Channel: The Jewish Wars
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AMERICA is BEING DESTROYED... from WITHIN: the TREASONOUS "Neo-Con" ASSAULT to DESTROY America, just as the Jews first DESTROYED EGYPT, then their OWN ALLIES the MIDIANITES, then SLAUGHTERED their neighbors in the KITOS WAR, then Made allies with the "Moroso" Muslims who TERRORIZED SPAIN's COAST with deadly raids by Barbary Coast Arab Slavers... leading up to the 20th Century JEWISH JIHADS Against the people of RUSSIA, then GERMANY, and now the extorted people of Britain (again!) and THE U.S.A, (AGAIN! FOLLOWING the Schiff/Warburg/Rotschields/fed GREAT DEPRESSION I of the 1930s)


InfoWars.com host and "alternative media" leader Alex Jones does yeoman service for the cause of our American right to timely news and information, which are fundamental prerequisites for a functioning democracy, when he hosts this video interview with former Assistant TREASURY SECRETARY Dr. Paul Craig Roberts,  on the  DESTRUCTION of AMERICA... FROM WITHIN:

The Total Destruction of America from Within InfoWars.com   July 27, 2013

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary (1981 - 1982 under President Reagan) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts discusses the dismantling of the U.S. constitution, the TERRORIZING of  millions of American citizens DENIED their FREEDOMS, RIGHTS, and liberties;  and the  ongoing &  metastasizing Bernanke/Fed/GolddamnSachs (= Wall Street & City of London) financial crimes creating our economic crisis "Great Recession"
Related posts:
  1. Martial Law in North America Represents The Total Destruction of Freedom
  2. America on The Road to Total Destruction with Author Charlotte Iserbyt
  3. Terror Memos Reveal Total Destruction Of U.S. Constitutional Freedoms
  4. Robert Reich Confirms Permanent Destruction of Jobs in America
  5. ‘Fall of the Republic’ unveils Obama’s agenda for the destruction of America

We haven't even gotten to do a blog-post on Dr. Paul Craig Roberts ground-shaking essay, "WASHINGTON IS INSANE" from a month ago, even though we recently reported -  using a Dr. Roberts interview with precious metals investment experts King World News (.com)   as just one of three sources -  to outline our contention that  BLACKMAIL, BRIBERY, EXTORTION  and criminal SPYING ON OUR OWN GOVERNMENT LEADERS is how the evil JUDEO WAR LOBBY is  GOADING  CONGRESS to support the evil U.SA.  . & jewish war state run AL QAEDA PROXY INVASION OF SYRIA - which is  ETHNICALLY CLEANSING ( = mass murdering!)  SYRIAN CHRISTIANS and SYRIAN JEWS alike (as well as Druze, Shiites,  and all other non-Sunni Syrians) because  EXTERMINATING  PEOPLE  _IS_ the the  CORE IDENTITY of  war-tribe judaism,   and if the jews can get the Syrian Sunni al Qaeda jihadis  to EXTERMINATE EVERYONE ELSE in Syria, then the jews can later come in (to Syria) and wipe out their  Sunni allies  - the very allies they have been supporting - when the time comes.
 The fact that jews SUPPORT the EXTERMINATION of CHRISTIANS in Syria is EASY to prove:   JUST GO LOOK at the pages of the EVIL  JEW _ROTHSCHILDS_ owned "THE ECONOMIST" magazine, and see - in their issue after issue after issue 'reporting' on their little Syrian al QAEDA PROXY WAR - how many pages these evil media whores devote to the plight of SYRIA'S CHRISTIAN minority that is being DESTROYED by the evil Rothschilds & judeo war state PROXY  al Qaeda WAR - and as to Syrian JEWS, well, the  israeli, European, and American jews aren't merely judeo supremacists, they are RACISTS TOO, for they do NOT consider Syrian, Iraqi, Lebanese, or other Mideastern jews to be "real jews" - much less EITHIOPIAN, EGYPTIAN, or other north-African jews - because jews across the board are WHITE, Euro supremacists.
 (In America at the turn of the late 1800s - early 1900s, before they had become relatively assimilated in to American culture, the Russian jews and German jews hated each other, as well.)  

  THIS TACTIC - hiring MASS-MURDEROUS MERCENARIES to help  defeat and DESTROY their latest enemy du jour -  IS the  JEWISH  WAR TRIBE's well honed tactic of  3,500+ years - as the grim, horrific, and blood-drenched judeo bible relates in case after case, example after example,  bloody mass-murder massacre after bloody mass-murder massacre...

...and, following the  bloody  JEWISH  "CHEKA" dominated Soviet SECRET POLICE MASS-MURDER PURGES in the Russian Revolution that were but a prelude to the even more horrific  MASS MURDER PURGES and INTENTIONAL FAMINE HOLOCAUSTS inflicted on the people of Russia, the Ukraine, the Armenian holocaust, and the entire Soviet SLAVE LABOR DEATH CAMPS GULAGS,    THAT  treatment is COMING TO AMERICA -  today.

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