"Drug War" uiber-COMMISSAR senator "THROW GRANDMA IN PRISON for consuming marijuana brownies for her glaucoma" DIANNE FEINSTEIN, and "STOP & FRISK any one wearing a yellow jew star "suspicious minorities" UBER-COMMISSAR NY mayor Michael BLOOMBERG, BOTH APPROVE of the tactics shown in this video, of police roadblocks TERRORIZING AMERICAN TRAVELERS this 4th of July travel season...
note: in some areas, corrupt cops could and would SIMPLY THROW SOME COCAINE that _they_ already had, under YOUR car seat** and, PRESTO! you would instantly become ade facto SLAVEof Bloomberg & Feinstein's (et al) "war on drugs" and "war on terra"
**this - innocent travelers or pedestrians FRAMED by criminal, corrupt 'law enforcement' agents putting drugs in your possession - HAPPENS ALL THE TIME in Amerika's "UNDERCOVER NARCOTICS" ("narcs") metastasizing war-on-drugs apparatus... the mere fact that officers are "under cover" means that they operate on BOTH sides of the law... i.e. they POSE AS CRIMINALS to "uphold the law"
...much less the Attorney General giving a BIG WET KISS stamp of APPROVAl, to Bankers laundering BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF DRUG MONEY through the nation's "legal" banking system (and here, here, here, and here).
note: in some areas, corrupt cops could and would SIMPLY THROW SOME COCAINE that _they_ already had, under YOUR car seat** and, PRESTO! you would instantly become ade facto SLAVEof Bloomberg & Feinstein's (et al) "war on drugs" and "war on terra"
**this - innocent travelers or pedestrians FRAMED by criminal, corrupt 'law enforcement' agents putting drugs in your possession - HAPPENS ALL THE TIME in Amerika's "UNDERCOVER NARCOTICS" ("narcs") metastasizing war-on-drugs apparatus... the mere fact that officers are "under cover" means that they operate on BOTH sides of the law... i.e. they POSE AS CRIMINALS to "uphold the law"
...much less the Attorney General giving a BIG WET KISS stamp of APPROVAl, to Bankers laundering BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF DRUG MONEY through the nation's "legal" banking system (and here, here, here, and here).