Channel: The Jewish Wars
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The TREASONOUS jewish owned media - the meyer/graham cowardly, lying WASHINGTON POST, the SULZBERGER new york slimes, bloomberg 'news, the cnn/Time/WARNER (ne Polish/jewish Wonsakalar brothers) empire are all COVERING UP the MASSACRES of CHRISTIANS in SYRIA, by the OBAMA admin. Supported AL QAEDA PROXY TERRORIST INVASION of that country -

The FACE OF HATE: U.S. Ambassador to Egypt ANN PATERSON...
 America's STATE DEPARTMENT is  supporting the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD  JIHAD against WOMEN and all religious minorities in Egypt,  because getting PROXY ARMIES & TERRORISTS to EXTERMINATE  their enemies
(= any and everyone not allied with, or more importantly part of the judeo elite du jour)  IS  the  evil, insane, judeo agenda that  CONTROLS America's slavish, gruesome "foreign policy" &  State Department... which is to say, America's metastasizing genocidal "exterminate (depopulate) as much of humanity as we can possibly get away with" JEWISH WARS....

The FACE OF HATE:  U.S. Ambassador to Egypt ANN PATERSON is the new April Gillespie,  the U.S. Ambassador to Saddam's Iraq in 1991  just after the period when America had ILLEGALLY and surreptitiously ARMED  IRAQ with CHEMICAL and BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS Saddam used to poison both Iranian troops... and  Kurdish and Shiite CIVILIAN POPULATIONS 
(labelled by the evil Neo-Con U.S. media in New York & Washington as "rebels") 
in Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88...   
    It was Gillespie's  conferring on Saddam what he thought was a U.S. license to invade Kuwait, which led to the Iraqi army invasion of Kuwait, and to the subsequent Gulf War I... that is,  Gillespie's incompetence and/or machinations, led directly to the first U.S. Iraq war... 
from which DEPLETED URANIUM EXPOSED American soldiers and veterans are still trying to recover, and the pattern of  AMERICA'S MILITARY PROPPING UP  SAUDI, KUWAITI, BAHRAIN, and other THEOCRATIC EXTREMIST Sunni (Muslim) DICTATORS was etched-in-stone as America's   Orwellian named "freedom" and "liberty"  foreign policies... 

   Just as April Gillespie was the face of  whitewashing AMERICA's COOPERATION  including SUPPLYING Saddam's mass-murderous generals and secret  police with POISON GAS,  so too  are ANN PATERSON and the entire  U.S. State Department, White House, and Con-gress  SUPPORTING  MUSLIM EXTREMISTS - in SYRIA, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt,
and of course the Saudi, Kuwaiti, Bahrain, and other theocratic despots in the Arab Gulf oil states - BECAUSE SOWING CHAOS, MASS-MURDER, and anti-democratic despair;
IS AMERICA's  JUDEO DRIVEN "foreign policy"
Ever since the Greenspan/Bernanke/Fed
(= city of london = rotschields & allied debt slavery judeo financiers)
created inflation and the bush/obama/cong-gress/U.S. TREASURY given GODDAMN-SACHS LICENSE to MANIPULATE and CORNER vital commodities markets  drove Egyptians to REBEL against American puppet dictator Mubarak because of family destroying SOARING FOOD PRICES,   the 'new' American foreign policy in Egypt is to simply arm the most radical factions
= the  AL QAEDA ALLIED MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD  Sunni Islamic extremists )
to MASSACRE as MANY EGYPTIANS as  possible - BLOOD PURGES  _IS_ the biblical AND MODERN  judeo 'normal'   mode of conquest and "relations" with their neighbors...

 ...just as Saddam MASSACRED Shiites and Kurds in the 1980s and 1990s,
  ...just as Al Qaeda is MASSACRING SYRIANS, TODAY...
...just as MILLIONS of Americans today are DISAPPEARING from the gainfully employed roles and being turned in to dispossessed wards of the states while the bought-&-owned Con-gress HANDS TRILLIONS of dollars to the thieving, economy killing banksters & war lobby....

so the ENTIRE STATE DEPARTMENT is COMPLICIT in TREASON with America's evil, insane, warmongering, blood-thirsty  judeo puppet-masters.

 note:  it is not merely "DEMOCRAT" OBAMA (and the entire TREASONOUS  "Democrat" Party side of the aisle in Con-gress) WHICH IS SUPPORTING AL QAEDA IN SYRIA at the behest of the insane, genocidal judeo puppet-masters.... SO TOO do JOHN McCAIN,  LINDSEY GRAHAM,  ERIC CANTOR, and ALL the TREASONOUS REPUBLICANS in Con-gress, too.

Yes We Can: Obama Funding Syrian Rebels Beheading Christians, Using Child Soldiers
by Anthony Gucciardi, PrisonPlanet.com   July 28, 2013
        Remember when al-Qaeda members were the bad guys?    
[Before RAHM EMANUEL, DIANNE FEINSTEIN, CHUCK SCHUMER, CASS SUNSTEIN, JACOB LEW, and all the other Neo-Con "Democrat"  JEWS  pulled their"HOPE"  BAIT & SWITCH... turning their puppet Obama into a BUSH III warmonger, treasury looter, and WAR ON FREE PRESS & WHISTLEBLOWERS demagogue proto-dictator...  turning the Bush-Cheney-Chertoff era DHS into a JEWISH RUN CHEKA  TERRORIST POLICE AGENCY TARGETING AMERICAN citizens for extermination....]   
  Obama is [AND McCAIN REPUBLICANS are]  now pushing massive funding for Syrian rebels who have NOT ONLY BEEN LINKED to al QAEDA,  but are gruesomely beheading innocent Christians and using 14-year-old child soldiers. 
[promoting GENOCIDE, ETHNIC CLEANSING, and "divide and conquer" terrorizing race wars, IS the jewish agenda... and the jews  HATE  CHRIST as a 'TRAITOR', and therefore they HATE  Christ-ians,  more than they hate Muslims!]    
And virtually no one seems to even be questioning the Obama administration’s support of these chaotic troops who kill innocent citizens using US-funded arms in a bid to throw Syria’s current system into insanity.   
[ "NO ONE SEEMS TO BE QUESTIONING" this GENOCIDAL, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY 'foreign policy' because AMERICA's  press/media  is/are CONTROLLED BY JEWS, and  GENOCIDE  and EXTERMINATION perpetrated against both designated 'enemies'  and  'former'  ALLIES,  IS the 3,500 year agenda & CORE  IDENTITY  of judaism!]  
What’s perhaps even worse is that Obama has been pushing to continue this funding in a battle with reasonable lawmakers in a move that highlights his continued support of Syrian rebels who massacre innocents in public beheading sessions (that are met with applause and cheers).  
It’s even hidden [in plain view] in the mainstream news, yet the media pieces on the subject somehow fail to generate any social media sharing or view counts for the most part. 
[The jews have been perfecting their "NARRATIVE" INVERSION of REALITY for 3,500 years... for example, portraying jews who EXTORTED gold, silver, and clothing from Egyptians as hapless victims - a MEDIA PROPAGANDA SKILL they powerfully exert, today, that turns victims into aggressors, and aggressors into victims.]  
Just look at the August 2012 Reuters admission that Obama secretly went ahead and enabled support for Syrian rebels while bypassing any form of checks or balances. Flash forward to June 2013 with the headline ‘Syrians behead Christians for helping military, as CIA ships in arms’ inThe Washington Times publication, and we’re still letting this happen.  
  [the jews DO NOT  believe in democracy - Moses, David, Solomon,  'the judges' and ALL OTHER bible jewish leaders, DESTROYED, MURDERED, and MASSACRED _ALL_ their opponents... including "rebellious" jews - with only rare exceptions.]    
From the report in The Washington Times:
“A priest and another Christian were beheaded before a cheering crowd by Syrian insurgents who say they aided and abetted the enemy… The reported beheading of the two Christians comes about the same time America has started sending arms to rebel fighters, the Wall Street Journal revealed this week.”
In other words the supposedly ‘Christian’ (a laughable declaration) Obama not only allows for these rebels to kill all Christians who do not convert and pay excessive taxes to the rebel army, but is the driving force behind it. How truly Christian of him. In fact, let’s look at the options innocent Christians are given by the Syrian rebels who wield CIA-given weaponry as according to the missionaries who have been to the Christian communities in Syria:  
1. Renounce their Christian faith and convert immediately to Islam (to potentially have your life spared after swearing to the Syrian rebels and Islam).
2. Pay an extremely heavy tax to the Syrian rebels to potentially save your life and be able to secretly continue being a Christian (unless they decided to behead you anyway).
3. Immediately choose death, likely via beheading in the center of town to scare off your friends and family from challenging the Syrian rebel army.
4. Flee for your life and hope the Syrian rebels don’t find you or kill your family. All of your belongings left behind now belong to the Syrian rebels.
As you can see, these are the truly ’humane’ options supported by the United States government. And they’re getting away with this thanks to the general public having no idea what’s going on. In two months, the funding officially runs out — at least for this fiscal year. Amazingly, however, the House and Senate Intelligence Committees both went ahead and approved the continued support of the Syrian rebels. Just like how our elected officialsrecently sided with the NSA in continuing the gargantuan funding that fuels the agency.
The media is doing a great job on covering a bogus debate (if they cover the subject at all) over whether or not they need more funding to take down Assad, and once again it’s up to independent news outlets to blast this information out.
If you ever had doubts as to the true nature of the sociopaths inside government and the lengths they will go to secure their agenda, you now have proof.
Originally appeared at Story Leak.
Related posts:
  1. Gruesome Video Shows Syrian Rebel Beheading Civilian
  1. Video: Syrian Rebels Make Child Behead Prisoner
  1. Obama-Backed Syrian Rebels Praise Bin Laden, Celebrate 9/11 Attacks
  1. With Syrian Christians in Peril, Archbishop Says Don’t Send More Weapons
  1. Why Is the U.S. Government Funding Islamic Terrorists Who Are Killing Christians?

With the  JUDEO ORCHESTRATED  AL QAEDA PROXY INVASION of SYRIA,  America's foreign policy is now revealed to be  FULLY TREASONOUS:
 if we or any of our readers were to  donate so little as  $20 to any of these LISTED TERRORIST GROUPS fighting the Assad government in Syria,
WE WOULD INSTANTLY BE EARMARKED by the DHS Jewish Cheka in Washington  as "terrorist funders"-

 - yet the OBAMA WHITE HOUSE,  the John Kerry STATE DEPARTMENT, the U.S. CIA and military, and Republican ruled Con-gress  are
SUPPLYING THESE SAME  AL QAEDA hardened fighters TERROR GROUPS  with millions upon millions upon millions of dollars of  funding, weapons, support, and direction,  up to and including heavy weapons, POISON GAS, & man-portable anti-aircraft missiles...

 ... man-portable anti-aircraft missles that can in the near future be used to shoot down AMERICAN AIRLINERS, which is almost guaranteed, because of course the  EVIL JEWS  RUNNING the AL QAEDA TERROR INVASION OF SYRIA,  hate al Qaeda Sunni Muslims almost as much as they Syrian & Iranian (and Bahrain, etc.) Shiite Muslims (or, heavens forbid, Mideastern Christians)...

 ...which means the evil jews and their AMERICAN PUPPETS will soon enough TURN ON their current AL QAEDA TERRORIST ALLIES, which will of course goad those "allies" to shoot down U.S. or israeli airliners, when that time comes.... which will just give the out-of-control, metastasizing, TREASONOUS U.S. "national security" (sic) agencies and police state "CHEKA" apparatus  the NEW EXCUSE they need to EXTORT BILLIONS MORE in funding and dictator powers from the already  extorted & enslaved 
(to israel, the despicable, genocidal, theocratic dictatorial prison gulag apartheid state)
American taxpayers....

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