Jewish serial TRAITOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN's jewish perfidity, TREASON, & SERIAL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY exposed: as the JEWISH WARS PROLIFERATE from Iraq & Afghanistan, to LIBYA, SYRIA,...
NANCY PELOSI, DIANNE FEINSTEIN, Hillary CLINTON, Barbara Boxer... all the powerful women 'leaders'(sic) in the so-called "liberal Democrat" party- especially the jewish ones! - _all_ of them...
View ArticleHUMANITY RUNNING OUT OF TIME: the JEWS who OWN America's politicians,...
"THE WORLD IS DOOMED" by Western - U.S. & Europe - COMPLICITY (even 'merely' apathy) with the insane, GENOCIDAL, NUCLEAR ARMED, JUDEO SUPREMACIST agenda of treachery, treason, and serial...
View ArticleNSA - "America's""National SECURITY Agency" (sic) - IS HELPING SAUDI royals...
Well, this is an easy post to write: the NEXT WP, NYT, TIME, or CNN (Washington whore lying post, Sulzberger New York Slimes, or Time/Warner Hollywood mega-media propaganda whores) LYING...
View ArticleJEWISH Israelis PROTEST GAZA WAR!! A CHINK in the Genocidal Judeo...
We will take good news where we find it! JEWISH Israelis PROTEST Netanyahu's MASS MURDER 'war'& state terrorism & genocide against Gaza! Is there a CHINK in the demonic armor of the...
View ArticleMass-Murder Dictator Thug Barack Obama RATCHETS UP his jew war lobby WAR vs...
The cowardly, craven Republicans in Con-gress... who answer to the same JEW WAR LOBBY, foreign "money power" & insidious "5th column" sabotage traitors that Barack Obama and the "Democratic"...
We had heard from our neighbors that there were Jewish Americans waving signs and banners from the corners of a busy local street corner saying "NOT IN OUR NAME!" about Israel Prime Minister...
View ArticleNUCLEAR WAR is COMING TO AMERICA... as America's corporate WHORE Media...
NUCLEAR WAR is COMING TO AMERICA - because the TRAITORS who have HIJACKED America's government, press/media, financial systems & society FANTASIZE about DOING TO AMERICA, what Lenin, TROTSKY,...
View ArticleZOG - "Zionist OCCUPIED AMERICA": Demonic Jew TRAITORS & their HIRED "goyim"...
MILITARIZED Police in the (late) U.S.A. are PAID, TRAINED... PROMOTED, and INDOCTRINANTED to... ATTACK, demean, TERRORIZE, and ASSAULT _AMERICANS_... eric holder, jeh johnson, condi rice, barack...
High crimes and TREASON: _CIA_ ex-chief MICHAEL HAYDEN, of the jewish-owned CHERTOFF Group, SUPPORTS MASS-MURDER by I.S.I.S. TERRORISTS in SYRIA... as an EXCUSE to get the extorted & insanely...
View ArticleThe EVIL Judeo HIJACKING of America is now COMPLETE: U.S. military ADMITS...
"CRISIS INITIATION" IS HERE! The DEMONIC TRAITORS running, ruling America's government are polishing and FINE-TUNING the last facets of their WAR ON AMERICANS as we speak... using the...
View ArticleTERRORISTS in the White House: Obama Co. PLOTS TREASONOUS WARS, SUPPORTS...
The US president, Barack Obama, IS A MASS-MURDEROUS TERRORIST: even as he plans to BOMB SYRIA to"fight terrorists"there - HE CONTINUES to ALLOW the SAUDIS, KUWAITIS, QATARIS, and NETANYAHU...
View ArticleMILLIONS of Americans are Now LIVING on BORROWED TIME: the DEMONIC...
Veterans Today has been reporting on AMERICAN "black ops" or the multi-billions funded "Secret SHADOW GOVERNMENT" using vaccination studies and pesticide studies in the Ukraine as cover for BIO WAR...
View ArticleSenator Rand Paul CONFRONTS the Naziesque 'Neo-Con' High Command _behind_ the...
Senator Rand Paul courageously CONFRONTS the Naziesque"Neo-Con" HIGH COMMAND, the TREASONOUS, MASS-MURDEROUS WAR LOBBY behind the puppet Obama and Bush presidencies: "OBAMA is NOT A KING" Senator...
View ArticleMILLIONS of Americans are NOW LIVING on BORROWED TIME: the DEMONIC...
"Unconfirmed reports of large numbers of deaths from Vaccines in the Ukraine" Friday, Nov 20th, 2009Unconfirmed reports are coming in that thousands of people in what appears to be a rural area under...
View ArticleCourageous Dutch writer EXPOSES the _INTENTIONAL_, MASS-MURDEROUS treachery...
We salute the American military and "intel community" veterans at VeteransToday.com, who are relentlessly documenting & exposing the tsunami of lies, treachery, betrayal, and anti-American...
View ArticleDICK CHENEY and JOE BIDEN are birds of a feather: ISIS SUPPORTING TERRORISTS...
TRAITOR Vice President JOE BIDEN - HAS BEEN SUPPORTING ISIS TERRORISTS in SYRIA for past 3 YEARS in America's diabolical proxy war to destroy the Assad regime (and all the minorities it has been...
View ArticlePrisonPlanet DOCUMENTS PROOF: the JUDEO / "Neo-Con' HIJACKED U.S. GOVERNMENT...
Our previous post outlined the horrific reality: while treasonousVice President Joe BidenCLAIMS, for public consumption that he is going to "PURSUE I.S.I.S. terrorists** to the gates of hell"......
View ArticlePresident JOHN F. KENNEDY (paraphrasing): "Those who would USE SECRECY to...
Well, we gratefully acknowledge this opportunity a new post almost writing itself! to take a moment to regain our equilibrium & composure (if n ot our sanity) from the grim realization that...
View ArticlePROVING that the Editors, Senior Writers, and Publishers at the WASHINGTON...
Part I: PROVING that the Editors, senior writers, and publishers at the MEYER/graham WASHINGTON POST and the Sulzberger NEW YORK TIMES had FOREKNOWLEDEGE OF, and were ACTIVE PARTICPANTS in, the...
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