Channel: The Jewish Wars
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  THE JEWISH INSTIGATED  U.S., Saudi,  + israel  orchestrated AL QAEDA TERRORIST INVASION of  SYRIA...
 ...and the DHS/TSA/FEMA/DEA/IRS/FBI/NSA (+ local police)     TREATING all  AMERICAN CITIZENS as CRIMINAL SUSPECTS, are  two sides of the SAME coin: the judeo commissariat NUCLEAR ARMED and  "judenfetzen" central banker financed WAR ON HUMANITY.  

Well, the good news is that the jewish  WAR-PIGS are running out of  high profile  puppet "American" politicians to PIMP THEIR EVER-EXPANDING U.S. financed WARS, so   TRAITOR Senator  CARL LEVIN HAS TO DO THE DIRTY WORK -  PIMPING  U.S. BOMBS to SUPPORT AL QAEDA in Syria,  himself...

     HILLARY, KERRY, OBAMA,   McCain, BUSH,  CHENEY, Lindsey, Boehner, Palin...   the  WAR-MONGERING PUPPETS of the jewish war lobby  are all starting to appear as  the DISGRACEFUL TRAITORS  bowing to a FOREIGN POWER that they are;   they care not who they bomb and kill - even, in Cheney & Bush's case, ALLOWING AL QAEDA  TERRORISTS to KILL  3,000 Americans on 9-11 to bring about Wolfowitz & Netanyahu's  insane  "eretz israel" -   "Greater, PURE  JUDEO  israel"   from the Med to Iran (and Russia!)

  Senator Carl Levin -  as with the ENTIRE  JEWISH SENATOR corps -  wants  the UNITED STATES TO START BOMBING SYRIA,  in support of the  Netanyahy/Likud  instigated, SAUDI  (and U.S.A.) FINANCED  AL QAEDA  TERRORIST PROXY INVASION of   Suria... AS  the  JEWS HAD  FRANCE, BRITAIN, NATO, the United States and their Saudi/Sunni oil puppets wage a PROXY  AL QAEDA TERRORIST INVASION of LIBYA,  which has turned the nation with the highest per-capita income in all of Africa under Qaddafi, in to  an Al Qaeda  fundamentalist factions terrorized  Balkanized hell-hole.

  Senator  Levin is  A TRAITOR:  if you or we sent TWENTY DOLLARS to a charity the jewish dominated  American "intel" agencies   _label_  as  a "TERRORIST FRONT GROUP" -  we would be accused of  COLLABORATION WITH TERRORISTS - and charged with and prosecuted for a crime akin to treason.

 But  LEVIN, FEINSTEIN, SCHUMER, and ALL the Jewish Senators - and ALL their bribed, bought-off, extorted, and corrupted non-jewish fellow senators and congress-critters  -   ARE SUPPORTING  AL QAEDA IN SYRIA, with TENS OF MILLIONS  if not BILLIONS of dollars of  ARMS,  FUNDING,  and  hired mercenary fighters....     the entire purpose of the U.S. embassy Consulate in Benghazi, Libya was a  a CIA  MERCENARY HIRING AGENCY  for  AL QAEDA  (Sunni fundamentalist) TERRORISTS to  SEND TO SYRIA, TO KILL SYRIANS....

      ONE STANDARD for PEON AMERICANS... ANOTHER STANDARD for JEWISH "elite" WARMONGERS...         the insane  Likudnik "globalist" jews are TRYING TO SET UP COMMISSAR GULAGS IN AMERICA,  AS THEY  FUND AL QAEDA TERRORIST  MASS-MURDEROUS PURGES  anywhere  Netanyahu   and his treasonous  judeo "COMMISSARIAT"  decide to !!

  The JUDEO COMMISSARIAT  INCLUDES the meyer/graham WASHINGTON POST,  the sulzberger NEW YORK TIMES,  the cnn/TIME/WARNER Hollywood warmongering propaganda empire,  BLOOMBERG 'news"  and most of the other JUDEO DOMINATED   U.S. 'news'  and media networks- ALL OF WHOM are COVERING UP, WHITEWASHING, and LYING ABOUT  the fact that the Syria "rebellion" is a US, SAUDI (and other Gulf Arab oil states) and genocidal JEWISH  WAR STATE SUPPORTED  AL QAEDA PROXY  INVASION,  that is INTENDED to "ETHNICALLY CLEANSE"   ALL  Christians, Druze, Shiites, and other minorities including Syrian JEWS from Syria - kill them, as there is nowhere left in the Mideast taking refugees since the Wolfowitz/Sharon/Netanyahu  instigated hell (U.S. wars) have been unleashed in that region.... 

           The inclusion of  JEWS  in the  genocidal  AL QAEDA  "PURGE"  HIT LIST is no 'oversight' -  the  ISRAELI & AMERICAN JEWS ARE RACIST PIGS, they do NOT  consider  Mideastern or  Arab jews to be  "REAL JEWS" -    they quicker they are ELIMINATED, the better it would suit israel & America's (& Europe's)   INSANE, GENOCIDAL, racist,  jewish SUPREMACIST    JUDEO COMMISSARIAT.

  TREASONOUS  Senator CARL LEVIN  (D- jerusalem) WANTS TO  SUPPORT AL QAEDA IN SYRIA  with U.S. BOMBING ATTACKS on that nation...      
Al-monitor  July 11, 2013    
The influential chairman of the "U.S." Senate Armed Services Committee, Carl Levin (D- tel aviv) said Wednesday, July 10, that the administration of President Barack Obama should prepare to target Syrian “airfields, airplanes and massed artillery” using stand-off weapons in addition to arming and training the opposition to the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 
  [ NOTE:  "TARGET"  IS A JUDEO-DOMINATED  u.s. corporate media EUPHEMISM,  a deceit  word to denote MASS-MURDEROUS  AERIAL BOMBING ATTACKS  that are COMPLETELY OUTSIDE of all the legal rules of  international war or  the U.S. Constitution.  the Jews are REAL WARMONGERS, they have PERFECTED the use of Orwellian  phrases and terms   to denote the NAZI-esque  BOMBING of DEFENSLESS CITIES,  like GUENERICA or ROTTERDAM in World War II,  or whatever other cities are  on their evil, metastasizing hit-list today.]  
Levin, who just returned from a lengthy visit to  his  fellow jewish war-pigs in israel
the Middle East,  said [that]  only increased US support for "vetted rebel groups"   
[NOTE:  "vetted rebel groups" is  another JUDEO  MEDIA  parsed  Orwellian term:  AS IF all  the MURDERS perpetrated by Al Qaeda terrorists  IN SYRIA over past 2-dozen months were all by "VETTED REBEL GROUPS"]   
could level the playing field with Assad and his Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies   
[NOTE:  the evil jews are now  trying to make "HEZBOLLAH!" into the new,  more TERRIFYING  TERM to terrify American news viewers, than  AL QAEDA has been for the past dozen years]
and lay the ground for a political settlement.  [note:  here "political settlement"  another PROPAGANDA TERM  aimed at American news viewers, because once Syria is PARTITIONED,  they can assassinate and eliminate the supporters of the  current regime -  here a typical  BAIT & SWITCH,  stating "political settlements" to mean  winning their COWARDLY, MASS-MURDEROUS PROXY INVASION by destroying the opposition.]   
These "limited" [ THERE ARE NO "LIMITS"  to  the judeo Commissariat's  INSANE GENOCIDAL LUST for MASS MURDER:   simply   more "reasonable" WORDS applied in tag-team fashion  to their never-ending blood lust!]  but “essential steps,” he said, afford “the best hope and perhaps the only hope” to end a two-year-old conflict that is threatening US national interests by destabilizing Syria’s neighbors and creating potential “safe havens” in Syria for anti-US extremists.   
 [or the jews and their PUPPET  U.S./western/Saudi allies could STOP FUNDING AL QAEDA KILLERS in Syria...] 
[NOTE:  here the judeo warmongering propagandist throw in three of their main  BOGEY WORDS or propaganda terms  in one sentence:  "EXTREMISTS,"  "DESTABILIZING," and "U.S. national interests" -  as if   AL QAEDA TERRORISTS running Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, or any other countries are not "extremists";   AS IF   Libya is now a "stabilized" nation and not a Balkanized hell-hole;  and AS IF  the ever expanding genocidal jewish wars have anything to do with AMERICA's  genuine "national security."]
The  'veteran legislator'  [= judeo FINANCIAL CRIMES WHITEWASHING, DHS POLICE STATE ADVOCATING, and  EXPANDING WARS PIMPING senator], who is not running for re-election in 2014, conceded in a major address at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace that  there is scant US popular support for increased involvement in the Syrian conflict and “no consensus” on the issue on Capitol Hill.    Indeed, recent polls show that a majority of Americans opposes even giving weapons to Syrian rebels.
After the Afghan and Iraq wars, “We know the American people are very dubious” about any new US military involvement abroad, he said.
Full story here.    


  bonus:  TRAITOR  Carl Levin  and ALL the  TREASONOUS  JUDEO  COMMISSAR  SENATORS,  SUPPORT the    ratcheting-up of the  PRISON GULAG commissariat  PURGE -  IN AMERICA...

  just as the TROTSKY-KAGANOVICH-YEZHOV  jewish Bolshevik  Commissars sent MILLIONS of Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, and other ethnic nationalities to the mass-murder Gulags in the Bolshevik run Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s...

  we Americans are now being treated AS PALESTINIANS in occupied Palestine... as  RUSSIANS or Ukrainians during  the   GULAG  / RED TERROR / MASS PURGES horror years...

AMERICAN  Man Man Refuses To Comply With ILLEGAL "Internal Checkpoint"; Border Patrol (which does NOTHING to prevent illegal immigration) SMASHES Their Way Into his Vehicle
A man who recently refused to comply with an internal checkpoint in Pine Valley, Calif. filmed border patrol officers smashing their way into his vehicle while he was inside. He was then detained for over nine hours before being released without charge.
When Robert Trudell of Yuma, Ariz. was stopped at the checkpoint miles from the border a few weeks ago, he refused to wind down his window and speak to the Border Patrol officials, or consent to a warrantless search of his car.
Instead he picked up his camera and started photographing the agents that began to surround the vehicle.
Trudell had rigged his car up with several video cameras in anticipation of passing through the checkpoint, having previously driven through it in the preceding days. Trudell is actively opposed to internal checkpoints and makes a habit of protesting them by filming his non compliance and then uploading the footage to his YouTube channel.
After several minutes of refusing to comply and photographing the agents, they brought out a drug sniffing dog, which failed to turn up any narcotics. Agents then consulted the Sheriff before literally smashing through the car window, sending shards of glass towards Trudell’s face and torso.
The agents then ordered Trudell to get out of his car, before putting him in handcuffs.
Watch the footage below with Trudell’s commentary:


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