In our previous post, we explained how the TREASONOUS jews at the SULZBERGER NY Times have been PIMPING an AL QAEDA JIHADI U.S. & israel instigated and run PROXY TERRORIST INVASION of Syria...
below, today we get a DIRECT CONNECTION with what the TRAITORS as the Sulzberger NY Slimes are really advocating:
a COMPLETE Nazi style MARTIAL LAW judeo war lobby DICTATORSHIP in America,
once their INSTIGATED jihadi TERRORISTS start ATTACKING IN AMERICA... again!
(As they already did on 9-11 2001)
- in the White House, in the Con-gress, in the jewish infested STATE DEPARTMENT,
and at the relentlessly CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY promoting propaganda nest of TREASONOUS LIARS and TRAITORS, the SULZBERGER NY SLIMES !!
YES, America - the above al-Zawahari led AL QAEDA TERRORIST "rebels"
ARE RECEIVING CIA SUPPLIED WEAPONS per the orders of TRAITORS obama, kerry, panetta, patreaus, hillary, mccain, lindsey graham and all the other TRAITORS pimping this evil TERRORIST WAR,
and by the entire infested & corrupt U.S. Con-gress AS WE SPEAK !!
below, today we get a DIRECT CONNECTION with what the TRAITORS as the Sulzberger NY Slimes are really advocating:
a COMPLETE Nazi style MARTIAL LAW judeo war lobby DICTATORSHIP in America,
once their INSTIGATED jihadi TERRORISTS start ATTACKING IN AMERICA... again!
(As they already did on 9-11 2001)
- in the White House, in the Con-gress, in the jewish infested STATE DEPARTMENT,
and at the relentlessly CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY promoting propaganda nest of TREASONOUS LIARS and TRAITORS, the SULZBERGER NY SLIMES !!
YES, America - the above al-Zawahari led AL QAEDA TERRORIST "rebels"
ARE RECEIVING CIA SUPPLIED WEAPONS per the orders of TRAITORS obama, kerry, panetta, patreaus, hillary, mccain, lindsey graham and all the other TRAITORS pimping this evil TERRORIST WAR,
and by the entire infested & corrupt U.S. Con-gress AS WE SPEAK !!