girls, aged 15 and 16, are seen running around in traditional dress with two other younger children outside their bungalow in the town of Chilas, in the northern region of Gilgit.
The sisters, named as Noor Basra and Noor Sheza, appear to break into dance and one even flashes a smile at the camera.
However, when the footage was circulated via mobile phones, it caused outrage in the conservative Pakistani town.
Last Sunday the girls were shot alongside their mother in their home by five gunmen.
Why are we spending our tax dollars to help al-Qaeda set up such a system in Syria?
It is hard to put into words how stupid this all is.  Please share this article with as many people as you can.  Hopefully we can help the American people to understand how foolish it is to help these rebels.
Related posts:
  1. Syrian Rebels Massacre Christian Village
  1. Syrian Rebels Ransack Christian Churches
  1. Syrian rebels ‘beheaded Christian and fed him to dogs’
  1. Nearly 1 in 10 Syrian Rebels Are Now Terrorists In The Eyes Of The US
  1. US to start arming Syrian rebels ‘shortly’

  Over at www.Tarpley.net ,  Webster Tarpley has the grim inside story on the insidious judeo INVASION/ OCCUPATION of  AMERICA:  not only are the jew warmongers POISED to STAGE A COUP IN AMERICA,  but according to Mr. Tarpley, they have already tried this past month (June 2013),  with SECRETARY OF STATE  JOHN KERRY,  TREASONOUSLY  trying to BY-PASS  President Barack Obama 
(much less the U.S. Constitution requiring a Constitutional DECLARATION OF WAR by Congressional vote) 
and trying to whip-up A U.S. WAR AGAINST SYRIA, Kerry coming as close as he could to ordering the U.S. military and Pentagon
(War Department / U.S. military high command)
to START BOMBING SYRIA, yesterday in what Tarpley describes as an attempted "PALACE COUP" that would have relegated the (increasingly marginalized) U.S. president to OBSERVER status:

Under Cover of Snowden Snowjob, Kerry and Hague ATTEMPTED White House PALACE COUP to BOMB SYRIA

  In his next (current) article, Mr. Tarpley explains the obvious:  John Kerry is LOYAL to a FOREIGN POWER (who we all know is the judeo war lobby), and as such he DESERVES to BE IMPEACHED for HIGH CRIMES & TREASON:

Impeach Bonesman Kerry for Attempted June 12 White House Palace Coup to Bomb Syria

 In this below article (which was previous to the two above audio/radio stories)  
 Mr. Tarpley explains   WHO IS BEHIND the  TREASONOUS  ATTEMPTED COUP in America,  and attempted "FACTS ON THE GROUND"  NEW WAR  by America.. and,
SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE, it is a gaggle of TREASONOUS  JEW BILLIONAIRES and their bought-and-owned "U.S."  generals & politicians!!  


The Petraeus Machine at Bilderberg: Wall Street Moneybags Henry Kravis, Hudson Institute Bigwig Marie Josee Kravis, State Dept. Fixer Michael Gfoeller, and the CIA General: Ready to Climb Olympus?

  Mr. Tarpley's contentions - that  FOREIGN based "money power" AGENTS are MANIPULATING AMERICA's foreign policies and driving us to EXPANDED WARS (IN SUPPORT of AL QAEDA TERRORIST INVASIONS that are KILLING  CHRISTIANS  across the Middle East!)  is  SUPPORTED ELSEWHERE -  below, from an article a dozen months old:  

Monday, 16 July 2012 

U.S.-backed Syrian Opposition Linked to Bilderberg, CFR, Goldman Sachs & George Soros

The foreign-financed armed rebellion and the Western-backed opposition to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has been falsely portrayed as a spontaneous uprising of “democracy” activists since violence first broke out more than a year ago. But according to a recent investigationpublished in the U.K. Guardian, top figures in the “regime-change” coalition — most notably the Syrian National Council (SNC) — have intimate links to the highest ranks of the world elite: the shadowy Bilderberg conference, theCouncil on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Goldman Sachs megabank, billionaire financier George Soros, and, of course, the U.S. government. It is all out in the open, too.

On top of that, the report suggests that much of the war propaganda being used to promote international military intervention and “revolution” is actually slick public-relations gimmicks financed by large tax-exempt foundations and even the governments being asked to intervene.And there is big money behind the spread of the disinformation. Consider the seemingly never-ending reports about “civilian massacres” blamed on the Syrian tyrant — almost always from anonymous “activists” — that continually prove to be exaggerated, fabricated, or even perpetrated by the Western-backed rebels themselves, and then blamed on the regime.  

" Consider the seemingly never-ending reports about “civilian massacres” blamed on the Syrian tyrant — almost always from anonymous “activists” — that continually prove to be exaggerated, fabricated, or even perpetrated by the Western-backed rebels themselves, and then blamed on the regime"  -


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