Senator Rand Paul courageously CONFRONTS the Naziesque"Neo-Con" HIGH COMMAND, the TREASONOUS, MASS-MURDEROUS WAR LOBBY behind the puppet Obama and Bush presidencies:
(in addition to IMPOSING the 'Federal Reserve', the IRS, and the domestic/global terror/extortion agency the DHS on America's beleaguered taxpayers, families, and businesses) a FINANCIER CONTROLLED EXTORTION and WEALTH EXTRACTION racket
(American businesses would be REQUIRED to PAY NEW, EXTORTIONATE TAXES & fees just to use energy,
in "CARBON CREDIT" markets THAT WILL BE RIGGED by the treasonous, insanely greedy financiers.
The government can already tax energy consumption, without creating this monster new agency,
and financiers rigged, carbon-credits INSIDER TRADING & financial EXTORTION markets)
but Senator Paul goes where NO ONE visible in the U.S. public or media has had the courage to go thus far: pointing out that
an AL QAEDA/ISIS run NIGHTMARE of murder, rape, terrorism,
ever escalating sectarian conflicts & genocidal mass-murders & massacres...
The fact that LIBYA and SYRIA are now TERRORIST RUN HELL HOLES, is and was the INTENT of the HILLARY-PELOSI-panetta-Kerry-Obama-FEINSTEIN-Levin-Schumer-Boxer-Emanuel-Lew"Democrats"and their Rethuglican GENOCIDE & WARS PIMPING colleagues across the aisles who funded "REBELS" in those PROXY WARS of genocide & mass-murder for the DEMONIC JEW WAR STATE(israel) !!
"REBELS" then and now = ISIS, rebranded AL QAEDA JIHADI, MASS-MURDEROUS TERRORISTS, funded by Israel, Saudi, Kuwaiti, Qatari, the CIA, U.S. State Department, U.S. military, and other & U.S. government agencies !!!
The ruthless "divide, extort, and conquer" tactics the insane Neo-Cons behind the Obama White House use to pound their blatantly treasonous, anti-American agenda down America's throats are wearing thin...
Senator Paul is correct to note that CARBON TAXES are merely another attempt by the TREASONOUS GoddamnSachs, JP Morgan, and other privately owned 'Fed' banking cartel bankers & "financial elites"
to TURN AMERICAN SOCIETY and our productive industries into a CASINO STOCK MARKET
that can be MANIPULATED by the "markets shorting," insider-trading, SABOTAGE, EXTORTION, & wealth extracting FINANCIERS** -
- backed with the full despotic authority, not only of the IRS and Neo-Con global terror extortion agency the DHS; but now (soon) with a whole NEW, DICTATORIAL CARBON TAX extortion & property seizure agency,
operating per GoddamnSachs' demonic, criminal, treasonous, sabotage, vampire wealth extracting dictates.
**(exactly as George Soros was the public face of the CRIMINAL Financial CRIME SYNDICATE, the insider trading cartel based in the City of London and around the Bank of England, that intentionally robbed millions of British and worldwide savers of their life's savings, by temporarily SABOTAGING the value of the British currency, the pound sterling; by using millions of "naked short" trades on the British pounds sterling currency in global "FOREX" foreign exchange markets, to effectively, illegally counterfeit the amount of British currency (pounds sterling) in existence at that moment - make it appear as if millions more pounds were in circulation than actually existed -
thus driving their apparent price down long enough to execute the swindle.
The evil traders artificially drove the price of the pound down long enough for them to make fortunes purchasing now devalued pound denominated assets in currencies they had prepositioned themselves in before their treasonous, criminal, insider-trading SABOTAGE, ORGANIZED FINANICAL ATTACK on the pound...
their TREACHEROUS, PREMEDITATED ATTACK on the wealth of millions who had their life savings invested in pound denominated stocks, savings, (currency) and assets and who believed they were being "protected" by the very insiders who picked their pockets and fleeced their bank accounts, pension funds, and life savings!)
HANG! the bloody, stinking ALBATROSS of TITANIC POLICY FAILURES, and BLOODY, EXPANDING TERRORISM _instigated_by TREASONOUS U.S. government officials across the Mideast and world;
AROUND THE NECKS of these bloody, Treasonous,
"billions for DHS to 'provide security'... WHILE we SABOTAGE America's borders!"
ANTI-AMERICAN Neo-Con traitors & genocidal criminals !!
update: We only just noticed the headline link that serial traitor, and sell-out whore to the demonic 'Neo-Con' (judeo) War Lobby 'U.S.' CONGRESSMAN PETER KING,
right on schedule, stepping up to the microphone to smear, demean, and blast anyone standing up to or confronting the Neo-Cons' foul train of TREASON and RUIN they are inflicting on America (and the world):
Clearly, Peter King is giving Senators 'Miss' Lindsey Graham, and Vietnam secrets-spilling Prisoner of War "songbird McCain" & ISIS TERRORISTS in SYRIA SUPPORTING Senator John McInsane a run for the money in the "TREASONOUS DEVOTION to PIMPING EVERY NUCLEAR THREAT, and every WAR ON TERROR extortion and ATROCITY coming out of the Israel war lobby" department.
Just to remind, here's the video that every Democratic voter in America should know by heart: an 11 second clip of Congressman Peter King, on the White House lawn with then incumbent President George W. Bush on election day (Nov. 2004) arrogantly spilling the beans:
"The ELECTION of 2004 was RIGGED by Republican operatives"
(for example, the vote-counting computers for the critical Ohio elections were housed in... the same building, in Tennessee, that housed the Tenn. George W. Bush For President Republican Campaign Committee!!)
is because the TREACHEROUS John Kerry & Nancy Pelosi/Rahm Emanuel 'DEMOCRATS' who gained control of Congress in the 2006 mid-term elections REFUSED TO INVESTIGATE CLEAR & BLATANT VOTE FRAUD by their Republican opponents in the 2004 or 2000 presidential elections...
because even then, in 2006-2007, the Democrats
( as well as the Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz-Chertoff-Bolten-Bernanke Republicans)
AIPAC, ADL, UJA, UJC, (etc.) and all its various
'Money Power" manifestations
(the Fed, GoddamnSachs, Lehman, Oppenheimer, Bear, Stearns, JP Morgan, and all the other Rotschields, Warburg, Lazard , City-of-London, et al front companies and financial rape & economic extortion allies)
- and the Pelosi/Kerry Democrats knew that
EXPOSING the CRIMINAL THEFT of a SECOND major U.S. presidential election,
would trigger massive American public outrage and bring stinging action down on the heads of the infernal, "NEO-CON" AIPAC war-lobby ELECTION STEALING TRAITORS...
and their COMPLICIT partners in crimes, bribes, graft, corruption, insider trading, wars, treason & extortion in the 'DEMOCRAT' Party, as well !!
DESPITE their nominally "oppositional" party alignment, REPUBLICAN Peter King, and DEMOCRAT' Nancy Pelosi, both take their MARCHING ORDERS from the SAME TREASONOUS national security & economic vitality sabotaging SABOTEURS;
the demonic GS/jpm/Fed financiers & 'Neo-Con' AIPAC war lobby...
In case you think we are exaggerating in putting Hillary in same basket as Cheney and Bush, this cartoon captures just how slavish Hillary is to the same expanding wars and JUDEO WAR LOBBY INSTIGATED GENOCIDE as Cheney and Bush were. Just realize that a U.S. attack & invasion of Iran would make the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 look like a tea-party in comparison; both in number of American troops killed, injured, and traumatized for life; in costs to American taxpayers; and in the number of children and civilians killed, wounded, poisoned, traumatized for life, and terrorized & displaced in the demonic jewish war lobby's lusted-for war of genocide, mass-murder & extirpation there
"OBAMA is NOT A KING" Senator Paul explains.Not only does Senator Paul confront the NEW ECONOMIC EXTORTION PLOT that is the Neo-Cons' faux "environmental" effort to IMPOSE CARBON TAXES on Americans...
(in addition to IMPOSING the 'Federal Reserve', the IRS, and the domestic/global terror/extortion agency the DHS on America's beleaguered taxpayers, families, and businesses) a FINANCIER CONTROLLED EXTORTION and WEALTH EXTRACTION racket
(American businesses would be REQUIRED to PAY NEW, EXTORTIONATE TAXES & fees just to use energy,
in "CARBON CREDIT" markets THAT WILL BE RIGGED by the treasonous, insanely greedy financiers.
The government can already tax energy consumption, without creating this monster new agency,
and financiers rigged, carbon-credits INSIDER TRADING & financial EXTORTION markets)
but Senator Paul goes where NO ONE visible in the U.S. public or media has had the courage to go thus far: pointing out that
an AL QAEDA/ISIS run NIGHTMARE of murder, rape, terrorism,
ever escalating sectarian conflicts & genocidal mass-murders & massacres...
The fact that LIBYA and SYRIA are now TERRORIST RUN HELL HOLES, is and was the INTENT of the HILLARY-PELOSI-panetta-Kerry-Obama-FEINSTEIN-Levin-Schumer-Boxer-Emanuel-Lew"Democrats"and their Rethuglican GENOCIDE & WARS PIMPING colleagues across the aisles who funded "REBELS" in those PROXY WARS of genocide & mass-murder for the DEMONIC JEW WAR STATE(israel) !!
"REBELS" then and now = ISIS, rebranded AL QAEDA JIHADI, MASS-MURDEROUS TERRORISTS, funded by Israel, Saudi, Kuwaiti, Qatari, the CIA, U.S. State Department, U.S. military, and other & U.S. government agencies !!!
The ruthless "divide, extort, and conquer" tactics the insane Neo-Cons behind the Obama White House use to pound their blatantly treasonous, anti-American agenda down America's throats are wearing thin...
(Remember, America? how bothBush and Obama ran as "middle of road" moderates and restraint-of-power nice guys who pledged that they would not be swayed by the extremes of their respective "political base" constituencies? Bush ran as "a UNITER, NOT Divider" in his 2000 campaign, and pledged "NO NATION BUILDING" - a snide smear on the Clinton administration's allegedly out-of-control foreign policy - but we now know that he and his warmongering 'PNAC' crew were planning to RAM "REGIME CHANGE" in Iraq down our throats the whole time!
Obama ran as someone who would REVERSE the DESPISED expanding wars, police state surveillance, tax-cuts for rich in-time-of-war, Guantanamo, TORTURE, and other"DOWN YOUR THROATS" policies of Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz-Chertoff-Bernanke-Paulson gang in 2008;
Obama promised us that he was someone who would bring us "CHANGE!" from those despised, detested, dictatorial, abuse-of-powers Neo-Con policies and GoddamnSachs/Fed financial rape & economic sabotage policies of the Bush-Cheney regime. But once they were in office, and once their Neo-Con WAR LOBBY & FINANICAL RAPISTS APPARTCHIKS were infested all throughout the highest levels of the U.S. government and in their respective presidencies - both Bush and Obama then proceeded to ram highly contentious and unpopular programs down millions of Americans' throats!)
Senator Paul is correct to note that CARBON TAXES are merely another attempt by the TREASONOUS GoddamnSachs, JP Morgan, and other privately owned 'Fed' banking cartel bankers & "financial elites"
to TURN AMERICAN SOCIETY and our productive industries into a CASINO STOCK MARKET
that can be MANIPULATED by the "markets shorting," insider-trading, SABOTAGE, EXTORTION, & wealth extracting FINANCIERS** -
- backed with the full despotic authority, not only of the IRS and Neo-Con global terror extortion agency the DHS; but now (soon) with a whole NEW, DICTATORIAL CARBON TAX extortion & property seizure agency,
operating per GoddamnSachs' demonic, criminal, treasonous, sabotage, vampire wealth extracting dictates.
**(exactly as George Soros was the public face of the CRIMINAL Financial CRIME SYNDICATE, the insider trading cartel based in the City of London and around the Bank of England, that intentionally robbed millions of British and worldwide savers of their life's savings, by temporarily SABOTAGING the value of the British currency, the pound sterling; by using millions of "naked short" trades on the British pounds sterling currency in global "FOREX" foreign exchange markets, to effectively, illegally counterfeit the amount of British currency (pounds sterling) in existence at that moment - make it appear as if millions more pounds were in circulation than actually existed -
thus driving their apparent price down long enough to execute the swindle.
The evil traders artificially drove the price of the pound down long enough for them to make fortunes purchasing now devalued pound denominated assets in currencies they had prepositioned themselves in before their treasonous, criminal, insider-trading SABOTAGE, ORGANIZED FINANICAL ATTACK on the pound...
their TREACHEROUS, PREMEDITATED ATTACK on the wealth of millions who had their life savings invested in pound denominated stocks, savings, (currency) and assets and who believed they were being "protected" by the very insiders who picked their pockets and fleeced their bank accounts, pension funds, and life savings!)
AROUND THE NECKS of these bloody, Treasonous,
"billions for DHS to 'provide security'... WHILE we SABOTAGE America's borders!"
ANTI-AMERICAN Neo-Con traitors & genocidal criminals !!
update: We only just noticed the headline link that serial traitor, and sell-out whore to the demonic 'Neo-Con' (judeo) War Lobby 'U.S.' CONGRESSMAN PETER KING,
right on schedule, stepping up to the microphone to smear, demean, and blast anyone standing up to or confronting the Neo-Cons' foul train of TREASON and RUIN they are inflicting on America (and the world):
Crazy Congressman Peter King Says Rand Paul Hates America For Defending Fourth Amendment
Clearly, Peter King is giving Senators 'Miss' Lindsey Graham, and Vietnam secrets-spilling Prisoner of War "songbird McCain" & ISIS TERRORISTS in SYRIA SUPPORTING Senator John McInsane a run for the money in the "TREASONOUS DEVOTION to PIMPING EVERY NUCLEAR THREAT, and every WAR ON TERROR extortion and ATROCITY coming out of the Israel war lobby" department.
Just to remind, here's the video that every Democratic voter in America should know by heart: an 11 second clip of Congressman Peter King, on the White House lawn with then incumbent President George W. Bush on election day (Nov. 2004) arrogantly spilling the beans:
"The ELECTION of 2004 was RIGGED by Republican operatives"
(for example, the vote-counting computers for the critical Ohio elections were housed in... the same building, in Tennessee, that housed the Tenn. George W. Bush For President Republican Campaign Committee!!)
[tens of millions of Democratic voters be damned!]
is because the TREACHEROUS John Kerry & Nancy Pelosi/Rahm Emanuel 'DEMOCRATS' who gained control of Congress in the 2006 mid-term elections REFUSED TO INVESTIGATE CLEAR & BLATANT VOTE FRAUD by their Republican opponents in the 2004 or 2000 presidential elections...
because even then, in 2006-2007, the Democrats
( as well as the Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz-Chertoff-Bolten-Bernanke Republicans)
AIPAC, ADL, UJA, UJC, (etc.) and all its various
'Money Power" manifestations
(the Fed, GoddamnSachs, Lehman, Oppenheimer, Bear, Stearns, JP Morgan, and all the other Rotschields, Warburg, Lazard , City-of-London, et al front companies and financial rape & economic extortion allies)
- and the Pelosi/Kerry Democrats knew that
EXPOSING the CRIMINAL THEFT of a SECOND major U.S. presidential election,
would trigger massive American public outrage and bring stinging action down on the heads of the infernal, "NEO-CON" AIPAC war-lobby ELECTION STEALING TRAITORS...
and their COMPLICIT partners in crimes, bribes, graft, corruption, insider trading, wars, treason & extortion in the 'DEMOCRAT' Party, as well !!
"NANCY PELOSI, the AIPAC GIRL" - totally controlled and owned by the TREASONOUS, genocidal, ELECTIONS STEALING, CRIMES PERPETRATING, CORRUPTION whitewashing Jewish war lobby...
DESPITE their nominally "oppositional" party alignment, REPUBLICAN Peter King, and DEMOCRAT' Nancy Pelosi, both take their MARCHING ORDERS from the SAME TREASONOUS national security & economic vitality sabotaging SABOTEURS;
the demonic GS/jpm/Fed financiers & 'Neo-Con' AIPAC war lobby...
In case you think we are exaggerating in putting Hillary in same basket as Cheney and Bush, this cartoon captures just how slavish Hillary is to the same expanding wars and JUDEO WAR LOBBY INSTIGATED GENOCIDE as Cheney and Bush were. Just realize that a U.S. attack & invasion of Iran would make the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 look like a tea-party in comparison; both in number of American troops killed, injured, and traumatized for life; in costs to American taxpayers; and in the number of children and civilians killed, wounded, poisoned, traumatized for life, and terrorized & displaced in the demonic jewish war lobby's lusted-for war of genocide, mass-murder & extirpation there