We've quoted the famous Gilad Atzmon before - the jewish born & raised outspoken critic of metastasizing jewish imperialism (i.e. "Zionism") and noted critic of the many jewish war crimes & atrocities perpetrated throughout the world
(often by extorted foreign governments and bribed ruling elites who are subservient to the jewish lobby).
In this article, Mr. Atzmon gets to the point: SECULAR jews - or what we here in America would call "Americanized jews" - ARE JUST AS INSANELY judeo SUPREMACIST as their fundamentalist "g-o-d CHOSE US to RULE THE WORLD" co-religionists in the blood-drenched, BASED ON GENOCIDE, apartheid, racist, segregationist judeo perpetual war state (i.e. israel)...
Indeed, the very identity of judaism, whether fundamentalist or "SECULAR," non-observant ("Americanized") judaism, IS JEWISH SUPREMACY: the notion that not only are all other humans set apart, different from, and INFERIOR to jews...
but that non-jews throughout the entire world SHOULD BE SUBORDINATED TO jews.
In short, JEWS REALLY DO believe that THEY are THE MASTER RACE,
based not only on their religious beliefs, but on their race and tribal affiliation with the "chosen by g-o-d to rule humanity" clan
(and exterminate those who would get in the way of the above "g-o-d" anointed & commanded" supremacy as disposable slaves... as useless rotten humanity, as vermin... as "untermensch," )
And Now They Want The Temple Rebuilt
By Gilad Atzmon
Haaretz reported todaythat one third of Israeli Jews want the Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem.
Apparently dozens of movements in Israel are attempting to change the status quo at Haram Ash-Sharif, widely considered the third holiest site in Islam. They aim towards a resurrection of the Jewish Temple at the site. Some are reconstructing ceremonial objects used in the Temple in the past, while others are making practical preparations for its rebuilding, including a renewal of animal sacrifice. Others deal in political lobbying and with encouraging Jews to visit the Mount.
“Attempts to distance the People of Israel from its holiest site have failed,” said Yehuda Glick, spokesman for the forum of Temple Mount organizations that commissioned the survey.
Among religious Jews questioned, 43% support reconstruction of the Jewish shrine. However, the poll also reveals that more than 31% among Israel secular Jews also support such an initiative.
Though it is easy to explain the high percentage of religious Jews supporting such a campaign, the high percentage of secular Jews seems to be odd at first glance. Why would secular people support a construction of a religious shrine over the land of one of Islam’s holiest sites?
Clearly such an initiative would lead to a colossal conflict, it may even unite the Muslim world once and for all.
The answer is pretty simple. Jewish secularism is a bizarre concept. It is a racially driven tribal affiliation motivated by supremacist inclinations.
Secular Jews have indeed managed to drop God, they shunned the Torah and the Talmud, but they clearly believe in Choseness. In fact Jewish secular thought has very little to do with humanism or universalism. As such Jewish secularism can be realised as just another Jewish religion -it may proclaim to be righteous, rational or enlightened, but it in practice it is dedicated to
a primal, insular and Judeo centric-worldview=======================================================
driven by a total dismissal of 'Otherness'.
We always have to bear in mind that Zionism is a secular movement. The IDF is, also a secular institution. Similarly, it is not Rabbis who run AIPAC in the USA, CFI in Britain and CRIF is France. The Jewish Lobby that currently pushes for war in Iran and numerous other immoral military interventions around the globe is largely a secular network.
As much as some aspects of Judaism are troubling and demand criticism, the poll above reaffirms, that Jewish secular thought is far more dangerous than the Judaic call.
The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics, available on Amazon.com & Amazon.co.uk
bonus: Here, in an article we will give its own post in the near future, is an example of how jews use DECEIT to get OTHER PEOPLE to PAY FOR the THEIR own SUBSERVIENCE to the new judeo ruling class...
Jews in Michigan have HIJACKED the American Congress PELL GRANTS, to DIVERT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in federal funding AWAY FROM needy AMERICAN STUDENTS, to...
sponsor FUNDAMENTALIST judeo supremacists HATE INDOCTRINATION, "Yeshiva religious schools" - in Israel !!!
The Shul is a $6 million synagogue in West Bloomfield, Michigan that also functions, technically, as a college campus—for the
Michigan Jewish Institute, a Chabad school that has grown rich through the federal government's Pell Grant program.
Pictured standing in front is Dov Stein, the MJI's head of academics.